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File: obj_helper.php

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File: obj_helper.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: objSQL auxillary helper class
Class: objSQL
Access different databases with the same interface
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Date: 8 years ago
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<?php /** * objSQL auxillary helper class * * @package objSQL * @version 3.9.0 * @author MT Jordan <> * @copyright 2016 * @license zlib/libpng * @link */ class obj_helper { /********************************************** * Public methods *********************************************/ /** * Check if PHP extension is enabled and return driver type or false on failure * * @access public * @param array $datasource * @param str $db_type * @param array $driver_array * @return mixed */ public static function obj_helper_datasource( $datasource, $db_type, $driver_array ) { $obj_return = false; $obj_driver = self::obj_helper_driver( $db_type, $driver_array ); //verify db type if ( array_key_exists( $db_type, $driver_array ) ) { if ( $obj_driver !== false ) $obj_return = $obj_driver; else //throw error if extension(s) isn't enabled trigger_error( "$db_type extensions are not enabled.", \E_USER_WARNING); } else { //throw error if db type invalid trigger_error( "Unsupported database type: $datasource[0].", \E_USER_WARNING); } return $obj_return; } /** * Returns delete query string * * @access public * @param str $table * @param str $where * @return str */ public static function obj_helper_delete( $table, $where, $data=false, $batch_id=false ) { $query_where = ''; if ( !$data || !$batch_id ) { $query_where = ( !trim( $where ) ) ? '' : "WHERE $where"; } else { $delete_data = ( is_array( $data ) ) ? implode( ',', $data ) : $data; $query_where = "WHERE $batch_id IN ($delete_data)"; } return "DELETE FROM $table $query_where"; } /** * Returns associative array with general database and script information * * @access public * @param str $version * @param str $db_type * @param array $instance * @param str $driver * @return array */ public static function obj_helper_info( $version, $db_type, $instance, $driver ) { return ['OBJSQL_VERSION' => $version, 'DATABASE_NAME' => $instance[2], 'DATABASE_TYPE' => $db_type, 'DATABASE_DRIVER' => "php_$driver", 'DATABASE_VERSION' => $instance[0], 'DATABASE_CHARSET' => $instance[1], 'PHP_VERSION' => phpversion()]; } /** * Returns insert query string * * @access public * @param str $table * @param array $data_array * @param str $db_type * @return str */ public static function obj_helper_insert( $table, $data_array, $db_type ) { $query_sql = ''; //$data_array MUST be a key value pair array //value can be a one dim array or comma delimited string $array_keys = array_keys( $data_array ); $array_vals = array_values( $data_array ); //if array_vals[$i] is a string, convert to array for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $array_vals ); $i++ ) { if ( !is_array( $array_vals[$i] ) ) { $temp_array = explode( ',', $array_vals[$i] ); $array_vals[$i] = $temp_array; } } //check for batch insert if count > 1 $array_vals_cnt = count( $array_vals[0] ); for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $array_vals[0] ); $i++ ) { $query_insert[] = '('; for ( $j = 0; $j < count( $array_vals ); $j++ ) { if ( is_string( $array_vals[$j][$i] ) && !is_numeric( $array_vals[$j][$i] ) ) $query_insert[] = "'{$array_vals[$j][$i]}'"; else $query_insert[] = $array_vals[$j][$i]; } $query_insert[] = ')'; } $query_cols = implode( ',', $array_keys ); $query_vals = str_replace([',),(,', ',)', '(,'], ['),(', ')', '('], implode( ',', $query_insert ) ); if ( $array_vals_cnt > 1 && ( $db_type == 'firebird' || $db_type == 'oracle' ) ) $query_sql = self::obj_insert_sql( $query_cols, $query_vals, $db_type, $table ); else $query_sql = "INSERT INTO $table ($query_cols) VALUES $query_vals"; return $query_sql; } /** * Returns paging query vars * * @access public * @param str $cols * @param str $where * @param str $order_by * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @return array */ public static function obj_helper_paging( $cols, $where, $order_by, $limit, $offset ) { //make sure $limit & $offset are unsigned ints > 0 $set_offset = ( is_numeric( $offset ) && $offset > 0 ) ? (int)$offset : 1; $set_limit = ( is_numeric( $limit ) && $limit > 0 ) ? (int)$limit : 1; $query_cols = ( !trim( $cols ) ) ? '*' : $cols; $query_where = ( !trim( $where ) ) ? '' : "WHERE $where"; $query_order = ( !trim( $order_by ) ) ? '' : "ORDER BY $order_by"; $query_offset = ( $set_offset - 1 ) * $set_limit; return [$query_cols, $query_where, $query_order , $set_limit, $query_offset]; } /** * Returns row count query vars * * @access public * @param str $cols * @param str $where * @return array */ public static function obj_helper_row_count( $cols, $where ) { $query_cols = ( !trim( $cols ) ) ? '*' : $cols; $query_where = ( !trim( $where ) ) ? '' : "WHERE $where"; return [$query_cols, $query_where]; } /** * Returns select query string * * @access public * @param str $table * @param str $cols * @param str $where * @param str $order_by * @param str $sort_order * @return str */ public static function obj_helper_select( $table, $cols, $where, $order_by, $sort_order ) { $query_cols = ( !trim( $cols ) ) ? '*' : $cols; $query_where = ( !trim( $where ) ) ? '' : "WHERE $where"; $query_order = ( !trim( $order_by ) ) ? '' : "ORDER BY $order_by"; $query_sort = ( !trim( $sort_order ) && strtolower( $sort_order ) != 'desc' && strtolower( $sort_order ) != 'asc' ) ? '' : $sort_order; return "SELECT $query_cols FROM $table $query_where $query_order $query_sort"; } /** * Returns update query string * * @access public * @param str $table * @param array $data_array * @param str $where * @param mixed $batch_id * @param mixed $batch_field * @return str */ public static function obj_helper_update( $table, $data_array, $where, $batch_id, $batch_field ) { $obj_return = ''; if ( !$batch_id && !$batch_field ) { //$data_array MUST be a key value pair array $query_cols = array_keys( $data_array ); $query_vals = array_values( $data_array ); $query_where = ( !trim( $where ) ) ? '' : "WHERE $where"; $query_update = ''; for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $data_array ); $i++ ) { if ( is_string( $query_vals[$i] ) && !is_numeric( $query_vals[$i] ) ) $query_update .= "{$query_cols[$i]}='{$query_vals[$i]}',"; else $query_update .= "{$query_cols[$i]}={$query_vals[$i]},"; } $query_vars = rtrim( $query_update, ',' ); $obj_return = "UPDATE $table SET $query_vars $query_where"; } else { //treat as batch process $obj_return = self::obj_update_sql( $data_array, $batch_id, $batch_field, $table ); } return $obj_return; } /********************************************** * Private methods *********************************************/ /** * Validate and load driver extension or false on failure * * @access private * @param str $db_type * @param array $driver_array * @return mixed */ private static function obj_helper_driver( $db_type, $driver_array ) { $obj_return = false; $obj_db_type = ( $db_type === 'mariadb' ) ? 'mysql' : $db_type; if ( extension_loaded ( $driver_array[$obj_db_type][1] ) ) { //load PDO driver if enabled $obj_return = $driver_array[$obj_db_type][1]; require_once "drivers/$obj_db_type/pdo_driver.php"; } elseif ( extension_loaded ( $driver_array[$obj_db_type][0] ) ) { //load standard driver if enabled $obj_return = $driver_array[$obj_db_type][0]; require_once "drivers/$obj_db_type/driver.php"; } return $obj_return; } /** * Set SQL statement for batch inserts for firebird or oracle * * @access private * @param str $query_cols * @param str $data * @param str $db_type * @param str $table * @return str */ private static function obj_insert_sql( $query_cols, $data, $db_type, $table ) { $query_vals = explode( '~:^', ( str_replace( '),(', ')~:^(', $data ) ) ); $query_sql = ( $db_type == 'firebird' ) ? 'EXECUTE BLOCK AS BEGIN ' : 'INSERT ALL '; for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $query_vals ); $i++ ) { if ( $db_type == 'firebird' ) $query_sql .= "INSERT INTO $table ($query_cols) VALUES $query_vals[$i];"; else $query_sql .= "INTO $table ($query_cols) VALUES $query_vals[$i] "; } $query_sql .= ( $db_type == 'firebird' ) ? ' END' : ' SELECT * FROM DUAL'; return $query_sql; } /** * Set SQL statement for batch updates * * @access private * @param array $data_array * @param mixed $batch_id * @param mixed $batch_field * @return str */ private static function obj_update_sql( $data_array, $batch_id, $batch_field, $table ) { $query_sql = "UPDATE $table SET $batch_field = CASE $batch_id "; $query_cols = array_keys( $data_array ); $query_vals = array_values( $data_array ); for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $query_vals ); $i++ ) { if ( is_string( $query_vals[$i] ) && !is_numeric( $query_vals[$i] ) ) $query_sql .= "WHEN $query_cols[$i] THEN '{$query_vals[$i]}' "; else $query_sql .= "WHEN $query_cols[$i] THEN $query_vals[$i] "; } $query_sql .= "END WHERE $batch_id IN (" . implode( ',', $query_cols ) . ")"; return $query_sql; } } /** * Protected methods from extended connection classes * * @access protected */ abstract class obj_access { /** * Abstract protected methods from extended connection classes * * @access protected */ abstract protected function obj_db_close(); abstract protected function obj_db_connection(); abstract protected function obj_db_error(); abstract protected function obj_db_escape_data( $str ); abstract protected function obj_db_message(); abstract protected function obj_db_info(); abstract protected function obj_db_paging( $table, $cols, $where, $order_by, $limit, $offset ); abstract protected function obj_db_rowcount( $table, $cols, $where ); } /* EOF obj_helper.php */ /* Location: ./obj_helper.php */