// namespace Jackbooted\Cron;
* @copyright Confidential and copyright (c) 2016 Jackbooted Software. All rights reserved.
* Written by Brett Dutton of Jackbooted Software
* brett at brettdutton dot com
* This software is written and distributed under the GNU General Public
* License which means that its source code is freely-distributed and
* available to the general public.
* There are a few Cron Parser classes (about 3)
* All were way to big for what was needed. This is an attempt to simplify the process
* Not the most optimised
* For this to be useful need to keep track of the last time that the command was run.
* This means that you can use a construct like this
* foreach ( self::getCronTabList () as $sheduleItem ) {
* $storedLastRunTime = strtotime( ( $sheduleItem->lastRun == '' ) ? $sheduleItem->start : $sheduleItem->lastRun );
* $previousCalculatedRunTime = CronParser::lastRun( $sheduleItem->cron );
* // This looks at when the item had run. If the stored value is less than
* // the calculated value means that we have past a run period. So need to run
* if ( $storedLastRunTime < $previousCalculatedRunTime ) {
* // Update the run time to now
* $sheduleItem->lastRun = strftime ( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', $previousCalculatedRunTime );
* $sheduleItem->save ();
* // Do the work to run the cron job here
* // ..................
* }
* }
* Cron Definition
# * * * * *
# - - - - -
# | | | | |
# | | | | |
# | | | | +----- day of week (0 - 6) (0 to 6 are Sunday to Saturday, or use names; 7 is Sunday, the same as 0)
# | | | +---------- month (1 - 12)
# | | +--------------- day of month (1 - 31)
# | +-------------------- hour (0 - 23)
# +------------------------- min (0 - 59)
* See the code at the end of this class to see some examples
class YACronParser {
* Gets the last run date before now
* @param String $cronString
* @return number time in seconds that the last cron task ran
public static function lastRun ( $cronString ) {
$originalString = $cronString;
$mappings = [
'@yearly' => '0 0 1 1 *',
'@annually' => '0 0 1 1 *',
'@monthly' => '0 0 1 * *',
'@weekly' => '0 0 * * 0',
'@daily' => '0 0 * * *',
'@hourly' => '0 * * * *'
if ( isset ( $mappings[$cronString] ) ) {
$cronString = $mappings[$cronString];
// Reduces white spaces
$cronString = preg_replace( '/[\s]{2,}/', ' ', $cronString);
// recognise the really simple case
if ( $cronString == '* * * * *' ) {
$calcTime = ( (int)( time() / 60 ) ) * 60;
return $calcTime;
// Get rid of names
$cronString = strtolower( $cronString );
$cronString = str_replace ( [ 'sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday' ],
[ '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6' ],
$cronString );
// Get the parts if not 5 return every minute
$cronParts = explode( ' ' , $cronString );
if ( count ( $cronParts ) != 5 ) {
$calcTime = ( (int)( time() / 60 ) ) * 60;
return $calcTime;
// evaluate the valid ranges for all of the parts
$cronParts[0] = self::cronPartToRange( $cronParts[0], range( 0, 59 ) ); // Minutes
$cronParts[1] = self::cronPartToRange( $cronParts[1], range( 0, 23 ) ); // Hours
$cronParts[2] = self::cronPartToRange( $cronParts[2], range( 1, 31 ) ); // Day of Month
$cronParts[3] = self::cronPartToRange( $cronParts[3], range( 1, 12 ) ); // Month of the year
$cronParts[4] = self::cronPartToRange( $cronParts[4], range( 0, 6 ) ); // Day of the week
$cronParts[5] = [ (int)date( 'Y' ) - 2, (int)date( 'Y' ) - 1, (int)date( 'Y' ) ]; // only go back 2 years
// ******* TODO ****************
// The code below is usually commented out.
// Do not need this in production. So when you are done, remove
echo '<br/>' . "\n" . 'Original: ' . $originalString . ' Optimised: ' . $cronString . '<br/>' . "\n";
$cols = [ 'min', 'hrs', 'day or month', 'month', 'day of week', 'year'];
foreach ( $cronParts as $idx => $part ) {
echo $idx . ' - ' . $cols[$idx] . ' - [' . join( ', ', $part ) . ']<br/>' . "\n";
// Find the index for the last run based on current time
$correctParts = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
$numDaysOfWeek = count ( $cronParts[4] );
$now = time();
// search down the to the last run
for ( $correctParts[5]=count( $cronParts[5] ) - 1; $correctParts[5]>=0; $correctParts[5]-- ) {
for ( $correctParts[3]=count( $cronParts[3] ) - 1; $correctParts[3]>=0; $correctParts[3]-- ) {
for ( $correctParts[2]=count( $cronParts[2] ) - 1; $correctParts[2]>=0; $correctParts[2]-- ) {
// If this is not a valid day then skip it
if ( $numDaysOfWeek != 7 && ! in_array ( self::getDayOfWeek( $cronParts, $correctParts ), $cronParts[4] ) ) {
// Calc hour and minute
for ( $correctParts[1]=count( $cronParts[1] ) - 1; $correctParts[1]>=0; $correctParts[1]-- ) {
for ( $correctParts[0]=count( $cronParts[0] ) - 1; $correctParts[0]>=0; $correctParts[0]-- ) {
$calcTime = self::calcTime( $cronParts, $correctParts );
if ( $calcTime < $now ) {
return $calcTime;
// Made it to here then return stanadrd time
return ( (int)( time() / 60 ) ) * 60;
* Calculates the time based on the pointers into the valid range of array.
* @param array $cronParts array of arrays containing the valid ranges based on cron string
* @param array $correctParts pointers into the array that we are testing
* @return number The time based on the valid cron pieces
private static function calcTime ( $cronParts, $correctParts ) {
$tim = mktime ( $cronParts[1][$correctParts[1]],
$cronParts[5][$correctParts[5]] );
//echo '$cronParts - [' . join( ', ', $cronParts ) . ']<br/>' . "\n";
//echo '$correctParts - [' . join( ', ', $correctParts ) . ']<br/>' . "\n";
//echo date ( 'Y-m-d H:i', $tim ) . '<br/>' . "\n";
return $tim;
* Calculates the day of the week based on the ranges and pointers into the current
* @param unknown $cronParts
* @param unknown $correctParts
* @return number day of week 0-6
private static function getDayOfWeek ( $cronParts, $correctParts ) {
$tim = mktime ( 0,
$cronParts[5][$correctParts[5]] );
return (int)date( 'w', $tim );
* Takes the cron component and the range of valid numbers and reduces the list.
* This method calls itself recursively until all the elements are evaluated
* @param type $part the part of the cron string
* @param type $fullRange. For the position the $fullRange variable contains all the elements that would be valid.
* e.g. minutes would be range( 0, 59 )
* @return type
private static function cronPartToRange ( $part, $fullRange ) {
// simple digit so just return
if ( preg_match ( '/^[0-9]+$/', $part ) ) {
return [ (int)$part ];
// If there are commas then multiple components.
// get all the components and then merge, sort and uniq
else if ( strpos( $part, ',' ) !== false ) {
$validValues = [];
foreach ( explode( ',', $part ) as $bit ) {
$validValues = array_merge( $validValues, self::cronPartToRange( $bit, $fullRange ) );
$validValues = array_unique ( $validValues );
sort ( $validValues );
return $validValues;
// This is the starting point and the divisor e.g.
// */5 = start at 0 and select every 5th element so 0, 5, 10 ....
// or 2/3 = start at second element and then every 3rd element so 2, 5,
// LHS could be a range like 30-50
else if ( strpos( $part, '/' ) !== false ) {
//Split to LHS and RHS
$bits = explode( '/', $part );
// recursivley get the range of LHS
$lhsRange = self::cronPartToRange( $bits[0], $fullRange );
// If there is no elements then some failure and should not happen default to all
if ( count ( $lhsRange ) == 0 ) {
$lhsRange = $fullRange;
// If this has one element then it must be starting point for the
// so something like 5/15 => 5, 20, 35, 50
// Take off the full range of elements till you get to the matching one
else if ( count ( $lhsRange ) == 1 ) {
while ( count ( $fullRange ) > 0 && $fullRange[0] != $lhsRange[0] ) {
array_shift( $fullRange );
$lhsRange = $fullRange;
$rhsElement = (int)$bits[1];
// Identify the positions that match the RHS. Step through the array and see if the indexes
// modulus rhs is 0
$validValues = [];
foreach ( $lhsRange as $idx => $num ) {
if ( ( $idx % $rhsElement ) == 0 ) $validValues[] = $num;
return $validValues;
// Must be a range, so split LHS and RHS to get the valid range
else if ( strpos( $part, '-' ) !== false ) {
$bits = explode( '-', $part );
return range ( (int)$bits[0], (int)$bits[1] );
// Default to full range
else {
return $fullRange;
// ******* TODO ****************
// The code below is usually commented out.
// Do not need this in production. So when you are done, remove
date_default_timezone_set ( 'Australia/Brisbane' );
echo 'Simple case - no calcs - LastRun Date: ' . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i', YACronParser::lastRun( '* * * * *' ) ) . '<br/>' . "\n";
echo 'LastRun Date: ' . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i', YACronParser::lastRun( '5/15 0 * * *' ) ) . '<br/>' . "\n";
echo 'LastRun Date: ' . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i', YACronParser::lastRun( '0/15 * * * *' ) ) . '<br/>' . "\n";
echo 'LastRun Date: ' . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i', YACronParser::lastRun( '0 2 * * *' ) ) . '<br/>' . "\n";
echo 'LastRun Date: ' . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i', YACronParser::lastRun( '* 11-20 * * *' ) ) . '<br/>' . "\n";
echo 'LastRun Date: ' . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i', YACronParser::lastRun( '0/15 * * * *' ) ) . '<br/>' . "\n";
echo 'LastRun Date: ' . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i', YACronParser::lastRun( '* 12-21 * * *' ) ) . '<br/>' . "\n";
echo 'LastRun Date: ' . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i', YACronParser::lastRun( '0 2 * * *' ) ) . '<br/>' . "\n";
echo 'LastRun Date: ' . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i', YACronParser::lastRun( '1-59/2 14-23 * * *' ) ) . '<br/>' . "\n";
echo 'LastRun Date: ' . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i', YACronParser::lastRun( '0-58/2 14-23 * * *' ) ) . '<br/>' . "\n";
echo 'LastRun Date: ' . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i', YACronParser::lastRun( '* * * * *' ) ) . '<br/>' . "\n";
echo 'LastRun Date: ' . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i', YACronParser::lastRun( '* 22-23 * * *' ) ) . '<br/>' . "\n";
echo 'LastRun Date: ' . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i', YACronParser::lastRun( '1-2 22-23 * * Monday-Wednesday' ) ) . '<br/>' . "\n";
echo 'LastRun Date: ' . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i', YACronParser::lastRun( '1,2,3,4,10-20 11-20 * * *' ) ) . '<br/>' . "\n";
echo 'LastRun Date: ' . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i', YACronParser::lastRun( '0 */4 * * *' ) ) . '<br/>' . "\n";
echo 'LastRun Date: ' . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i', YACronParser::lastRun( '0 0/4 * * *' ) ) . '<br/>' . "\n";
echo 'LastRun Date: ' . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i', YACronParser::lastRun( '0 2/3 * * *' ) ) . '<br/>' . "\n";
echo 'LastRun Date: ' . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i', YACronParser::lastRun( '30-50/3 * * * *' ) ) . '<br/>' . "\n";
echo 'LastRun Date: ' . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i', YACronParser::lastRun( '0 0 31 * *' ) ) . '<br/>' . "\n";