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File: tests/org/majkel/tcpdfwarper/OpTestAbstract.php

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  Classes of Michal Kowalik   TCPDF Warper   tests/org/majkel/tcpdfwarper/OpTestAbstract.php   Download  
File: tests/org/majkel/tcpdfwarper/OpTestAbstract.php
Role: Unit test script
Content type: text/plain
Description: tests
Class: TCPDF Warper
Create PDF documents using TCPDF fluent interface
Author: By
Last change: Update of tests/org/majkel/tcpdfwarper/OpTestAbstract.php
Date: 7 months ago
Size: 3,821 bytes


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 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * Package: org\majkel\tcpdfwarper
 * User: Micha? (majkel) Kowalik <>
 * Date: 12/28/2014
 * Time: 20:41

namespace org\majkel\tcpdfwarper;


 * Class OpTestAbstract
 * @package org\majkel\tcpdfwarper
abstract class OpTestAbstract extends AbstractTestCase {

     * @return string
abstract protected function getClass();

     * @return string
abstract protected function getMethod();

     * @param string $name
     * @return string
protected function processArgName($name) {

     * @param \TCPDF $pdf
     * @return AbstractOp
protected function getObject($pdf = null) {
$class = $this->getClass();
        return new

    protected function
getExceptedArguments() {
$class = new \ReflectionClass($this->getTcpdfClass());
$method = $class->getMethod($this->getMethod());
$parameters = $method->getParameters();

$exceptedArguments = array();

        foreach (
$parameters as $parameter) {
$name = $this->processArgName($parameter->getName());
$exceptedArguments[$name] = $parameter->isOptional() ? $parameter->getDefaultValue() : null;


    protected function
constructArguments() {
$arguments = $this->getExceptedArguments();
        foreach (
array_keys($arguments) as $key) {
$arguments[$key] = rand(10000, 99999);

     * @coversNothing
public function testMethodConfiguration() {
$method = $this->reflect($this->getObject())->getMethod();
self::assertSame($this->getMethod(), $method);

     * @coversNothing
public function testDefaultArguments() {
$exceptedArguments = $this->getExceptedArguments();

$obj = $this->getObject();
$actualArguments = $this->reflect($obj)->getArguments();

self::assertSame($exceptedArguments, $actualArguments);

     * @coversNothing
public function testDocConfiguration() {
$class = new \ReflectionClass($this->getClass());
$comment = $class->getDocComment();

$shortClass = $class->getShortName();
$invalidArgs = array();

        foreach (
array_keys($this->getExceptedArguments()) as $arg) {
$Arg = ucfirst($arg);

$patternProp = "#\s@property\s+\w+\s+\\\$$arg\s#";
            if (!
preg_match($patternProp, $comment)) {
$invalidArgs[] = "Invalid property `$arg` ($patternProp)";

$patternSetter = "#\s@method\s+$shortClass\s+set{$Arg}\(\w+\s+\\\$$arg\)#";
            if (!
preg_match($patternSetter, $comment)) {
$invalidArgs[] = "Invalid setter `$arg` ($patternSetter)";

$patternGetter = "#\s@method\s+\w+\s+get{$Arg}\(\)#";
            if (!
preg_match($patternGetter, $comment)) {
$invalidArgs[] = "Invalid getter `$arg` ($patternGetter)";

        if (
count($invalidArgs) > 0) {
self::fail("Doc invalid:\n\t".implode("\n\t", $invalidArgs));

     * @covers ::put
public function testPut() {
$arguments = $this->constructArguments();

$pdf = $this->getTcpdfMock();

$obj = $this->getObject($pdf);
        foreach (
array_reverse($arguments) as $key => $value) {
$obj->$key = $value;


    protected function
set2ArgsTest($method, $p1, $p2) {
$obj = $this->getObject();
$obj->$method(1, 2);
self::assertSame(1, $obj->$p1);
self::assertSame(2, $obj->$p2);

    protected function
setWHTest() {
$this->set2ArgsTest('setWH', 'w', 'h');

    protected function
setSizeTest() {
$this->set2ArgsTest('setSize', 'w', 'h');

    protected function
setXYTest() {
$this->set2ArgsTest('setXY', 'x', 'y');

    protected function
setPosTest() {
$this->set2ArgsTest('setPos', 'x', 'y');