<? //-------------------------------------------------------------------
//--- Needed for the class require( 'reGlobals.php' );
//--- Check current configuration if (ini_get('register_globals')) { ?> <font color=red size=+1> Register globals is on. You will see no difference you should set it to off and use this script, cause you have major security issues in your server. Check <?=ini_get('cfg_file_path')?> to change this value.</font> <br> <a href=http://fr.php.net/manual/fr/configuration.directives.php#ini.register-globals>http://fr.php.net/manual/fr/configuration.directives.php#ini.register-globals</a> see this official link for more info.<br> <br><br><hr><? }
//--- Instructions ?> <u>Instructions:</u><br> 1- Click 'post' and see how reGlobals() works in simple mode (compatibility mode)<br> 2- Check the checkbox and Click 'post', then open example.php, and see how the the top header is modified.<br> once the header has been modified, reGlobals() is not needed anymore, and your page will work properly with register_globals = off <?
//--- If user has posted data if ($HTTP_POST_VARS["hasPosted"]) { echo "<h2>Without reGlobals</h2>"; echo "\$HTTP_POST_VARS[Field1]='"; print_r( $HTTP_POST_VARS["Field1"] ); echo "'<br>"; echo "\$HTTP_POST_VARS[Field2]='"; print_r( $HTTP_POST_VARS["Field2"] ); echo "'<br>"; echo "\$HTTP_POST_VARS[Field3]='"; print_r( $HTTP_POST_VARS["Field3"] ); echo "'<br>"; echo "\$Field1='"; print_r( $Field1 ); echo "'<br>"; echo "\$Field2='"; print_r( $Field2 ); echo "'<br>"; echo "\$Field3='"; print_r( $Field3 ); echo "'<br>"; $modSource = false; if ($HTTP_POST_VARS["modSource"]) $modSource = true; //------------------------------------- // Use of *the* class new reGlobals( $modSource ); echo "<h2>With reGlobals</h2>"; echo "\$HTTP_POST_VARS[Field1]='"; print_r( $HTTP_POST_VARS["Field1"] ); echo "'<br>"; echo "\$HTTP_POST_VARS[Field2]='"; print_r( $HTTP_POST_VARS["Field2"] ); echo "'<br>"; echo "\$HTTP_POST_VARS[Field3]='"; print_r( $HTTP_POST_VARS["Field3"] ); echo "'<br>"; echo "\$Field1='"; print_r( $Field1 ); echo "'<br>"; echo "\$Field2='"; print_r( $Field2 ); echo "'<br>"; echo "\$Field3='"; print_r( $Field3 ); echo "<br>"; ?><br><a href=<?=$HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REQUEST_URI"]?>?again=1>-------------> Try again</a><? if ($HTTP_POST_VARS["modSource"]) { ?> <font color=red size=+1>Check example.php source code</font> <? } } else { //--- Permit user to post data ?><form method=post> TestField1 = <input size=30 name="Field1" value="testValue1"><br> TestField2 = <input size=30 name="Field2" value="testValue2"><br> TestField3[0] = <input size=30 name="Field3[0]" value="A"><br> TestField3[1] = <input size=30 name="Field3[1]" value="B"><br> TestField3[2] = <input size=30 name="Field3[2]" value="C"><br> <input type=checkBox name=modSource>Check this to modify the sourcecode of example.php<br> <input type=hidden name="hasPosted" value="1"><br> <br> <hr> <center><input type="submit" value="Post"></center> </form> <? }
echo "<br><hr>register_globals=".((ini_get('register_globals'))?"on":"off")."<br>";