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File: phpcf-src/styles/example/formatting-rules.php

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  Classes of Alex Krash   PHP Code formatter   phpcf-src/styles/example/formatting-rules.php   Download  
File: phpcf-src/styles/example/formatting-rules.php
Role: Configuration script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Configuration script
Class: PHP Code formatter
Reformat PHP code according to standard options
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 10 years ago
Size: 2,653 bytes


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// in this example we will add rule about namespaces:
// - there must be only 1 namespace per line (check for new line before "namespace")
// - there must be strictly one space after "namespace"
// - there must be no spaces before ";" in namespace definition
// - there must be no spaces in namespace name:
// * no spaces before and after "\" (T_NS_SEPARATOR)
// * no spaces before and after path segment name (T_STRING)

// formatted example:
// <?php
// namespace \Hello\World;
// namespace \Something\Else;

// you specify formatting by modifying $controls:
// $controls = array( TOKEN_NAME => array( CTX_NAME => rule[, PHPCF_KEY_ALL => rule] ) );

$controls += [
// rule for both T_NS_SEPARATOR and T_STRING
// in our defined context CTX_NAMESPACE_D
// rules described in more details below
PHPCF_KEY_DESCR_LEFT => 'No spaces before "\" and segment name in namespace definition',
PHPCF_KEY_DESCR_RIGHT => 'No spaces after "\" and segment name in namespace definition',
// rule for "namespace"
// rule for "namespace" in context "CTX_NAMESPACE_D", defined in "context-rules.php"
// description of operation that needs to be performed for whitespace to the left of token
PHPCF_KEY_DESCR_LEFT => '1 or 2 new lines before "namespace"',
// for whitespace on the left of token, do the following: PHPCF_EX_CHECK_NL (check for "\n" or "\n\n")
// description for whitespace on the right
PHPCF_KEY_DESCR_RIGHT => 'Space after "namespace"',
// for whitespace on the right, shink whitespace to " " with higher priority than PHPCF_EX_DELETE_SPACES
            // that is defined for "\" (T_NS_SEPARATOR) or segment name (T_STRING) in namespace context
// there will be no additional rules required for ";", as there already exists the rule that is exactly what we need:
    ';' => array(
        PHPCF_KEY_ALL => array(
            PHPCF_KEY_DESCR_LEFT => 'No whitespace before ";"',
            PHPCF_KEY_DESCR_RIGHT => '1 or 2 newlines after ";"',