Description: This test file stores the current game play (an array actually)
In a session variable, you could decide to use cookies,
html5 state saving or any method of keeping the current data in memory
that works best for you.
Author: Samuel Adeshina
Dependency: The sudoku.php class file bundled together with this file is required
run the test.php file in a browser to get a 'visual instance' of how this works
if (!isset($_GET["loc"]) || !isset($_GET["sudokutype"]) || !isset($_GET["startover"])
|| $_GET["sudokutype"] == '' || $_GET["startover"] == '' || $_GET["loc"] == ''
$_GET["sudokutype"] = 9;
$_GET["startover"] = "false";
$_GET["loc"] = "a1";
$loc = $_GET["loc"];
$startover = $_GET["startover"];
$sudokType = $_GET["sudokutype"];
$mySudoku = new sudoku($sudokType); //Instantiating the sudoku class with a grid size of whatever is in the variable: $sudokType
if ($startover == "true")
if (isset($_SESSION["currentmoves"]))
if (!isset($_SESSION["currentmoves"]) || !is_array($_SESSION["currentmoves"]))
$_SESSION["currentmoves"] = $mySudoku->_populateSubs(); //Populating the board
//echo "<center>Number Of Iterations For Current Play: ";
$_SESSION["currentmoves"] = $mySudoku->_solveSudoku($loc, $_SESSION["currentmoves"]); //Generates the value of the grid with a name of : $loc ($loc could be a1, c4, i8 and so on)
if (in_array(-1, $_SESSION["currentmoves"]))
$index = array_search(-1, $_SESSION["currentmoves"]);
$_SESSION["currentmoves"][$index] = '--'; //displays a custom character(s) in the grid incase the value cant be determined through brute force