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File: lib/Injector/Injector.php

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File: lib/Injector/Injector.php
Role: Class source
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Description: Class source
Class: Injector
Inject dependencies defined in annotation comments
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Date: 10 years ago
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namespace Injector;


 * Dependency injection class
 * @author emaphp
 * @package Injector
class Injector {
     * Providers array
     * @var array
protected static $providers = array();
     * Obtains a provider class instance
     * @param string $classname
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
     * @return ServiceProviderInterface
public static function getProvider($classname) {
        if (
array_key_exists($classname, self::$providers)) {
$provider = new $classname;
        if (!(
$provider instanceof ServiceProviderInterface)) {
            throw new \
InvalidArgumentException("$classname is not a valid ServiceProviderInterface instance");

self::$providers[$classname] = $provider;
     * Creates a new instance of $classname with the specified arguments
     * @param string $classname
     * @param Container $container
     * @param string $args
     * @param array $filter
     * @param array $override
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
     * @throws \RuntimeException
     * @return object
public static function createWith($classname, Container $container, $args = null, $filter = null, $override = null) {
        if (!
is_string($classname) || empty($classname)) {
            throw new \
InvalidArgumentException("Argument is not a valid class name");
//obtain provider list for this class
$profile = Profiler::getClassProfile($classname);
        if (isset(
$profile->constructor)) {
//build constructor parameter list
$parameters = $profile->constructor->getParameters();
            if (
is_null($args)) {
$args = [];
            else {
$args = is_array($args) ? $args : [$args];
            foreach (
$parameters as $param) {
                if (!empty(
$args)) {
$params[] = array_shift($args);
                elseif (
is_array($override) && array_key_exists($param->getName(), $profile->constructorParams) && array_key_exists($profile->constructorParams[$param->getName()], $override)) {
$params[] = $override[$profile->constructorParams[$param->getName()]];
                elseif (
array_key_exists($param->getName(), $profile->constructorParams)) {
//get parameter id
$parameterId = $profile->constructorParams[$param->getName()];
                    if (
is_array($filter) && !in_array($parameterId, $filter)) {
                        if (
$param->isOptional()) {
$params[] = $param->getDefaultValue();
                        elseif (!
$profile->isStrict) {
$params[] = null;
                        else {
                            throw new \
RuntimeException(sprintf("Argument %s in class '%s' constructor is associated to a filtered service '%s'", $param->getName(), $classname, $parameterId));
                    elseif (
$container->offsetExists($parameterId)) {
//add service to constructor arguments
$params[] = $container->offsetGet($parameterId);
                    elseif (
$param->isOptional()) {
$params[] = $param->getDefaultValue();
                    elseif (!
$profile->isStrict) {
$params[] = null;
                    else {
                        throw new \
RuntimeException(sprintf("Argument %s in class '%s' constructor is associated to a unknown service '%s'", $param->getName(), $classname, $parameterId));
                elseif (
$param->isOptional()) {
$params[] = $param->getDefaultValue();
                else {
                    throw new \
RuntimeException("Not enough arguments provided for '$classname' constructor");
$instance = $profile->class->newInstanceArgs($params);
        else {
$instance = new $classname;
self::inject($instance, $container, $filter, $override);
     * Creates a new instance of $classname from the associated providers
     * @param string $classname
     * @param array $args
     * @param array $filter
     * @param array $override
     * @throws \RuntimeException
     * @return object
public static function create($classname, $args = null, $filter = null, $override = null) {
//obtain provider list for this class
$profile = Profiler::getClassProfile($classname);
$providers = $profile->providers;
        if (empty(
$providers)) {
            throw new \
RuntimeException("Class $classname does not have any provider associated with it");

//create new container and register all providers
$container = new Container();
        foreach (
$providers as $provider) {
$providerInstance = self::getProvider($provider);

self::createWith($classname, $container, $args, $filter, $override);
     * Injects a set of dependencies into an instance
     * @param object $instance
     * @param Pimple\Container $container
     * @param array $filter Which dependencies must be injected
     * @param array $override An associative array that overrides a set of injected properties
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
     * @throws \RuntimeException
public static function inject(&$instance, $container, $filter = null, $override = null) {
        if (!
is_object($instance)) {
            throw new \
InvalidArgumentException("Argument is not a valid object");
        if (!
is_object($container)) {
            throw new \
InvalidArgumentException("Container is not a valid object");
        elseif (!(
$container instanceof Container)) {
            throw new \
InvalidArgumentException("Container is not a valid container");
//check if objects is a stdClass instance
if ($instance instanceof \stdClass) {
$services = $container->keys();
            if (empty(
$filter)) {
//inject all
for ($i = 0, $n = count($services); $i < $n; $i++) {
                    if (
is_array($override) && array_key_exists($services[$i], $override)) {
$instance->$services[$i] = $container->offsetGet($services[$i]);
            else {
                foreach (
$filter as $service) {
//check if service exists
if (!in_array($service, $services)) {
                        throw new \
RuntimeException(sprintf("Service '$service' does not exists in container class '%s'", get_class($container)));
                    if (
is_array($override) && array_key_exists($service, $override)) {
$instance->$service = $container->offsetGet($service);
//override values
if (is_array($override) && !empty($override)) {
                foreach (
$override as $service => $value) {
                    if (
is_int($service)) {
$instance->$service = $value;
//build class profile
$classname = get_class($instance);
$profile = Profiler::getClassProfile($classname);
$services = $container->keys();
        foreach (
$profile->reflectionProperties as $name => $property) {
$serviceId = $profile->properties[$name];
            if (
is_array($override) && array_key_exists($serviceId, $override)) {
                if (
$property->isStatic()) {
$property->setValue(null, $override[$serviceId]);
                else {
$property->setValue($instance, $override[$serviceId]);
            else {
                if (
is_array($filter) && !in_array($serviceId, $filter)) {
                if (!
$container->offsetExists($serviceId)) {
                    if (
$profile->isStrict) {
                        throw new \
RuntimeException("Property '$name' in class $classname is associated to a unknown service '$serviceId'");
                else {
$value = $container->offsetGet($serviceId);
                    if (
$property->isStatic()) {
$property->setValue(null, $value);
                    else {
$property->setValue($instance, $value);