This class creates entries for a select (pull down) menu (a form <select> element) and generates all JavaScript and data required for a related select (secondary <select>) that has different options (<option elements with different value) for each primary <select> element...
let's see an example...
You have 2 related tables:
first table (table 1) layout is
ID -> unsigned int primary key
NAME-> varchar(50)
second table (table 2) layout is
ID -> unsigned int primary key
PARENTID -> unsigned int (TO JOIN WITH table 1)
NAME -> varchar(50)
So data in the tables is as follows:
table 1:
table 2:
1 | 1 | APPLE
2 | 1 | PEAR
3 | 2 | CUCUMBER
4 | 3 | PALMTREE
5 | 2 | LETTUCE
6 | 1 | MELON
7 | 3 | ACORN TREE
So with linked select you generate 2 selects, first one shows FRUITS/VEGETABLES/TREES (primary select, values are 1,2 & 3 respectively)
When you select an element in this select, secondary select show options depending on the option selected:
if select 1 shows FRUITS then options in select 2 are APPLE/PEAR (with values 1,2)
if select 1 shows VEGETABLES then options in select 2 are CUCUMBER/LETTUCE (with values 3,5)
if select 1 shows TREES then options in select 2 are PALMTREE/ACORN TREE (with values 4,7)
Got it? ;)