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Classes of Nahid Bin Azhar | CS form validator | | Download |
![]() form-validatorits an easy and handy PHP form validator How to Usefirst you have to set validation rules with input name
> Noted: every rules will be separated by '&' after setting up the rules then you have to validate the inputs
It will validate all of your inputs from your rules. Check Has ErrorIf you want to check that all of your input are valid then you have to use Validator::hasErrors()
If error occurred then return true Get All Errors MessageIf you want to get all errors then use the method Validator::errorsAll() this method return all error messages as an array. so you can print all error by this procedure
Get Specific MessageIf you want to get specific field all message then use it. Validator::getErrors('name')
> Noted: Here all errors messages are stored in the session so you can > display it anywhere of the project List of all rules> here after the color ':' are mentioned for parameters of rules - required - min:number [example: min:10] - max:number [example: max:10] - file - date - date_max:date [example: date_max:10-07-2014] - date_min:date [example: date_min:10-07-2014] - in:comma_separeted_string [example: in:3,4,asia,mango] - not_in:comma_separeted_string [example: not_in:3,4,asia,mango] - image - file_type:comma_separeted_string [example: file_type:jpg,png,bmp] - same:another_input_field [example: same:repassword] - different:another_input_field [example: different:firstName] - email [example: email] - url - numeric - integer - range:from,to [example: range:6,30] - pattern:regular_expression [example: pattern:/[0-9]/] - unique:table,column [example: unique:tbl_users,username] - exist:table,column [example: exist:tbl_users,username] |