// Allow images from files.phpclasses.org on any protocol(https,http,ftp but not from base64 data uri).
// Set the headers, always call this method before any content output.
// Start content output.
?><!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>example2 - allow image to load</title>
<!-- The elePHPant from PHPClasses.org should be allowed to load -->
<p><img src="https://files.phpclasses.org/graphics/phpclasses/elephpant.png" alt="BAD, this image should not be blocked" /></p>
<!-- The following image should be blocked/not showed
because it's not a whitelisted source in the CSP header. -->
<p><img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/32/Notgood.png" alt="OK, image blocked" /></p>