* This file is part of Linfo (c) 2010 Joseph Gillotti.
* Linfo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Linfo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Linfo. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Keep out hackers...
// Certain files, specifcally the pci/usb ids files, vary in location from
// linux distro to linux distro. This function, when passed an array of
// possible file location, picks the first it finds and returns it. When
// none are found, it returns false
function locate_actual_path($paths) {
// Make absolutely sure that's an array
$paths = (array) $paths;
$num_paths = count($paths);
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_paths; $i++)
if (is_file($paths[$i]))
return $paths[$i];
return false;
// Append a string to the end of each element in a 2d array
function array_append_string($array, $string = '', $format = '%1s%2s') {
// Get to it
foreach ($array as $k => $v)
$array[$k] = is_string($v) ? sprintf($format, $v, $string) : $v;
// Give
return $array;
// Get a file who's contents should just be an int. Returns zero on failure.
function get_int_from_file($file) {
if (!file_exists($file))
return 0;
if (!($contents = @file_get_contents($file)))
return 0;
$int = trim($contents);
return $int;
// Convert bytes to stuff like KB MB GB TB etc
function byte_convert($size, $precision = 2) {
// Grab these
global $settings;
// Sanity check
if (!is_numeric($size))
return '?';
// Get the notation
$notation = $settings['byte_notation'] == 1000 ? 1000: 1024;
// Fixes large disk size overflow issue
// Found at http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.disk-free-space.php#81207
$types = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB');
$types_i = array('B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB');
for($i = 0; $size >= $notation && $i < (count($types) -1 ); $size /= $notation, $i++);
return(round($size, $precision) . ' ' . ($notation == 1000 ? $types[$i] : $types_i[$i]));
// Like above, but for seconds
function seconds_convert($uptime) {
global $lang;
// Method here heavily based on freebsd's uptime source
$uptime += $uptime > 60 ? 30 : 0;
$years = floor($uptime / 31556926);
$uptime %= 31556926;
$days = floor($uptime / 86400);
$uptime %= 86400;
$hours = floor($uptime / 3600);
$uptime %= 3600;
$minutes = floor($uptime / 60);
$seconds = floor($uptime % 60);
// Send out formatted string
$return = array();
if ($years > 0)
$return[] = $years.' '.($years > 1 ? $lang['years'] : substr($lang['years'], 0, strlen($lang['years']) - 1));
if ($days > 0)
$return[] = $days.' '.$lang['days'];
if ($hours > 0)
$return[] = $hours.' '.$lang['hours'];
if ($minutes > 0)
$return[] = $minutes.' '.$lang['minutes'];
if ($seconds > 0)
$return[] = $seconds. (date('m/d') == '06/03' ? ' sex' : ' '.$lang['seconds']);
return implode(', ', $return);
// Get a file's contents, or default to second param
function getContents($file, $default = '') {
return !is_file($file) || !is_readable($file) || !($contents = @file_get_contents($file)) ? $default : trim($contents);
// Like above, but in lines instead of a big string
function getLines($file) {
return !is_file($file) || !is_readable($file) || !($lines = @file($file, FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES)) ? array() : $lines;
// Make a string safe for being in an xml tag name
function string_xml_tag_unfuck($string) {
return strtolower(preg_replace('/([^a-zA-Z]+)/', '_', $string));
// Create a table out of an array. Mostly used by extensions
Example array structure:
$structure = array(
'root_title' => 'Name',
'rows' => array(
01 = array(
'type' => 'header',
'columns' => array(
'Column 1',
'Column 2',
// OR array(colspannumber, 'value')
02 => array(
'type' => 'values',
'columns' => array(
'Value 1',
'Value 2',
// OR array(colspannumber, 'value')
function create_table($structure) {
// Start it off
$html = '
<div class="infoTable">
// Go throuch each row
foreach ($structure['rows'] as $row) {
// Let shit be killed
$row['columns'] = array_filter($row['columns']);
// Ignore this if it's empty
if (empty($row['columns']))
// Start the typical tr
$html .= '
// Is this row a header?
if ($row['type'] == 'header') {
foreach ($row['columns'] as $v)
$html .= is_array($v) ? '
<th colspan="'.$v[0].'"'.(array_key_exists('2', $v) ? ' style="width: '.$v[2].';"' : '').'>'.$v[1].'</th>' : '
// Or is it a row saying nothing was found?
elseif ($row['type'] == 'none') {
foreach ($row['columns'] as $v)
$html .= is_array($v) ? '
<td colspan="'.$v[0].'" class="none">'.$v[1].'</td>' : '
<td class="none">'.$v.'</td>';
// Or is it values?
elseif ($row['type'] == 'values') {
foreach ($row['columns'] as $v)
$html .= is_array($v) ? '
<td colspan="'.$v[0].'">'.$v[1].'</td>' : '
// End the usual tr
$html .= '
// Closing tags
$html .= '
// Give it
return $html;
// Get a variable from a file. Include it so it doesn't pollute
// the global namespace, and return what we want out of it, if it
// actually exists.
function get_var_from_file ($file, $variable) {
// Let's not waste our time, now
if (!is_file($file))
return false;
// Snag that mother fucker!
require_once $file;
// Double dollar sign means treat variable contents
// as the name of a variable.
if (isset($$variable))
return $$variable;
// We fucked up
return false;