* Class DbTools
* @author jlaso < [email protected]>
* @revision 17.08.2014
class DbTools
* Connect with the DB_NAME and returns the object mysql to access
* @param string $dbname
* @return mysqli
public static function connect($dbname = DB_NAME)
try {
$conn = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, $dbname);
} catch (Exception $e) {
die ( "There is an error access to DB: ".$e->getMessage() );
return $conn;
* offline version 'dont requires db connection' of mysql_real_escape_string
* @param string $value
* @return string
public static function my_real_escape_string($value)
$search = array("\x00", "\n", "\r", "\\", "'", "\"", "\x1a");
$replace = array("\\x00", "\\n", "\\r", "\\\\" ,"\'", "\\\"", "\\\x1a");
return str_replace($search, $replace, $value);
* filters $data removing malicious code
* @param string $data
* @return string
public static function filterData($data)
$data = trim(htmlentities(strip_tags($data)));
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()){
$data = stripslashes($data);
$data = self::my_real_escape_string($data);
return $data;
* returns an array with the databases of the MySQL server, DB_USER needs privileges
* @return array
public static function showDatabases()
$conn = DbTools::connect();
$databases = array();
$sql = "show databases";
try {
$result = $conn->query($sql);
$num = $result->num_rows;
if ($num) {
for ($i=0; $i<$num; $i++) {
$databases[] = $result->fetch_assoc();
}catch (Exception $e) {
die("Query failed: " . $e->getMessage());
return $databases;
* returns an array with the tables of $dbname
* @param string $dbname
* @return array
public static function showTables($dbname)
$conn = DbTools::connect($dbname);
$tables = array();
$sql = "show tables";
try {
$result = $conn->query($sql);
$num = $result->num_rows;
if ($num) {
for ($i=0; $i<$num; $i++) {
$tables[] = $result->fetch_assoc();
}catch (Exception $e) {
die("Query failed: ".$e->getMessage());
return $tables;
* returns an array with description of each field of $table
* @param string $dbname
* @param string $table
* @return array
public static function describeTable($dbname, $table)
$conn = DbTools::connect($dbname);
$fields = array();
$sql = "describe {$table}";
try {
$result = $conn->query($sql);
$num = $result->num_rows;
if ($num) {
for ($i=0; $i<$num; $i++) {
$fields[] = $result->fetch_assoc();
}catch (Exception $e) {
die("Query failed: ".$e->getMessage());
return $fields;
* returns the number of records of $table
* @param string $dbname
* @param string $table
* @return int
public static function numOfRecords($dbname, $table)
$conn = DbTools::connect($dbname);
$num = 0;
$sql = "select * from {$table}";
try {
$result = $conn->query($sql);
$num = $conn->affected_rows;
}catch (Exception $e) {
die("Query failed: ".$e->getMessage());
return $num;
* returns pretty description of field l.ist
* @param array $mixed
* @param string $tab
* @return string
public static function genFldLstFromDescribeTable($mixed, $tab="\t\t")
$result = "";
foreach ($mixed as $elem){
$field = $elem['Field'];
$result .= (($result)? ",\n" : "")."{$tab}'{$field}' => null";
return $result;
* returns field list without id
* @param array $mixed
* @param string $tab
* @return string
public static function genFldLstWithoutID($mixed,$tab="\t\t")
$result = "";
foreach ($mixed as $elem){
$field = $elem['Field'];
if ($i++>1){
$result .= (($result)? ",\n" : "")."{$tab}'{$field}' => null";
return $result;
* returns field name list without id
* @param array $mixed
* @param string $tab
* @return string
public static function genFldNameLstWithoutID($mixed, $tab="\t\t")
$result = "";
foreach ($mixed as $elem){
$field = $elem['Field'];
$result .= (($result)? ",\n" : $tab).$field;
return $result;
* returns a foreign list of fields for $table
* @param string $dbname
* @param string $table
* @return array
public static function describeForeigns($dbname, $table)
$sqlCreation = self::sqlCreation($dbname, $table);
// find with regex CONSTRAINTS definitions
$num = preg_match_all(
$fields = array();
if ($num) {
for ($i=0; $i<$num; $i++) {
$fields[]= array (
'constraintName' => $matches[$i][1],
'foreignKey' => $matches[$i][2],
'referencesDb' => $matches[$i][3],
'referencesFld' => $matches[$i][4]
return $fields;
* returns the SQL sentence needed to create a table
* @param string $dbname
* @param string $table
* @return string
public static function sqlCreation($dbname, $table)
$conn = DbTools::connect($dbname);
$sql = "show create table {$table}";
$sqlCreation = "";
try {
$result = $conn->query($sql);
if ($result) {
$jj = $result->fetch_array();
$sqlCreation = $jj[1];
}catch (Exception $e) {
die("Query failed: ".$e->getMessage());
return $sqlCreation;
* Class HtmlTools
* @author jlaso < [email protected]>
* @revision 17.08.2014
class HtmlTools
* content of a html file until </head> label
* if specified load generic javascript plus $jq code
* to use put this at the first of each PHP file that generates html code:
* <?php require_once 'php-tools.php'; ?>
* <?php echo HtmlTools::headContent(); ?>
* @param string $jq
public static function headContent($jq = null)
$server = _SERVER_;
echo <<<EOD
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<link rel="image_src" href="img/logo.gif" />
<meta property="og:description" content="my page" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta property="og:title" content="title" />
<meta property="og:type" content="website" />
<meta property="og:url" content="url" />
<meta property="og:image" content="logo.gif" />
<meta property="og:site_name" content="title" />
<meta name="Robots" content="all" />
<link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico" />
<title>my page</title>
<link href="{$server}/css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<!--[if IE]>
<link href="{$server}/css/ie.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
echo <<<EOD
<link media="screen" rel="stylesheet" href="{$server}/css/colorbox.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$server}/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$server}/js/jquery.colorbox-min.js"></script>
echo $jq;
echo <<<EOD
* @param bool $return
* @return string
public static function reloadJavascript($return = false)
$html = "<script type='text/javascript'>window.location.reload();</script>";
if ($return){
return $html;
print $html;
* @param string $url
* @param bool $return
* @return string
public static function locationJavascript($url = "",$return = false)
if (!$url) {
$url = $_REQUEST['PHP_SELF'];
$html = "<script type='text/javascript'>window.location.href='{$url}';</script>";
if ($return) {
return $html;
} else {
print $html;
* @param array $opts
* @return string
public static function genSelectFromArray ( $opts = array() )
$defaultOptions = array (
"selected"=> "",
"name" => "",
"id" => "",
"multiple"=> FALSE,
"optgroup"=> "",
"size" => 1,
"data" => array(),
"fldkey" => "id",
"fldname" => "name",
"select" => true
$options = array_merge($defaultOptions, $opts);
$id = ($options['id'])? "id='".$options['id']."'" : "";
$name = ($options['name'])? "name='".$options['name']."'" : "";
$multiple = ($options['multiple'])? "MULTIPLE" : "";
$optgroup = ($options['optgroup'])? "<optgroup label='".$options['optgroup']."'>" : "";
$selected = $options['selected'];
$size = "size='".intval($options['size'])."'";
$fldkey = $options["fldkey"];
$fldname = $options["fldname"];
// listado de registros
$U = $options["data"];
if ($options['select'])
$html = "<SELECT {$id} {$name} {$multiple} {$size} >";
$html .= $optgroup;
foreach ( $U as $elem ) {
$desc = $elem[$fldname];
$key = $elem[$fldkey];
$html .= "<OPTION VALUE='{$key}'".(($desc == $selected)? " SELECTED >" : ">").$desc."</OPTION>";
$html .= ($optgroup)? "</optgroup>" : "";
if ($options['select'])
$html .= "</SELECT>";
return $html;
* @param string $fileName
* @param array $opts
* @return mixed|string
public static function template($fileName, $opts = array())
$result = "";
if ($fileName) {
$file = file_get_contents($fileName);
if ($opts) {
$search = array();
$replace= array();
foreach ($opts as $key=>$value) {
$result = str_replace($search, $replace, $file);
return $result;
* spanish pluralization of a word
* @param string $data
* @return string
public static function plural($data)
$lowercase = strtolower($data);
if (substr($lowercase, -1) != "s") {
if (preg_match("/.*(a|e|i|o|u)s$/", $lowercase)) {
return $data."s";
}else {
return $data."es";
}else return $data."os";
* @param string $data
* @return string
public static function capitalize($data)
return strtoupper($data[0]).strtolower(substr($data, 1));
* $arr must to have two dimensions: first numeric and second associative
* @param array $arr
* @param null $id
* @return string
public static function genTableFromMixed ($arr = array(), $id = null)
$id = (isset($id)) ? "id='{$id}'" : "";
$html = "<table {$id}>\n\t<thead>\n";
foreach ($arr[0] as $key=>$value) {
$html .= "\t\t<td>{$key}</td>\n";
$html .= "\t</thead>\n";
foreach ($arr as $subarray) {
$html .= "\t<tr>\n";
foreach ($subarray as $key=>$value) {
$html .= "\t\t<td>{$value}</td>\n";
$html .= "\t</tr>\n";
$html .= "</table>\n";
return $html;
* Class SessionTools
class SessionTools
* check if user is loged
* @global mysql $db
function isLoged()
global $db;
// check user agent
if (isset($_SESSION['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
/* If session not set, check for cookies set by Remember me */
if (!isset($_SESSION['usr_email']) && !isset($_SESSION['created_at']) )
if(isset($_COOKIE['usr_email']) && isset($_COOKIE['created_at'])){
/* we double check cookie expiry time against stored in database */
$cookie_user_email = DbTools::filterData($_COOKIE['usr_email']);
$sessionKeyQry = mysql_query("select `session_key`,`last_access` from `users` where `email` ='{$cookie_user_email}'")
or die(mysql_error());
list($sessionkey,$lastaccess) = mysql_fetch_row($sessionKeyQry);
// check if cookie has expired
if( (time() - time($lastaccess)) > 60*60*24*APP_COOKIE_EXPIRA) {
/* Security check with untrusted cookies - dont trust value stored in cookie.
/* We also do authentication check of the `ckey` stored in cookie matches that stored in database during login*/
if( !empty($sessionkey) && MyTools::isEmail($_COOKIE['usr_email']) && $_COOKIE['usr_session_key'] == sha1($sessionkey) ) {
session_regenerate_id(); //against session fixation attacks.
$_SESSION['usr_email'] = $_COOKIE['usr_email'];
$_SESSION['created_at'] = $_COOKIE['created_at'];
$_SESSION['usr_administrator'] = $_COOKIE['usr_administrator'];
} else {
} else {
// return to homepage
header("Location: /");
* @global array $get
* @global array $data
* @param string $postAcc , valor de la variable POST accion
* @return boolean
* pasa todos los $_POST a $data y todos los $_GET a $get y si se le pasa
* una acción en $postAcc devuelve TRUE si $_POST["accion"]==$postAcc
function getAndPost ($postAcc = null)
global $get;
global $data;
foreach($_GET as $key => $value) {
$get[$key] = DbTools::filterData($value);
if (isset($_POST['accion']) && ($_POST['accion']==$postAcc)){
foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
$data[$key] = DbTools::filterData($value);
return TRUE;
}else {
return FALSE;
public static function logout()
// return to homepage
header("Location: /");
class MyTools
* @param string $url
* @return string
* devuelve una cadena en la que se han sustituido los espacios por guiones bajos
public static function EncodeURL($url) {
$new = strtolower(ereg_replace(' ','_',$url));
* @param string $url
* @return string
* devuelve una cadena en la que se restablecen los guiones bajos a espacios
public static function DecodeURL($url){
$new = ucwords(ereg_replace('_',' ',$url));
* @param string $str
* @param int $len
* @return string
* si la cadena pasada como argumento excede de la longitud, se corta añadiendo ...
public static function puntosSuspensivos($str, $len) {
if (strlen($str) < $len)
return $str;
$str = substr($str,0,$len);
if ($spc_pos == strrpos($str," "))
$str = substr($str,0,$spc_pos);
return $str . "...";
* @param string $email
* @return boolean
* comprueba mediante expresiones regulares si una cadena parece un email
public static function isEmail($email)
return preg_match('/^\S+@[\w\d.-]{2,}\.[\w]{2,6}$/iU', $email) ? TRUE : FALSE;
* @param string $id
* @return boolean
* comprueba si la cadena pasada parece un ID
public static function esID($id){
return preg_match('/^[a-z\d_]{5,20}$/i', $id) ? TRUE : FALSE;
* @param string $url
* @return boolean
* comprueba si la cadena pasada 'parece' una URL
public static function esURL($url) {
return preg_match('/^(http|https|ftp):\/\/([A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9_-]*(?:\.[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9_-]*)+):?(\d+)?\/?/i', $url) ? TRUE : FALSE;
* @param string $x
* @param string $y
* @return boolean
* comprueba si la contraseña y repita contraseña coinciden y son mayores de 4
public static function checkPwd($x,$y) {
if (empty($x) || empty($y) ) return false;
if (strlen($x) < 4 || strlen($y) < 4) return false;
if (strcmp($x,$y) != 0) return false;
return true;
* @param int $length
* @return string
* genera una contraseña aleatoria de la longitud indicada (por defecto 7)
public static function genPassword($length = 7, $repeticiones = false){
$password = "";
$possible = "0123456789bBcCdDfFgGhHjJkKmMnNpPqQrRsStTvVwWxXyYzZ$#?+"; //sin vocales para evitar palabras que suenen
if (!$repeticiones && ($length>count_chars($posible))) return -1;
$i = 0;
while ($i < $length) {
$char = substr($possible, mt_rand(0, strlen($possible)-1), 1);
if ($repeticiones || !strstr($password, $char)) {
$password .= $char;
return $password;
* @param int $length
* @return string
* genera una key aleatoria de la longitud indicada (por defecto 7)
* a diferencia del password, la key puede contener vocales
public static function genKey($length = 7, $repeticiones = false){
$password = "";
$possible = "0123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz";
if (!$repeticiones && ($length>count_chars($posible))) return -1;
$i = 0;
while ($i < $length) {
$char = substr($possible, mt_rand(0, strlen($possible)-1), 1);
if ($repeticiones || !strstr($password, $char)) {
$password .= $char;
return $password;
* @param string $email
* @return string
* sustituye la arroba de un email por un guión bajo
public static function slugEmail ($email) {
return str_replace("@", "_", $email);
* @param string $email
* @return string
* convierte el guión bajo en una arroba
public static function deslugEmail ($email) {
return str_replace("_", "@", $email);
class DirTools {
* @param string $dirname
* @param boolean $solofotos
* @return array
* inspecciona el directorio pasado como argumento y almacena todos sus archivos
* (o sólo las fotos) en un array que luego se devuelve
public static function dirToArray ($dirname, $solofotos=1) {
$a = array();
while ($archivo = readdir($directorio)) {
if (!(($archivo=='.') || ($archivo=='..'))) {
if (@filetype($dirname."/".$archivo)=="file") {
if ($solofotos) {
if (in_array($ext, array('jpg','gif','png')))
return $a;
* @param string $base
* @param string $opcion1
* @param string $opcion2
* @return array
* devuelve un array que contiene como primer elemento la base + opcion1 y
* como segundo la base + opcion2
* este útil se gasta para las carpetas base y la de miniaturas
public static function opcionBase ( $base, $opcion1, $opcion2 ){
return array ($base.$opcion1, $base.$opcion2);
* @param array $a
* @return string
* funciona como array_rand($a); devuelve un elemento del array al azar
* utilizado para elegir una foto de un directorio al azar para presentarla
public static function randomElemArray($a) {
$elem = rand(0, sizeof($a)-1);
return $a[$elem];
* Class Calendar
class Calendar
private $day;
private $month;
private $year;
private $monthes;
private $myselfphp;
public function __construct($myself,$year=0,$month=0,$day=0){
$this->months = $this->months();
$this->myselfphp = (empty($myself))?$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']:$myself;
$this->year = ($year)?intval($year):date("Y");
$this->month = ($month)?intval($month):date("m");
$this->day = ($day)?intval($day):date("d");
public function setMonth($month=0) { $this->month = ($month)?$month:date("m"); }
public function getMonth() { return $this->month; }
public function setYear($year=0) { $this->year = ($year)?$year:date("Y");}
public function getYear() { return $this->year; }
* @param int $day
public function setDia($day=0)
$this->day = ($day)?intval($day):date("d");
* @return int
public function getDia()
return $this->day;
* @param int $deltaMonth
* @param int $deltaYear
* @param bool $print
* @return string
public function getGetJsClause($deltaMonth=0,$deltaYear=0,$print = true)
$year = $deltaYear + $this->year;
$month = $deltaMonth + $this->month;
if ($month<1) {
$month = 12;
if ($month>12) {
$month = 1;
//if ($deltaMonth || $deltaYear) $result .= '?month='.$month.'&year='.$year;
$result = "getCalendar( {$this->day},{$month},{$year});";
if ($print) print $result; else return $result;
public function getGetJsClause2($month,$year) {
if ($month===0) $month = $this->getMonth();
if ($year===0) $year=$this->getYear();
$result = "getCalendar( 1,{$month},{$year});";
return $result;
* @param int $day
* @return string
public function getAsYYYY_MM_DD($day=-1)
if ($day===0) {
return "";
if ($day===-1) {
$day = $this->day;
return sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d",$this->year,$this->month,$day);
* @param $day
* @return string
public function getAsYYYYMMDD($day=-1)
if ($day===0) return "";
if ($day===-1) $day = $this->day;
return sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",$this->year,$this->month,$day);
public function getAsDate($dd=0) { return date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, ($dd)?$dd:$this->day , $this->year)); }
* @param string $lang
* @return array
public function months( $lang = "es")
case "es":
$r = array(
"", // first blank to start with index 1
case "en":
$r = array(
"", // first blank to start with index 1
return $r;
* to generate month select
public function selectMonth()
$html = "<select id='month' onchange='".$this->getGetJsClause2( 'this.value', 0 )."'>";
for ($i=1;$i<13;$i++){
$html .= "<option name='{$i}' value='{$i}'";
if ($this->month==$i) $html.=" selected ";
$html .= ">".$this->months[$i]."</option>";
$html .= "</select>";
return $html;
* para generar el selector de año
public function selectYear($from=1970, $to=2100)
$html = "<select id='year' onchange='".$this->getGetJsClause2( 0, 'this.value' )."'>";
for ($i=$from;$i<=$to;$i++){
$html .= "<option name='{$i}' value='{$i}'";
if ($this->year==$i) $html.=" selected ";
$html .= ">".$i."</option>";
$html .= "</select>";
return $html;
public function adjustRequestDate()
$this->year = (isset($_REQUEST['year']) && intval($_REQUEST['year'])) ? intval($_REQUEST['year']) : date("Y");
$this->month = (isset($_REQUEST['month']) && intval($_REQUEST['month'] )) ? intval($_REQUEST['month'] ) : date("m");
/*if ($this->month<1) {
$this->month = 12;
if ($this->month>12) {
$this->month = 1;
$this->day = (isset($_REQUEST["day"]) && intval($_REQUEST['day'])) ? intval($_REQUEST["day"]) : date("d");
* return first day
* @return mixed
public function firstDay()
$days = array(7,1,2,3,4,5,6); // day sort (1st is sunday)
return $days[date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, 1, $this->year)) ];
* return last day of month
* @return int
public function lastDay()
return intval( date("t",mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, 1, $this->year)) );
* return number of day of the monday in this week
* @return int
public function mondayWeek()
// 0=sunday
$dayofweek = date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, $this->day, $this->year));
return $this->day - $dayofweek + 1;
* @param string $str
* @param bool $date
* @return int|string
public static function fromSpanishDate($str, $date=false)
if (!$str) {
return '';
// dd/mm/YYYY HH:MM
$day = intval(substr($str, 0, 2));
$month = intval(substr($str, 3, 2));
$year = intval(substr($str, 6, 4));
$hour = intval(substr($str, 11, 2));
$min = intval(substr($str, 14, 2));
$ret = mktime($hour, $min, 0, $month, $day, $year);
if ($date) {
return $ret;
return date("Y-m-d H:i", $ret);
* @param string $str
* @return null|string
public static function fromEnglishDate($str)
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i:s", $str);
if (!$date) {
return null;
try {
$ret = $date->format("d/m/Y H:i");
}catch(Exception $e){
print "Error: ".$e->getMessage();
$ret = null;
return $ret;
* Class strTools
class strTools
* @param $char
* @param $long
* @return string
public static function gen($char, $long)
$ret = "";
for ($i=0;$i<$long;$i++) {
$ret .= $char;
return $ret;
* dirt a string from $start to $start+$long-1 with the $char passed
public static function dirt($str, $char, $start, $long)
$tot = strlen($str);
$s = self::gen($char,$long);
$a = substr($str, 0, $start-1);
$b = substr($str, $start+$long, $tot);
return $a.$s.$b;