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File: Iterator.php

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File: Iterator.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: This is the main file that should be included to use the vecter arrays.
Class: Iterator
Vector arrays similar to C++
Author: By
Last change: Some clean up by Jonatan thanks for the help and ideas!
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 11,940 bytes


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<?php /** * @type Class * * This class is alot like the vector class in C++ it allows you to perform * certain operations and navigate through an array. * Example: * $arrayA = array("A", 1, $someVar); * $obj_It_1 = new Iterator($arrayA); * for($i=$obj_It_1->index_begin(); $i!=$obj_It_1->index_end(); $i++) * { * echo $obj_It_1->at($i); * } * OR * $arrayA = array("A", 1, $someVar); * $obj_It_B = new Iterator(); * foreach($arrayA as $element) * { * $obj_It_B->push_back($element); * } * * @author Alex Guzman <[email protected]> * Jonatan Evald Buus <[email protected]> * @copyright GPL 12/27/2003 * @name Iterator * @todo Handle sub-arrays as part of the data and allow access to the sub-array elements * @version 1.1.2 * @package Iterator * @changelog 12/28/03 - Added method replace($index, $var) to actually update different elements in the array * 04/22/04 - Cleaned up comments, indentions and clarified some if statements by adding === true/false * 04/22/04 - Created short named wrapper functions for previous, insert and delete * 04/22/04 - Created clarification wrapper functions for begin, index_begin and index_end * 04/22/04 - Implemented ability to not create array before initializing Iterator class * 04/22/04 - Implemented destructor * 04/22/04 - Removed internal variable _Classname, uses get_class($this) instead * 04/22/04 - Renamed function iterator_ to all, iterator_ still works but generates a user notice */ /** * @package Iterator * @name Iterator * @access public */ class Iterator { /** * @var $iArray - The mixed array that will be handled by the class * @access public */ var $iArray; /** * @var $_index - This holds the current position of the array * @access private */ var $_index; // public: /** * @name Iterator - This is the constructor for the class * @param Arbitary mixed - Can be either one array or a number of elements to turn into the internal iterator array * @access public */ function Iterator() { // Initialize internal array depending on number of function arguments switch(func_num_args() ) { case (0): // No parameters passed $iArr = array(); break; case (1): // 1 parameter passed, check type switch(true) { case (is_array(func_get_arg(0) ) ): // Input is an array $iArr = func_get_arg(0); break; default: // Input is no an array $iArr = array(); $iArr[] = func_get_arg(0); break; } break; default: // Arbitary number of input parameters $iArr = array(); $aFuncArgs = func_get_args(); // Loop through inpu paramters for($i=0; $i<count($aFuncArgs); $i++) { // Current parameter is not an array if(is_array($aFuncArgs[$i]) === false) { $iArr[$i] = $aFuncArgs[$i]; } // Error: Array found amongst input parameters else { $iArr = false; $i = count($aFuncArgs); } } break; } // Valid input parameters, initialize internal data if(is_array($iArr) === true) { $this->iArray = $iArr; $this->begin(); } // Error: Invalid input else { die(get_class($this) ." :: 0x000001 Constructor of class Iterator recieved invalid input."); } } /** * @name _Iterator - This is the destructor for the class * @param NONE * @access private */ function _Iterator() { $aClassVars = get_class_vars(get_class($this) ); foreach($aClassVars as $name => $value) { unset($this->$name); } } /** * @name begin - This function will set _index to the beginning of the array * @param NONE * @access public */ function begin() { $this->_index = 0; } /** * @name start - Wrapper function for begin * @param NONE * @access public */ function start() { $this->begin(); } /** * @name size - This function will return the current size of the array * @param NONE * @return INT * @access public */ function size() { return sizeof($this->iArray); } /** * @name end - This function will set _index to the last element in the array * @param NONE * @access public */ function end() { $this->_index = ($this->size() - 1); } /** * @name index_end - This will return the index of the last element in the array * @param NONE * @access public */ function index_end() { return ($this->size() - 1); } /** * @name index_last - Wrapper function for index_end * @param NONE * @access public */ function index_last() { return $this->index_end(); } /** * @name index_begin - This will return the index of the first element * @param NONE * @access public */ function index_begin() { return 0; } /** * @name index_first - Wrapper function for index_first * @param NONE * @access public */ function index_first() { return $this->index_begin(); } /** * @name at - This will return the element at given index * @param $index int - The offset of the element * @return mixed * @access public */ function at($index) { if($index > $this->size() || $index < 0 || is_int($index) === false) { die(get_class($this) ." :: 0x000002 Function at(int index) recieved a non int value."); } return $this->iArray[$index]; } /** * @name pos - Returns the element that _index is currently set to * @param NONE * @return mixed * @access public */ function pos() { return $this->iArray[$this->_index]; } /** * @name first - Returns the first element in the array * @param NONE * @return mixed * @access public */ function first() { return $this->iArray[0]; } /** * @name last - Returns the last element in the array * @param NONE * @return mixed * @access public */ function last() { return $this->iArray[($this->size() - 1)]; } /** * @name index - Returns the value of _index * @param NONE * @return INT * @access public */ function index() { return $this->_index; } /** * @name previous - Increments the index by one position * @param NONE * @access public */ function next() { $idx = $this->index(); if( ($idx + 1) > $this->size() ) { $idx = $this->size(); } else { $idx++; } $this->_index = $idx; } /** * @name previous - Decrements the index by one position * @param NONE * @access public */ function previous() { $idx = $this->_index; if( ($idx - 1) < 0) { $idx = 0; } else { $idx = ($idx - 1); } $this->_index = $idx; } /** * @name prev - Wrapper function for previous * @param NONE * @access public */ function prev() { $this->previous(); } /** * @name insert - Inserts an element at the offset * @param $offset int - The offset to insert the element * $var mixed - The new element to be inserted * @access public */ function insert($offset, $var) { if(is_int($offset) === false || is_null($offset) === true || $offset > $this->size() || $offset < 0) { die(get_class($this) ." :: 0x000003 Function insert recieved a non int value or non existant offset."); } $arr_one = array_slice($this->iArray, 0, $offset); $arr_two = array_reverse(array_slice($this->iArray, $offset, ($this->size() - $offset) ) ); array_push($arr_two, $var); $arr_two = array_reverse($arr_two); $this->iArray = $this->array_combine($arr_one, $arr_two); } /** * @name ins - Wrapper function for insert * @param $offset int - The offset to insert the element * $var mixed - The new element to be inserted * @access public */ function ins($offset, $var) { $this->insert($offset, $var); } /** * @name delete - Deletes an element from the array at given index * @param $index int - The offset to delete the element * @access public */ function delete($index) { if(is_int($index) === false || is_null($index) === true || $index > $this->size() || $index < 0) { die(get_class($this) ." :: 0x000004 Function delete recieved a non int value or non existant offset."); } $arr_one = array_slice($this->iArray, 0, $index); $arr_two = array_slice($this->iArray, ($index + 1), ($this->size() - $index) ); $this->iArray = $this->array_combine($arr_one, $arr_two); } /** * @name del - Wrapper function for delete * @param $index int - The offset to delete the element * @access public */ function del($index) { $this->delete($index); } /** * @name push_back - Adds an element onto the end of the array * @param $var mixed - The new element to be inserted * @access public */ function push_back($var) { array_push($this->iArray, $var); } /** * @name push_front - Adds an element onto the beginning of the array * @param $var mixed - The new element to be inserted * @access public */ function push_front($var) { $a = array_reverse($this->iArray); array_push($a, $var); $this->iArray = array_reverse($a); } /** * @name pop_front - Removes the first element from the array * @access public */ function pop_front() { array_pop($this->iArray); } /** * @name pop_back - Removes the last element from the array * @access public */ function pop_back() { $a = array_reverse($this->iArray); array_pop($a); $this->iArray = $a; } /** * @name array_combine - Combines two arrays together * @param $a array - This is the array that array $b appended to $b array - This is the array appended to array $a * @access public */ function array_combine($a, $b) { if(is_array($a) === true && is_array($b) === true) { foreach($b as $i) { array_push($a, $i); } return $a; } return false; } /** * @name slice - This returns a chunk of the array from the offset to length * @param $offset int - The place to start copying the chunk from $length int - The number of elements to return; * @return array mixed * @access public */ function slice($offset, $length) { if($length > $this->size() || $length < 0 || is_int($offset) === false || is_int($length) === false || $length < 0 || ($offset + $length) > $this->size() ) { die(get_class($this) ." :: 0x000005 Function slice recieved a non int value or non existant offset."); } return array_slice($this->iArray, $offset, $length); } /** * @name reverse - This function will return the reverse of the set array * @param NONE * @return array mixed * @access public */ function reverse() { return array_reverse($this->iArray); } /** * @name all - This funtion will return the whole set array * @param NONE * @return array mixed * @access public */ function all() { return $this->iArray; } /** * @name iterator_ - Wrapper function for all, this function is depreceated, use all() instead * @param NONE * @return array mixed * @access public */ function iterator_() { trigger_error("$this->iterator_() is depreceated, please use the $this->all() instead", E_USER_NOTICE); return $this->all(); } /** * @name replace - This will replace an element at index * @param $index int - The element to be replaced * @access public */ function replace($index, $var) { if(is_null($index) === true || is_int($index) === false || is_null($var) === true || $index > $this->size() || $index < 0) { die(get_class($this) ." :: 0x000006 Function replace has recieved a null or non valid int value."); } $this->iArray[$index] = $var; } } ?>