* jQuery.serialScroll
* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Ariel Flesler - aflesler(at)gmail(dot)com | http://flesler.blogspot.com
* Dual licensed under MIT and GPL.
* Date: 3/20/2008
* @projectDescription Animated scrolling of series.
* @author Ariel Flesler
* @version 1.2.1
* @id jQuery.serialScroll
* @id jQuery.fn.serialScroll
* @param {Object} settings Hash of settings, it is passed in to jQuery.ScrollTo, none is required.
* @return {jQuery} Returns the same jQuery object, for chaining.
* http://flesler.blogspot.com/2008/02/jqueryserialscroll.html
* Notes:
* - The plugin requires jQuery.ScrollTo.
* - The hash of settings, is passed to jQuery.ScrollTo, so its settings can be used as well.
;(function( $ ){
var $serialScroll = $.serialScroll = function( settings ){
$.scrollTo.window().serialScroll( settings );
//Many of these defaults, belong to jQuery.ScrollTo, check it's demo for an example of each option.
//@see http://flesler.webs/jQuery.ScrollTo/
$serialScroll.defaults = {//the defaults are public and can be overriden.
duration:1000, //how long to animate.
axis:'x', //which of top and left should be scrolled
event:'click', //on which event to react.
start:0, //first element (zero-based index)
step:1, //how many elements to scroll on each action
lock:true,//ignore events if already animating
cycle:true, //cycle endlessly ( constant velocity )
constant:true //use contant speed ?
navigation:null,//if specified, it's a selector a collection of items to navigate the container
target:null, //if specified, it's a selector to the element to be scrolled.
interval:0, //it's the number of milliseconds to automatically go to the next
lazy:false,//go find the elements each time (allows AJAX or JS content, or reordering)
stop:false, //stop any previous animations to avoid queueing
force:false,//force the scroll to the first element on start ?
jump: false,//if true, when the event is triggered on an element, the pane scrolls to it
items:null, //selector to the items (relative to the matched elements)
prev:null, //selector to the 'prev' button
next:null, //selector to the 'next' button
onBefore: function(){}, //function called before scrolling, if it returns false, the event is ignored
exclude:0 //exclude the last x elements, so we cannot scroll past the end
$.fn.serialScroll = function( settings ){
settings = $.extend( {}, $serialScroll.defaults, settings );
var event = settings.event, //this one is just to get shorter code when compressed
step = settings.step, // idem
lazy = settings.lazy;//idem
return this.each(function(){
context = settings.target ? this : document, //if a target is specified, then everything's relative to 'this'.
$pane = $(settings.target || this, context),//the element to be scrolled (will carry all the events)
pane = $pane[0], //will be reused, save it into a variable
items = settings.items, //will hold a lazy list of elements
active = settings.start, //active index
auto = settings.interval, //boolean, do auto or not
nav = settings.navigation, //save it now to make the code shorter
timer; //holds the interval id
if( !lazy )//if not lazy, go get the items now
items = getItems();
if( settings.force )
jump( {}, active );//generate an initial call
// Button binding, optionall
$(settings.prev||[], context).bind( event, -step, move );
$(settings.next||[], context).bind( event, step, move );
// Custom events bound to the container
if( !pane.ssbound )//don't bind more than once
.bind('prev.serialScroll', -step, move ) //you can trigger with just 'prev'
.bind('next.serialScroll', step, move ) //for example: $(container).trigger('next');
.bind('goto.serialScroll', jump ); //for example: $(container).trigger('goto', [4] );
if( auto )
.bind('start.serialScroll', function(e){
if( !auto ){
auto = true;
.bind('stop.serialScroll', function(){//stop a current animation
auto = false;
$pane.bind('notify.serialScroll', function(e, elem){//let serialScroll know that the index changed externally
var i = index(elem);
if( i > -1 )
active = i;
pane.ssbound = true;//avoid many bindings
if( settings.jump )//can't use jump if using lazy items and a non-bubbling event
(lazy ? $pane : getItems()).bind( event, function( e ){
jump( e, index(e.target) );
if( nav )
nav = $(nav, context).bind(event, function( e ){
e.data = Math.round(getItems().length / nav.length) * nav.index(this);
jump( e, this );
function move( e ){
e.data += active;
jump( e, this );
function jump( e, button ){
if( !isNaN(button) ){//initial or special call from the outside $(container).trigger('goto',[index]);
e.data = button;
button = pane;
pos = e.data, n,
real = e.type, //is a real event triggering ?
$items = settings.exclude ? getItems().slice(0,-settings.exclude) : getItems(),//handle a possible exclude
limit = $items.length,
elem = $items[pos],
duration = settings.duration;
if( real )//real event object
if( auto ){
clear();//clear any possible automatic scrolling.
timer = setTimeout( next, settings.interval );
if( !elem ){ //exceeded the limits
n = pos < 0 ? 0 : limit - 1;
if( active != n )//we exceeded for the first time
pos = n;
else if( !settings.cycle )//this is a bad case
pos = limit - n - 1;//invert, go to the other side
elem = $items[pos];
if( !elem || real && active == pos || //could happen, save some CPU cycles in vain
settings.lock && $pane.is(':animated') || //no animations while busy
real && settings.onBefore && //callback returns false ?
settings.onBefore.call(button, e, elem, $pane, getItems(), pos) === false ) return;
if( settings.stop )
$pane.queue('fx',[]).stop();//remove all its animations
if( settings.constant )
duration = Math.abs(duration/step * (active - pos ));//keep constant velocity
.scrollTo( elem, duration, settings )//do scroll
.trigger('notify.serialScroll',[pos]);//in case serialScroll was called on this elem more than once.
function next(){//I'll use the namespace to avoid conflicts
function clear(){
function getItems(){
return $( items, pane );
function index( elem ){
if( !isNaN(elem) ) return elem;//number
var $items = getItems(), i;
while(( i = $items.index(elem)) == -1 && elem != pane )//see if it matches or one of its ancestors
elem = elem.parentNode;
return i;
})( jQuery );