error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL | E_STRICT);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$errors = "";
* A test to see if it was possible to recreate the result of
* Issue #7, if not the cause.
* And a demonstration on why the author of the script calling zip
* needs to be diligent not to add extra characters to the output.
// To use the new namespaces, you need a bootstrapper/autoloader, examples are provided here.
// The changes to your Zip use are limited to two lines after that is in place.
// Require your bootstrap.php, or the autoload.php, and change the class instantiation from nwe ZipStream( to
// new \PHPZip\Zip\Stream\ZipStream(
// The parameters are unchanged.
require_once('bootstrap.php'); // include_once("ZipStream.php");
$zip = new \PHPZip\Zip\Stream\ZipStream('test.zip'); // $zip = new ZipStream("test.zip");
* As seen in the output, the above construct with a PHP end and start tag after
* creating the ZipStream is a bad idea. The Zip file will be starting with a
* space followed by the newline characters.
$zip->addDirectoryContent("testData" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "test","test");
$rv = $zip->finalize();
// If non-fatal errors occurred during execution, this will append them
// to the end of the generated file.
// It'll create an invalid Zip file, however chances are that it is invalid
// already due to the error happening in the first place.
// The idea is that errors will be very easy to spot.
if (!empty($errors)) {
echo "\n<pre>\n**************\n*** ERRORS ***\n**************\n\n$errors\n</pre>\n";
function customError($error_level, $error_message, $error_file, $error_line) {
global $errors;
switch ($error_level) {
case 1: $e_type = 'E_ERROR'; $exit_now = true; break;
case 2: $e_type = 'E_WARNING'; break;
case 4: $e_type = 'E_PARSE'; break;
case 8: $e_type = 'E_NOTICE'; break;
case 16: $e_type = 'E_CORE_ERROR'; $exit_now = true; break;
case 32: $e_type = 'E_CORE_WARNING'; break;
case 64: $e_type = 'E_COMPILE_ERROR'; $exit_now = true; break;
case 128: $e_type = 'E_COMPILE_WARNING'; break;
case 256: $e_type = 'E_USER_ERROR'; $exit_now = true; break;
case 512: $e_type = 'E_USER_WARNING'; break;
case 1024: $e_type = 'E_USER_NOTICE'; break;
case 2048: $e_type = 'E_STRICT'; break;
case 4096: $e_type = 'E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR'; $exit_now = true; break;
case 8192: $e_type = 'E_DEPRECATED'; break;
case 16384: $e_type = 'E_USER_DEPRECATED'; break;
case 30719: $e_type = 'E_ALL'; $exit_now = true; break;
default: $e_type = 'E_UNKNOWN'; break;
$errors .= "[$error_level: $e_type]: $error_message\n in $error_file ($error_line)\n\n";
return $rv;