* In front of use of this test necessary to create a database in mySQL.
* SQL queries for creation of tables can be taken from file base.sql in root
* directory. After it need specified the linking up parameters to database
* beneath in this test or in file config.ini.
* NOTE: For correct job of tests the database should be empty. Use SQL-queries
* only from a file base.sql and do not fill in base the data from a file
* tree.sql.
$user = 'root';
$pass = '';
$host = 'localhost';
$name = 'myXTree';
$prefix = 'xt_';
$config['PATH']['pear'] = $root.'/PEAR';
$config['PATH']['myxml'] = $root.'/myXML';
$config['PATH']['myxtree'] = $root.'/myXTree';
function getmicrotime() {
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
$time_start = getmicrotime();
if (file_exists('config.ini')) {
$config = parse_ini_file('config.ini', true);
extract($config['DB'], EXTR_OVERWRITE);
$dsn = "mysql://$user:$pass@$host/$name";
if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
$searchPath = implode(';', $config['PATH']).';';
} else {
$searchPath = implode(':', $config['PATH']).':';
// Set the search path.
ini_set('include_path', $searchPath);
$db = DB::connect($dsn);
PEAR::isError($db) and
$xtree =& myXTree::create($db, $prefix);
print str_repeat(' ', 256);flush();
print('<br><br>Start speed test with distribution of nodes #1');flush();
$speed = new SpeedTest(&$xtree);
print('<br><br>Start speed test with distribution of nodes #2');flush();
$speed->childs = 5;
$GLOBALS['_PEAR_destructor_object_list'] = array();