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File: rope_test

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File: rope_test
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Description: example
Class: ROPE
Runtime Operational template Processing Extension
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>ROPE Test page</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#c4ccff"> <p align="center"><B>ROPE</B> examples.<br>(For further information see the source code of <i>"rope_test.php"</i> and the static view of <i>"rope_test.html"</i> )</p><BR> <ul> <!-- **** --> <li><font size="+1" color="#1e6300"><b><i><u>Simple example</u></i></b></font><br> To show how <b>ROPE</b> resolves symboles using <i>&lt;rope:insert&gt;</i> tag <BR> </li> <br> <ol> <li>"some[1]" symbol: <rope:insert sym="some[1]"></li> <li>"some[2]" symbol: <rope:insert sym="some[2]"></li> </ol> <br><br><br> <!-- **** --> <li><font size="+1" color="#1e6300"><b><i><u>Complex iteration example </u></i></b></font><br> To show <b>ROPE</b> array iteration, generating and resolving of <b>ROPE</b> local symbols using <i>&lt;rope:foreach&gt;</i> and <i>&lt;rope:insert&gt;</i> tags </li> <br> <TABLE BGCOLOR="#c4ccff" FRAME="border" BORDER="2" ALIGN="center"> <th bgcolor="#fcb0ff">#</th> <rope:foreach in="row[0][col]" as="cols" key="colcntr" > <th bgcolor="#fcb0ff"><rope:insert sym="colname[$colcntr]"></th> <rope:next> <rope:foreach in="row" as="rows" key="rowcntr"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#e4e199"> <rope:insert sym="rowcntr">. </td> <rope:foreach in="rows[col]" as="column" key="colcntr"> <td> <rope:insert sym="column"> </td> <rope:next> </tr> <rope:next> </TABLE> <br><br><br> <!-- **** --> <li><font size="+1" color="#1e6300"><b><i><u>Conditional example</u></i></b></font><br> Which shows the usage of <i>&lt;rope:if&gt;</i> tag:<br> </li> <br> <ul> <li>"some_1" symbol: <rope:if sym="some[1]"> true (is defined) its value is: <rope:insert sym="some[1]"> <rope:else> false (not defined or its value is null) <rope:endif> </li> <li>"some_2" symbol: <rope:if sym="some[2]"> true (is defined) its value is: <rope:insert sym="some[2]"> <rope:else> false (not defined or its value is null) <rope:endif> </li> <li>"some_3" symbol: <rope:if sym="some[3]"> true (is defined) its value is: <rope:insert sym="some[3]"> <rope:else> false (not defined or its value is null) <rope:endif> </li> <li>"some_4" symbol: <rope:if sym="some[4]"> true (is defined) its value is: <rope:insert sym="some[4]"> <rope:else> false (not defined or its value is null) <rope:endif> </li> </ul> <br><br><br> <!-- **** --> <li><font size="+1" color="#1e6300"><b><i><u>File include example</u></i></b></font><br> Which shows the usage of <i>&lt;rope:include&gt;</i> tag:<br> </li> <br> <rope:include file="$include_filename[a][b][c]"> <br><br><br> <!-- **** --> <li><font size="+1" color="#1e6300"><b><i><u>"Runtime" example on defining macros, symbols and processing macros</u></i></b></font> <br> Which shows the usage of <i>&lt;rope:set&gt;</i>, <i>&lt;rope:defmacro&gt;</i> and <i>&lt;rope:domacro&gt;</i> tags and their multilevel referencing:<br> </li> <br> <rope:defmacro sym="macrotest"> The "some" symbols in a foreach block:<br> <rope:foreach in="some" as="someval" key="somenum"> <rope:insert sym="somenum"> =&gt; <rope:insert sym="someval"><br> <rope:next> <rope:endmacro> <rope:set sym="macroname" val="macrotest"> <rope:set sym="macroname2" val="macroname"> <rope:domacro sym="$$macroname2"> <br><br><br> <!-- **** --> <li><font size="+1" color="#1e6300"><b><i><u>At last a very complex example</u></i></b></font><br> Which presents amongst others the usage of <b>ROPE</b> intag attributes:<br> </li> <br> Suppose we want to list the records of a database got as results from an SQL query in the table shown in previous examples that way that some of the rows can possess a checkbox and others cannot. The IDs and the initial states (checked/unchecked) of the selectable rows are defined in database and also got from the SQL query. (<B>QUICK</B> project :)) Let's work it out with the help of <b>ROPE</b>!<br> <br><br> <form> <TABLE BGCOLOR="#c4ccff" FRAME="border" BORDER="2" ALIGN="center"> <th bgcolor="#fcb0ff">X</th> <rope:foreach in="row[0][col]" as="cols" key="colcntr" > <th bgcolor="#fcb0ff"><rope:insert sym="colname[$colcntr]"></th> <rope:next> <rope:foreach in="row" as="rows" key="rowcntr"> <tr> <rope:if sym="rows[selectable]"> <td bgcolor="#e4e199" align="center"> <input type="Checkbox" name="checkid_ropeit:isym="rows[id]"" ropeit:isym="rows[checked]"> </td> <rope:else> <td bgcolor="#e4e199" align="center">-</td> <rope:endif> <rope:foreach in="rows[col]" as="column" key="colcntr"> <td> <rope:insert sym="column"> </td> <rope:next> </tr> <rope:next> </TABLE> </form> <br><br><br> This example can be a good start point to solve any problem with <b>ROPE</b>. Let think about a menu with dynamic deepness which can be generated recursively by a <B>ROPE</B> macro or about the momentary state of the menupoints, etc. </ul> </BODY> </HTML>