// This is a server side example
// Start a PHP Session
// This file has the MySqlSlideshow class
require_once("mysqlslideshow.class.php"); // This instantiates $ss
// for use in <form action="$self" tags.
$self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
// Check for Microsoft Internet Explorer -- because everything Microsoft makes is broken!
$isIe = preg_match('/MSIE/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
//$isIe = true;
$ieMsg = $isIe ? '<p style="color: red">Microsoft Internet Explorer Version, because Microsoft can not do it like anyone else!</p>' : "";
// This file should not be in the Apache path for security reasons
// Start of Slide Show Logic
// NOTE THE ORDER. STOP must be before START and session checking.
// One could of course design this section differently so the
// order was not important but this is only an example of using the CLASS.
if($_POST['stop']) {
echo <<<EOF
<title>Slideshow Example: Server Side Version</title>
<h1>Slide Show Example: Server Side Version</h1>
<form action="$self" method="post">
<input type="submit" name="start" value="Start"/>
if($_POST['start']) {
$_SESSION['next'] = "next";
if($_SESSION['next'] == "next") {
$inx = $_SESSION['index'];
$ids = $_SESSION['ids'];
// Microsoft test
if(!$isIe) {
$images = $_SESSION['images'];
// getImage() returns an assoc array ['data'], ['mime']
// ['data'] is base64 by default. If a second argument is provided as 'raw' then the data is the raw image data.
$info = $ss->getInfo($ids[$inx]);
$subject = $info['subject'];
$desc = $info['description'];
$data = $images[$inx++];
$_SESSION['index'] = ($inx > count($ids)-1) ? 0 : $inx;
$image = $data['data']; // image in base64
$mime = $data['mime']; // mime type like "image/gif" etc.
} else {
// Handle BROKEN Browser!
$image = $ss->getImage($ids[$inx], 'data', '')['data']; //"mysqlslideshow.php?image=$ids[$inx]&israw=1";
$info = $ss->getInfo($ids[$inx++]);
$_SESSION['index'] = ($inx > count($ids)-1) ? 0 : $inx;
$subject = $info['subject'];
$desc = $info['description'];
echo <<<EOF
<title>Slideshow Example: Server Side Version</title>
<!-- Set Refresh for every 5 seconds -->
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="5"; url="http://localhost/test.php" />
<h1>Slide Show Example: Server Side Version</h1>
<form action="$self" method="post">
<input type="submit" name="stop" value="Stop"/>
<p>Image: $inx</p>
<img src="$image" alt="" width="500" /><br>
<p>Subject: $subject, Description: $desc</p>
// First Page
// Get a list of id's.
// This function takes one optional arguments:
// $where: defaults to "", the where conditions of the query.
// You can add where conditions like this for example: "type = 'link' && data like('%bill%.jpg')" then you
// would only get link type rather than data type entries and only links with the name bill and jpegs.
$ids = $ss->getImageIds();
// Set the session up.
$_SESSION['ids'] = $ids;
$_SESSION['index'] = 0; // Start at the beginning
// Get all the images
// For NON IE browsers we can cache the images.
if(!$isIe) {
$images = Array();
for($i=0; $i < count($ids); ++$i) {
$images[$i] = $ss->getImage($ids[$i], 'link');
$_SESSION['images'] = $images;
// Here is the example of a slide show.
// We have two buttons "Start" and "Stop"
// and the table with the slideshow mysqlslideshow table displayed (not everything just some).
// The style is to add borders and padding to the table.
$display = $ss->displayAllImageInfo();
echo <<<EOF
<style type="text/css">
#displayAllImageInfo * {
border: 1px solid black;
padding: 0 10px;
<h1 id="maintitle">Slide Show Example: Server Side Version</h1>
<div id="startstop">
<form action="$self" method="post">
<input type="submit" name="start" value="Start"/>