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File: third_party/DevelBar/hooks/Develbar.php

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File: third_party/DevelBar/hooks/Develbar.php
Role: Configuration script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Configuration script
Class: CodeIgniter Develbar
CodeIgniter library to show a developer toolbar
Author: By
Last change: Update of third_party/DevelBar/hooks/Develbar.php
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 17,245 bytes


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<?php /** * Class DevelBar * * @package DevelBar * @author Mohamed ES-SAHLI | [email protected] * @link */ defined('BASEPATH') or die('No direct script access.'); class Develbar { /** * DevelBar version */ const VERSION = '1.2.2'; /** * Supported CI version */ const SUPPORTED_CI_VERSION = '3.0'; /** * @var object */ private $CI; /** * @var string */ private $view_folder = 'develbar/'; /** * @var string */ private $assets_folder = ''; /** * @var array */ private $views = array(); /** * List of helpers * * @var array */ private $helpers = array( 'utility', 'language', 'url', 'text' ); /** * @var array */ private $mimes = array( 'text/html' ); /** * List of profiler sections available */ private $default_options = array( 'enable_develbar' => false, 'check_update' => false, 'develbar_sections' => array( 'Benchmarks' => true, 'Memory Usage' => true, 'Request' => true, 'Database' => true, 'Hooks' => true, 'Models' => true, 'Libraries' => true, 'Helpers' => true, 'Views' => true, 'Config' => true, 'Session' => true, 'Ajax' => true, ), ); /** * DevelBar constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->initialize(); } /** * Initialize DevelBar library */ private function initialize() { $this->CI =& get_instance(); $this->CI->load->config('develbar', true); $this->CI->load->helpers($this->helpers); // Initialize default options $config = $this->CI->config->config['develbar']; $this->default_options = array_merge($this->default_options, $config); $this->assets_folder = APPPATH . 'third_party/DevelBar/assets/'; // Load lang file if exists $this->load_lang_file(); log_message('debug', 'DevelBar Class Initialized !'); } /** * Load translation file for the default language, * if the file does not exists, set english version as default * * @return void */ private function load_lang_file() { $default_language = $this->CI->config->config['language']; $lang_file = APPPATH . 'third_party/DevelBar/language/' . $default_language . '/develbar_lang.php'; if (!file_exists($lang_file)) { $default_language = 'english'; } $this->CI->load->language('develbar', $default_language); } /** * Start Debug Mode * * @return void */ public function debug() { if (version_compare(CI_VERSION, self::SUPPORTED_CI_VERSION, '<')) { log_message('info', sprintf($this->CI->lang->line('version_not_supported'), anchor($this->default_options['ci_website']))); } if (is_cli()) { $this->CI->output->_display(); return; } if ($this->CI->input->is_ajax_request()) { $this->debug_ajax_request(); return; } if ($this->default_options['enable_develbar'] == true && $this->CI->router->class != 'develbarprofiler' && in_array($this->CI->output->get_content_type(), $this->mimes) ) { if (version_compare(CI_VERSION, self::SUPPORTED_CI_VERSION, '<')) { $this->default_options['check_update'] = true; $this->views['not_supported'] = $this->CI->load->view($this->view_folder . 'not_supported', array('config' => $this->default_options), true); } else { foreach ($this->default_options['develbar_sections'] as $section => $enabled) { if ($enabled) { $section = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $section)); $this->views[$section] = call_user_func(array($this, $section . '_section')); } } } $output = $this->CI->output->get_output(); $develBarOutput = $this->develbar_output(); // Patch for Pace.js or similar if (true == $this->default_options['develbar_sections']['Ajax']) { $js = $this->CI->load->file($this->assets_folder.'js/ajax.js', true); $js = '<script type="text/javascript">'.$js.'</script>'; $output = preg_replace('|<head>(.*?)<\/head>|is', '<head>'.$js.'$1</head>', $output, 1, $count); if (!$count) { $output = preg_replace('|(<script)|is', $js.'$1', $output, 1); } } // END Patch $output = preg_replace('|</body>.*?</html>|is', '', $output, -1, $count) . $develBarOutput; if ($count > 0) { $output .= '</body></html>'; } $this->CI->output->_display($output); return; } $this->CI->output->_display(); } /** * Debug Ajax requests */ private function debug_ajax_request() { $this->CI->load->driver('cache', array('adapter' => 'file', 'key_prefix' => 'ci_toolbar_profiler_')); $develbarConfig = $this->CI->config->config['develbar']; $profiler['ajax_requests'] = $this->request_section(false); $profiler['database'] = $this->database_section(false); $profiler['models'] = $this->models_section(false); $profiler['helpers'] = $this->helpers_section(false); $profiler['libraries'] = $this->libraries_section(false); $profiler['config'] = $this->config_section(false); $profilerId = uniqid('', true); $this->CI->cache->save($profilerId, $profiler, $develbarConfig['profiler_key_expiration_time']); $this->CI->output->set_header("X-CI-Toolbar-Profiler: $profilerId"); $this->CI->output->_display(); } /** * Generate The Developer's Toolbar output. * * @return mixed */ private function develbar_output() { $ci_new_version = $this->default_options['check_update'] === true ? check_ci_version($this->default_options['ci_update_uri']) : false; $develbar_new_version = $this->default_options['check_update'] === true ? check_develbar_version($this->default_options['develbar_update_uri']) : false; $data = array( 'ci_version' => CI_VERSION, 'develBar_version' => self::VERSION, 'sections' => $this->default_options['develbar_sections'], 'ci_new_version' => $ci_new_version, 'develbar_new_version' => $develbar_new_version, 'css' => $this->CI->load->file($this->assets_folder . 'css/develbar.css', true), 'js' => $this->CI->load->file($this->assets_folder . 'js/develbar.js', true), 'logo' => image_base64_encode($this->assets_folder . 'images/ci.png'), 'views' => $this->views, 'config' => $this->default_options, ); return $this->CI->load->view($this->view_folder . 'develbar', $data, true); } /** * Benchmarks section * * This function cycles through the entire array of mark points and * matches any two points that are named identically (ending in "_start" * and "_end" respectively). It then compiles the execution times for * all points and returns it as an array * * @return array */ protected function benchmarks_section($return_view = true) { $data['icon'] = image_base64_encode($this->assets_folder . 'images/timer.png'); $data['benchmarks']['total_time'] = array( 'profile' => 'Total Execution Time', 'elapsed_time' => $this->CI->benchmark->elapsed_time() ); foreach ($this->CI->benchmark->marker as $marker => $time) { if (preg_match("/(.+?)_end/i", $marker, $matches)) { $start = $matches[1] . '_start'; $end = $matches[1] . '_end'; if (isset($this->CI->benchmark->marker[$end]) AND isset($this->CI->benchmark->marker[$start]) ) { $profile = ucwords(str_replace(array('_', '-'), ' ', $matches[1])); $data['benchmarks']['profiles'][] = array( 'profile' => $profile, 'elapsed_time' => $this->CI->benchmark->elapsed_time($start, $end), ); } } } if (!$return_view) { return $data; } return $this->CI->load->view($this->view_folder . 'benchmarks', $data, true); } /** * Display total used memory * * @return mixed */ protected function memory_usage_section() { $data = array( 'icon' => image_base64_encode($this->assets_folder . 'images/memory.png'), 'memory' => $this->CI->benchmark->memory_usage(), ); return $this->CI->load->view($this->view_folder . 'memory_usage', $data, true); } /** * Show the controller and function that were called * * @return mixed */ protected function request_section($return_view = true) { $data = array( 'icon' => image_base64_encode($this->assets_folder . 'images/setting.png'), 'method' => ($method = strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])), 'controller' => $this->CI->router->class, 'action' => $this->CI->router->method, 'parameters' => $this->CI->input->{$method}(), ); if (!$return_view) { return $data; } return $this->CI->load->view($this->view_folder . 'request', $data, true); } /** * Compile Queries * * @param bool $return_view * @return mixed */ protected function database_section($return_view = true) { $dbs = $data = array(); $cobjects = get_object_vars($this->CI); foreach ($cobjects as $name => $cobject) { if (is_object($cobject)) { if ($cobject instanceof CI_DB) { $controller = &get_instance(); if ($controller instanceof CI_Controller) { $database = array( 'database' => $cobject->database, 'hostname' => $cobject->hostname, 'queries' => $cobject->queries, 'query_times' => $cobject->query_times, 'query_count' => $cobject->query_count, ); $dbs[get_class($this->CI) . ':$' . $name] = $database; } } elseif ($cobject instanceof CI_Model) { foreach (get_object_vars($cobject) as $mname => $mobject) { if ($mobject instanceof CI_DB) { $database = array( 'database' => $mobject->database, 'hostname' => $mobject->hostname, 'queries' => $mobject->queries, 'query_times' => $mobject->query_times, 'query_count' => $mobject->query_count, ); $dbs[get_class($cobject) . ':$' . $mname] = $database; } } } } } $data = array( 'icon' => image_base64_encode($this->assets_folder . 'images/database.png'), 'dbs' => $dbs, ); if (!$return_view) { return $data; } return $this->CI->load->view($this->view_folder . 'database', $data, true); } /** * Retrieve activated Hooks * * @return array */ protected function hooks_section() { $total_hooks = 0; $hooks = array(); foreach ($this->CI->hooks->hooks as $hook_point => $_hooks) { if (is_callable($_hooks)) { $hooks[$hook_point][] = 'Closure'; $total_hooks++; continue; } if (!isset($_hooks[0])) { $_hooks = array($_hooks); } foreach ($_hooks as $hook) { if (!array_key_exists('class', $hook)) { $hooks[$hook_point][] = $hook; $total_hooks++; } elseif (class_exists($hook['class']) && get_class($this) != $hook['class']) { $hooks[$hook_point][] = $hook; $total_hooks++; } } } $data = array( 'icon' => $data['icon'] = image_base64_encode($this->assets_folder . 'images/hook.png'), 'loaded_hooks' => $hooks, 'total_hooks' => $total_hooks, ); return $this->CI->load->view($this->view_folder . 'hooks', $data, true); } /** * Lists of loaded libraries * * @param bool $return_view * @return mixed */ protected function libraries_section($return_view = true) { $loaded_libraries =& is_loaded(); asort($loaded_libraries); $data = array( 'icon' => $data['icon'] = image_base64_encode($this->assets_folder . 'images/library.png'), 'loaded_libraries' => $loaded_libraries, ); if (!$return_view) { return $data; } return $this->CI->load->view($this->view_folder . 'libraries', $data, true); } /** * Lists of loaded helpers * * @return mixed */ protected function helpers_section($return_view = true) { $helpers = array_keys($this->CI->load->get_helpers()); asort($helpers); $data = array( 'icon' => $data['icon'] = image_base64_encode($this->assets_folder . 'images/helper.png'), 'helpers' => $helpers, ); if (!$return_view) { return $data; } return $this->CI->load->view($this->view_folder . 'helpers', $data, true); } /** * Lists of loaded Models * * @return mixed */ protected function models_section($return_view = true) { $models = $this->CI->load->get_models(); asort($models); $data = array( 'icon' => $data['icon'] = image_base64_encode($this->assets_folder . 'images/model.png'), 'models' => $this->CI->load->get_models(), ); if (!$return_view) { return $data; } return $this->CI->load->view($this->view_folder . 'models', $data, true); } /** * Lists of loaded helpers * * @return mixed */ protected function views_section() { $views = $this->CI->load->get_views(); $base_path = substr(str_replace(SYSDIR, '', BASEPATH), 0, -1); $_views = array(); foreach ($views as $path => $data) { if (stripos($path, 'develbar') !== false) { continue; } $path = str_replace($base_path, '', $path); $_views[$path] = $data; } $data = array( 'icon' => $data['icon'] = image_base64_encode($this->assets_folder . 'images/view.png'), 'views' => $_views, ); return $this->CI->load->view($this->view_folder . 'views', $data, true); } /** * Lists developer config variables * * @return mixed */ protected function config_section($return_view = true) { unset($this->CI->config->config['develbar']); $data = array( 'icon' => $data['icon'] = image_base64_encode($this->assets_folder . 'images/config.png'), 'configuration' => $this->CI->config->config ); if (!$return_view) { return $data; } return $this->CI->load->view($this->view_folder . 'config', $data, true); } /** * Compile session userdata * * @return mixed */ protected function session_section() { $data = array( 'icon' => $data['icon'] = image_base64_encode($this->assets_folder . 'images/session.png'), 'session' => isset($this->CI->session) ? $this->CI->session->all_userdata() : array() ); return $this->CI->load->view($this->view_folder . 'session', $data, true); } /** * List ajax requests * * @return string */ protected function ajax_section() { $data = array( 'icon' => $data['icon'] = image_base64_encode($this->assets_folder . 'images/ajax.png'), ); return $this->CI->load->view($this->view_folder . 'ajax', $data, true); } }