//using the mixcloud api reference user spartacus
//also see https://www.mixcloud.com/developers/ and https://www.mixcloud.com/spartacus/
$mixcloud = new mixcloud_player("spartacus");
echo "show Userdata:";
echo $mixcloud->getUser_HTML();
echo "<br>-------------------------<br>";
echo "show the latest upload (get's the embed code via api)";
echo $mixcloud->get_latest_player();
echo "-------------------------<br>";
echo "for the latest upload there is also the to string option:";
echo $mixcloud;
echo "-------------------------<br>";
echo "get specific upload via offset (this returns the third latest upload)";
echo $mixcloud->get_player(3);
echo "-------------------------<br>";
$i = 1;
while($i < $mixcloud->get_count())
echo $mixcloud->get_player($i);
echo "-------------------------<br>";
echo "DARK MODE";
$mixcloud_dark = new mixcloud_player("spartacus");
echo $mixcloud_dark->get_latest_player();
echo "-------------------------<br>";
echo "HIDE COVER / different height";
$mixcloud_other = new mixcloud_player("spartacus");
$mixcloud_other->setPlayerstyle(true, false);
echo $mixcloud_other->get_latest_player("100%", "400px");
echo "-------------------------<br>";
echo "specific show from user by title";
$mixcloud_show = new mixcloud_player("spartacus");
echo $mixcloud_show->getShow("Party Time");
echo "-------------------------<br>";
echo "playlist example with playlist title";
//using the mixcloud api reference user spartacus
//using the playlist "Save for a rainy day"
//also see https://www.mixcloud.com/developers/ and https://www.mixcloud.com/spartacus/playlists/save-for-a-rainy-day/
$mixcloudpl = new mixcloud_player("spartacus");
$mixcloudpl->setPlaylist("Save for a rainy day");
echo $mixcloudpl->get_latest_player();
echo "-------------------------<br>";
//for the latest upload there is also the to string option:
echo $mixcloudpl;
echo "-------------------------<br>";
//get specific upload via offset (this returns the third latest upload)
echo $mixcloudpl->get_player(3);