* Here is an example script for setting up the CronPhp object. To get this
* working, all you would need to do is have this PHP file called regularly. If
* you wanted, you could even attach this file to your websie or even your
* monitoring script (even free services like pingdom). Or call it via a
* standard cron service, either through wget or even the PHP CLI would work.
* Once that is established, simply create as many Jobs in the Jobs directory.
* You just need to be sure each job file is prefixed with the string Job and
* that you extend JobAbstract.php. See Fogg/Jobs/JobExample.php as a sample
* job implementation.
//This will be a reference to your class autoloader
require __DIR__ . '/init_autoloader.php';
//use the class (this will include the required files)
use Fogg\CronPhp\CronPhp;
//Instantiate the CronPhp object
$cron = new CronPhp();
//Run it
//That's it, all o