* Defines an array for the users.
* Each member of the array is an associative array with each user's data.
* Typically this would be loaded from a database.
$users = array(
array('username'=>'KingSlayer', 'firstname'=>'Jamie', 'lastname'=>'Lanister', 'email'=>'kslayer@thelanisters.com', "location"=>'King\'s Landing'),
array('username'=>'OmoSexy', 'firstname'=>'Omotola', 'lastname'=>'Ekeinde', 'email'=>'omosexy@naijamovies.net', 'location'=>'Nollywood'),
array('username'=>'TheChosen', 'firstname'=>'panda', 'lastname'=>'kungfu', 'email'=>'panda@thefurious5.action', 'location'=>'Shifu Temple')
* Loop through the users and creates a template for each one.
* Because each user is an array with key/value pairs defined,
* we made our template so each key matches a tag in the template,
* allowing us to directly replace the values in the array.
* We save each template in the $usersTemplates array.
foreach ($users as $user)
$row = new Simplate('templates/', 'users_list_item.tpl');
foreach ($user as $key => $value)
$row->$key = $value;
$usersTemplates[] = $row;
* Merges all our users' templates into a single variable.
* This will allow us to use it in the main template.
$usersContents = Simplate::merge($usersTemplates);
* Defines the main template and sets the users' content.
$usersList = new Simplate('templates/', 'users_list.tpl');
$usersList->users = $usersContents;
* Loads our layout template, settings its title and content.
$layout = new Simplate('templates/', 'layout.tpl');
$layout->title = 'Registered Users';
$layout->content = $usersList->parse();
* Finally we can output our final page.
echo $layout->parse();