* vim: set tabstop=4 :
* vim: set number :
* The template file that draws the layout to add a bookmark.
* @package be.nauta.booby.plugins.bookmarks.view
* @author Barry Nauta
* @copyright Barry Nauta
* This file is part of the Booby project.
* The booby project is located at the following location:
* http://www.nauta.be/booby/
* Copyright (c) 2003 - 2004 Barry Nauta
* The Booby project is released under the General Public License
* More detailes in the file 'gpl.html' or on the following
* website: <code>http://www.gnu.org</code> and look for licenses
* Enjoy :-)
<h2><?php echo $dictionary['add'] ?> <?php echo $dictionary['bookmark'] ?></h2>
<form method="POST" action="BookmarkController.php">
<table width="80%" border="0">
echo ('<tr><td>'.$icons['warning'].'</td><td>');
foreach($parameters['errors'] as $error)
echo ($dictionary[$error].'<br />');
echo ('</td></tr>');
<?php echo $dictionary['title'] ?>:
<input type="text" name="name"
size="40" value="<?php echo $renderObjects->name ?>" />
<!-- Visibility section -->
if (true)
// if creating a folder is subject to rights management, put here
<?php echo $dictionary['folder'] ?>: <input type="radio" name="isParent"
value="1" <?php echo ($renderObjects->isParent ? "checked" : "") ?> /><br />
<?php echo $dictionary['link'] ?>: <input type="radio" name="isParent"
value="0" <?php echo ($renderObjects->isParent ? "" : "checked") ?> />
<input type="hidden" name="isParent" value="0" />
<?php echo $dictionary['item_public'] ?>: <input type="radio" name="visibility"
value="public" <?php if($renderObjects->visibility == "public") echo "checked" ?> /><br />
<?php echo $dictionary['item_private'] ?>: <input type="radio" name="visibility"
value="private" <?php if($renderObjects->visibility == "private" || $renderObjects->visibility==null || $renderObjects->visibility=="") echo "checked" ?> />
<!-- Locator -->
<?php echo $dictionary['url'] ?>:
<input type="text" name="locator"
size="40" value="<?php echo ($renderObjects->locator != "" ? $renderObjects->locator : "http://") ?>"/>
<?php echo $dictionary['description'] ?>:
<textarea name="description"
cols="80" rows="10"
><?php echo $renderObjects->description ?></textarea>
<br />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="addBookmark" />
<input type="hidden" name="parentId" value="<?php echo $parentId ?>" >
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo $dictionary['add'] ?>" name="addBookmark">