* Project: Fasttemplate for PHP 4.x
* File: flex_table.php
* Author: Artyem V. Shkondin http://clubpro.spb.ru
* Version: 0.0.2
* Requires: flex_table.html
* Fills template with headers and cells array
* @param $headers - array of column headers
* @param $cells - array of cell values
* @param $caption - caption of table
* @param $rows - number of rows
* @param $cols - caption of columns
function fillTable($headers, $cells,$caption, $rows,$cols){
// initializing of fasttemplate
$ft = new FastTemplate("./templates/");
$ft->define( array( 'table' => "flextable.html"));
$ft->define_dynamic ( "header", "table" );
$ft->define_dynamic ( "rows", "table" );
$ft->define_dynamic ( "cols", "table" );
//handling headers (column names)
foreach ($headers as $head){
array('header' => $head ));
// handling cells
foreach ($cells as $row){
foreach ($row as $cell){
array('cellvalue' => $cell ));
$ft->assign("caption", $caption);
$ft->assign("rows", $rows);
$ft->assign("cols", $cols);
$ft->parse('MAIN', "table");
$caption = "Fasttemplate: Flexible table example";
* Get number of rows and cols and fills headers and cells
$rows = $HTTP_POST_VARS['rows'];
$cols = $HTTP_POST_VARS['cols'];
$rows = 3;
$cols = 4;
if ($rows*$cols > 2000){
echo "Too many cells. Should be less then 2000";
$rows = 10;
$cols = 5;
$headers = array();
$cells = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= $rows; $i++ ){
$row = array();
for ($j = 1; $j <= $cols; $j++ ){
array_push ($row, "cell[$i,$j]");
for ($j = 1; $j <= $cols; $j++ ){
array_push ($headers, "header$j");
fillTable($headers, $cells, $caption, $rows, $cols);