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File: test01.php

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  Classes of Herman Veluwenkamp   Graph Drawing Class 2   test01.php   Download  
File: test01.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Line and Point Chart
Class: Graph Drawing Class 2
Class to draw line, point, area, and bar graphs.
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 24 years ago
Size: 1,694 bytes


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include 'graph.php';

$chart = new graph(400,240);
$chart->parameter['path_to_fonts'] = 'fonts/'; // path to where fonts are stored
$chart->parameter['title'] = 'Line and Point Chart';
$chart->parameter['x_label'] = 'Day of the Week';
$chart->parameter['y_label_left'] = 'Some Data';

$chart->x_data = array('Friday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday');

srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000);
$a = 25;
$b = 10;
$c = 18;
$d = 4;
$e = 9;
$f = 12;
foreach (array(
'alpha','beta','theta') as $i) {
$a += rand(-4, 2);
$b += rand(-2, 4);
$c += rand(-4, 2);
$d += rand(-2, 4);
$e += rand(-4, 2);
$f += rand(-2, 4);
    if (
$a < 0) $a = 0;
    if (
$b < 0) $b = 0;
    if (
$c < 0) $c = 0;
    if (
$d < 0) $d = 0;
    if (
$e < 0) $e = 0;
    if (
$f < 0) $f = 0;
$chart->y_data[$i] = array($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f);
//$chart->y_data[$i] = array(-189, -222, -546, -223, -451, -567);


$chart->parameter['point_size'] = 6;

// format for each data set
$chart->y_format['alpha'] =
'colour' => 'blue', 'line' => 'line', 'point' => 'square-open');

$chart->y_format['beta'] =
'colour' => 'red', 'line' => 'line', 'point' => 'square');

$chart->y_format['theta'] =
'colour' => 'green', 'line' => 'line', 'point' => 'circle');

// order in which to draw data sets.
$chart->y_order = array('alpha', 'beta', 'theta');
//$chart->y_order = array('alpha');

//$chart->parameter['y_max_left']= -600;
//$chart->parameter['yMinLeft']= -10;

$chart->parameter['y_resolution_left']= 1;
$chart->parameter['y_decimal_left']= 0;


// draw it.