global $aLangTxt;
$aLangTxt = array(
'menuAdmin'=>'Setup ',
'menuGroup'=>'Group: ',
'menuLang'=>'Language: ',
'menuSkin'=>'Skin: ',
'menuReload'=>'Reload interval: ',
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// basic errors
// ------------------------------------------------------------
'error-wrong-group'=>'The group [%s] does not exist.',
'error-no-group'=>'No group of servers was found. Please create one in the setup.',
'error-server-not-in-group'=>'Server [%s] does not exist in group [%s].',
'error-no-server-in-group'=>'No server was defined in the selected group [%s]. Add one in the setup.',
'error-no-server'=>'No server was given to analyze. After adding servers in the config select a server or server group on top.',
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// version check
// ------------------------------------------------------------
'versionUptodate'=>'OK (up to date)',
'versionUpdateAvailable'=>'Version %s is available',
'versionManualCheck'=>'check for a new version',
'authAccessDenied'=>'<h1>Access denied.</h1>User and password are required.',
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// for menu of views:
// label for menu and h2
// ------------------------------------------------------------
'view_allrequests.php_label'=>'All requests',
'view_original.php_label'=>'Original server-status',
'view_performance-check.php_label'=>'Performance checks',
'view_serverinfos.php_label'=>'Server info',
'view_selectserver.php_label'=>'List of groups and servers',
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// for all tables in the views
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// ............................................................
'lblInitialSetup'=>'Initial Setup',
'lblInitialSetupAbort'=>'Sorry, the initial setup was executed already.',
A config file of the former version 1.x was detected.<br>
Recommendation: execute the upgrade to
<li>convert existing settings incl. user and password</li>
<li>transfer all defined apache servers
<a href="upgrade.php" class="btn btn-primary">Upgrade my config</a><br>
select one of the next tabs to start with a new, empty config.
'lblInitialSetupTab1'=>'Protect with a user and password',
Welcome to the Pimped Apache status.<br>
First of all: protect the tool and setup an admin user.
'lblInitialSetupTab2'=>'No Protection',
Sure you have the possibility to restrict the access to this tool by ip address or another authentication in your httpd config.<br>
Please Remind: never let it be open to the public internet!<br>
Here you can skip the internal authentication.<br>
'lblRepeatPassword'=>'Repeat password',
'lblInitialSetupSaved'=>'OK, data were saved.',
'lblInitialSetupSaveFailed'=>'Something went wrong. Please enter a username and twice the same password.',
// ............................................................
'lblTable_status_workers'=>'Worker status',
The table shows the status of apache worker processes of marked server or all marked servers of a group.<br>
<li>"total" is the total count of worker processes</li>
<li>"busy" count of active worker processes (status M is not equal "_" and not eqal ".").</li>
<li>"idle" is count of processes with status "_".</li>
// ............................................................
'lblTable_status'=>'Server status',
'lblTableHint_status'=>'The table shows status information of the webserver(s)',
// ............................................................
'lblTile_server_responsetime'=>'Response time',
'lblTileHint_server_responsetime'=>'Response time to fetch status from all servers',
'lblTileHint_server_count'=>'Count of requested webservers',
// ............................................................
'lblTileHint_requests_all'=>'Total count of (active and inactive) requests on all servers',
'lblTable_requests_all'=>'List of all requests',
'lblTableHint_requests_all'=>'The table shows all active and inactive requests.',
// ............................................................
'lblTile_requests_running'=>'Active requ.',
'lblTileHint_requests_running'=>'Active requests',
'lblTable_requests_running'=>'Active requests',
'lblTableHint_requests_running'=>'The table shows requests that are currently processed on the selected webserver(s).',
// ............................................................
'lblTile_requests_mostrequested'=>'Most requested',
'lblTileHint_requests_mostrequested'=>'Most often requested query',
'lblTable_requests_mostrequested'=>'Most often processed requests',
The table shows the most often processed requests.<br>
<li>The table is sorted by coloumn "Count".</li>
<li>The table contains active and already finished requests.</li>
// ............................................................
'lblTable_requests_hostlist'=>'Most often requested vhosts',
The table shows the most often requested virtual hosts.<br>
<li>The table is sorted by coloumn "Count".</li>
<li>The table contains active and already finished requests.</li>
// ............................................................
'lblTable_requests_methods' => 'Request methods',
'lblTableHint_requests_methods' => 'Name and count of HTTP-request methods',
// ............................................................
'lblTile_requests_clients' => 'Max. from IP',
'lblTileHint_requests_clients' => 'Maximum count of requests coming from a single IP',
'lblTable_requests_clients' => 'Requests per ip address',
'lblTableHint_requests_clients' => 'List of Clients and their count of (current and finished) requests.<br>
Remark: An ip can be a gateway ip that masks several devices of an enterprise.',
// ............................................................
'lblTile_requests_longest'=>'Slowest request',
'lblTileHint_requests_longest'=>'Slowest request',
'lblTable_requests_longest'=>'Top 25 of slowest requests',
'lblTableHint_requests_longest'=>'The table shows all requests ordered by response time.<br>
<li>The response time in the Apache status is available, if the request is finished.
It is not available for currently procesed requests (its value is always "0").
<li>The table is ordered by columns "Req" (value is in ms)</li>
// ............................................................
'lblTableHint_expalanation'=>'Colours in the tables',
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// description for tables
// ------------------------------------------------------------
'thWorkerServer' => 'webserver',
'thWorkerTotal' => 'total',
'thWorkerActive' => 'busy',
'thWorkerWait' => 'idle',
'thWorkerBar' => 'visual',
'thWorkerActions' => 'actions',
'bartitleFreeWorkers' => 'free workers',
'bartitleBusyWorkers' => 'busy workers',
'bartitleIdleWorkers' => 'idle workers',
'lblLink2Top' => 'top',
'lblHintFilter' => 'Filter table by',
'lblReload' => 'Refresh now',
'lblExportLinks' => 'Export (unfiltered) table',
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// help page
// ------------------------------------------------------------
'lblHintHelpDoc'=>'small hints and links to the documentation',
<strong>Tables - sort</strong><br>
You can sort the table by any coloumn by clicking the name in the
table head with the left mousebutton. Reverse order by clicking
Multi-coloumn sorting is available too: hold the SHIFT key while
clicking in the table head.<br>
<strong>Tables - filter</strong><br>
Use the search field to filter the table.<br>
on some colums you can filter by their entries.<br>
A click to the [X] icon removes the filter.<br>
More detailed information you get here:
If a server-status page is available in the public internet you can
use a bookmarklet to view it here. Without any configuration.<br>
Drag and drop the following link to your bookmarks: ',
'lblHelpColors'=>'Colors of the request rows',
The rows with the requests are colored. The color of each row
depends on the selected skin.<br>
In general the color depends on the criteria below.<br>
The color properties of each group will be added.<br>
'lblHintHelpThanks'=>'The following helpers and and tools were used.',
I say "thank you" to the developers of different
tools I use here in my product:
<li>Admin LTE - Control panel template: <a href="https://adminlte.io/">https://adminlte.io/</a></li>
<li>jQuery: <a href="http://jquery.com/">http://jquery.com/</a></li>
<li>Datatables - sortable tables: <a href="https://datatables.net/">https://datatables.net/</a></li>
<li>array2xml.class - XML export: <a href="http://www.lalit.org/lab/convert-php-array-to-xml-with-attributes">http://www.lalit.org/lab/convert-php-array-to-xml-with-attributes</a></li>
<li>Bootstrap - Html-Framework: <a href="http://getbootstrap.com/">http://getbootstrap.com/</a></li>
<li>Font-awesome - Icons: <a href="https://fontawesome.io/">https://fontawesome.io/</a></li>
<li>jQuery Knob - dials: <a href="https://github.com/aterrien/jQuery-Knob">https://github.com/aterrien/jQuery-Knob</a></li>
<li>Morris JS - charts: <a href="http://morrisjs.github.io/morris.js/index.html">http://morrisjs.github.io/morris.js/index.html</a></li>
// column "comment" by column "M"
'lblStatus' => 'Status',
'cmtLegendM' => 'Mode of operation (column "M")',
'cmtStatus_' => '_ Request finished. Waiting for new Connection',
'cmtStatusS' => 'S Starting up',
'cmtStatusR' => 'R Reading Request',
'cmtStatusW' => 'W Sending Reply',
'cmtStatusK' => 'K Keepalive (read)',
'cmtStatusD' => 'D DNS Lookup',
'cmtStatusC' => 'C Closing connection',
'cmtStatusL' => 'L Logging',
'cmtStatusG' => 'G Gracefully finishing',
'cmtStatusI' => 'I Idle cleanup of worker',
'cmtStatus.' => '. Request finished. Open slot with no current process',
// 'cmtRequest'=>'',
'cmtLegendRequest' => 'HTTP Request method',
'cmtRequestGET' =>'GET',
'cmtRequestHEAD' =>'HEAD',
'cmtRequestPOST' =>'POST',
'cmtRequestPUT' =>'PUT',
'cmtRequestDELETE' =>'DELETE',
'cmtRequestTRACE' =>'TRACE',
'cmtRequestCONNECT' =>'CONNECT',
'cmtRequestNULL' =>'NULL',
'cmtRequestOPTIONS' =>'OPTIONS',
'cmtRequestPROPFIND' =>'PROPFIND',
'cmtLegendexectime' => 'Execution time of a request',
'cmtexectimewarning' =>'warning',
'cmtexectimecritical' =>'critcal',
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// description for debug
// ------------------------------------------------------------
'lblDumpsaUserCfg'=>'$aUserCfg - user configuration',
'lblHintDumpsaUserCfg'=>'The user configuration array is a merge of
the default config and the user specific configuration.',
'lblDumpsaEnv'=>'$aEnv - environent of this current request',
'lblHintDumpsaEnv'=>'It contains information to render output.<br>
Here are name and version of the project, active values
(like current selected server group, laguage or skin).<br>
Below the key "links" are arrays that can be rendered
i.e. as a dropdown or a tablist',
'lblDumpsaSrvStatus'=>'$aSrvStatus - array of server status',
'lblHintDumpsaSrvStatus'=>'Each server has an array key "status" and "request".
These are parsed data from server-status pages.',
'lblDumpsaLang'=>'$aLang - array of language specific texts',
'lblHintDumpsaLang'=>'This table compares the language text arrays of
the activated languages.',
'lblDumpsMiss'=>'!!! This key has no value !!!',
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// software update
// ------------------------------------------------------------
'lblUpdate'=>'Update of the web application',
'lblUpdateNewerVerionAvailable'=>'OK, a newer version is available.',
'lblUpdateNoNewerVerionAvailable'=>'Remark: There is no newer version available. The execution of the updater ist not necessary.',
The update will be done in 2 steps:
<li>Download of the zip file of the current version<br>%s</li>
<li>uncompress zip file</li>
'lblUpdateDonwloadDone'=>'OK, the file was downloaded.<br>In the next step it will be extracted.',
'lblUpdateDonwloadFailed'=>'Error: unable to download the zip file.',
'lblUpdateInstalldir'=>'Local installation directory: %s',
'lblUpdateContinue'=>'Continue »',
'lblUpdateUnzipFile'=>'Extract file: %s<br>To: %s',
'lblUpdateUnzipOK'=>'OK: the new version was extracted. Have fun!<br>If you like the software you can support it and make me happy if you go to the docs page (see the footer below) and share it or donate a few bugs.<br>Helper for translations into other languages are welcome too...',
'lblUpdateUnzipFailed'=>'Error: unable to open the zip file.',
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// javascript
// ------------------------------------------------------------
'js::srvFilterPlaceholder'=>'find a server',
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// admin
// ------------------------------------------------------------
'ActionAddServer'=>'Add server',
'ActionAddServergroup'=>'Add server group',
'ActionDeleteHint'=>'Delete this entry. If you are sure.',
'ActionDownloadHint'=>'Download this library.',
'ActionOKHint'=>'Save changes',
'ActionResetToDefaultsHint'=>'Reset to default value',
'AdminHintSettingsCompare'=>'You see all default variables and which of them the user config overrides.<br>',
'AdminMenuSettings-var'=>'variable name',
'AdminMenuSettings-default'=>'default value',
'AdminMenuSettings-uservalue'=>'user value',
'AdminHintRaw-internal-config_default'=>'View to raw data of all default values.<br>',
'AdminHintRaw-config_user'=>'Edit user config as raw data.<br>',
'AdminHintServers'=>'Create groups.<br>'
. 'In each group you can add your apache servers you want to monitor. All status pages of servers in the same group will be requested simultanously.<br>'
. 'So you can monitor a loadbalanced website. Nice, isn\'t it?<br>'
. 'Or just group a few servers to keep an eye to the traffic of a single project, i.e. static server, application server, caching server.<br>',
'AdminServersLblAddGroup'=>'Add a new group of servers.',
'AdminLblGroup-label'=>'Name of the group',
'AdminServersLblAddServer'=>'Add an Apache http server to this group.',
'AdminLblServers'=>'Configure apache servers you want to monitor',
'AdminLblServers-ConfirmDelete'=>'Are you sure to delete the server\n%s?',
'AdminLblServers-label'=>'Server name',
'AdminLblServers-label-Hint'=>'Enter the server name of the apache webserver.',
'AdminLblServers-status-url'=>'url of status page',
'AdminLblServers-status-url-Hint'=>'Url of status page. If you leave it empty the default status url <em>http://[servername]/server-status/</em> will be used. You can change it, if you use https instead of http. If you use another port, enter <em>http://[servername]:[port]/server-status/</em>',
'AdminLblServers-userpwd'=>'user and password',
'AdminLblServers-userpwd-Hint'=>'optional value; Fill in this field if the server status page is password protected.<br>Syntax is <em>[username]:[password]</em>',
'AdminMessageServer-add-defaults-ok' => 'OK: Default group and server have been created.',
'AdminMessageServer-add-defaults-error' => 'ERROR: Unable to create default group and server.',
'AdminMessageServer-addgroup-error' => 'ERROR: group %s cannot be added.',
'AdminMessageServer-addgroup-ok' => 'OK: group %s was added.',
'AdminMessageServer-deletegroup-error' => 'ERROR: group %s was not deleted.',
'AdminMessageServer-deletegroup-ok' => 'OK: group %s was deleted',
'AdminMessageServer-updategroup-error' => 'ERROR: group %s cannot be updated.',
'AdminMessageServer-updategroup-ok' => 'OK: group %s was updated.',
'AdminMessageServer-addserver-error' => 'ERROR: server %s cannot be added.',
'AdminMessageServer-addserver-ok' => 'OK: server %s was added.',
'AdminMessageServer-deleteserver-error' => 'ERROR: server %s cannot be deleted.',
'AdminMessageServer-deleteserver-ok' => 'OK: server %s was deleted.',
'AdminMessageServer-updateserver-error' => 'ERROR: server %s cannot be updated.',
'AdminMessageServer-updateserver-ok' => 'OK: server %s was updated.',
'AdminMessageSettings-update-error-no-json' => 'SKIP: sent data are not valid JSON. Keeping current config. You can try to go back to fix it.',
'AdminMessageSettings-update-error' => 'ERROR: user config file was not saved :-/',
'AdminMessageSettings-update-ok' => 'OK: user config file was saved.',
'AdminMessageSettings-wrong-key' => 'WARNING: user config key [%s] is not a valid setting. This information is useless: ',
'AdminHintVendor'=>'Used vendor libraries and the place where they are loaded from. Using remote or local libs has no functional impact.<br>Download the libaries to increase the speed of this web app and/ or to run it without additional internet access.',
'AdminVendorLibLocalinstallations'=>'<strong>%s</strong> libs are in use and <strong>%s</strong> of them are local. Download all libs for best performance.',
'AdminVendorLibAllLocal'=>'All <strong>%s</strong> used libs are local.',
'AdminHintUpdates'=>'Update this web application.<br>',
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// cfg values
// ------------------------------------------------------------
'cfg-auth'=>'Internal authentication to protect access to the Apache status data.<br>Set a username and the md5 hash of its password or <em>auth: false</em> to disable internal protection (to use a restriction in httpd config).',
'cfg-autoreload'=>'Time to auto reload page. The array contains values in seconds that will be visible as a dropdown.',
'AdminLblVar-autoreload'=>'time in sec',
'cfg-checkupdate'=>'How often to check for an update. The value is in [s]. The value 0 turns off the check. Default is 1 day.',
'cfg-datatableOptions'=>'Javascript object for datatable. Do not override this.',
'cfg-defaultTemplate'=>'Do not override this.',
'cfg-defaultView'=>'Default view is Server info page.',
'cfg-debug'=>'Enable client debugging infos. Default is false.',
'cfg-tmpdir'=>'Temp directory. This directory needs write permissions. Default is tmp (= [Appdir]/tmp]).',
'cfg-execTimeRequest'=>'An array to define values in [ms] for long requests: one for warning and one for critical long requests.',
'cfg-hideRows'=>'Array of rows to hide. You can save some space not to display all colums. Warning: do not hide important rows!',
'cfg-icons'=>'Do not override this.',
'cfg-lang'=>'Currently active default language.',
'cfg-selectLang'=>'Array of selectable languages',
'cfg-selectSkin'=>'Array of selectable skins',
'cfg-showHint'=>'show hints (true/ false)',
'cfg-skin'=>'Currently active default skin.',
'cfg-tdbars'=>'Table rows that show a bar.',
'cfg-tdlink'=>'special links for table rows.',
'cfg-views'=>'list of the visible menu items',
'cfg-viewsadmin'=>'list of the visible admin menu items',
'cfg-wrongitem'=>'!!wrong key!!',