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  Classes of Enrico Anello   PHP Solr Client   Download  
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Description: Class Methods and Usage
Class: PHP Solr Client
Index and search content using a Solr server
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SolrPHPClient =========== Please have a look at the Solr documentation for further functuonalities: <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> The PHP Version (PHP/SolrClient.php) has been written using PHP Version 5.5.9 This client handles many Solr features for queries and updates. It is completely object oriented and lets the user fine graining the searches by its methods. Very simple usage: ------------------ Query require_once("SolrClient.php"); $client = new SolrClient("localhost", "8983"); $client->setUriPath("/solr/collection1/"); $client->addParameter("q", "*:*"); $client->addParameter("start", 0); $client->addParameter("rows", 10); $facets = new SolrFacetHandler(); $facets->addFacetField("category"); $client->setFacets($facets); try { $client->doQuery(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Caught Exception: " . $e->getMessage(); } echo $client->getNumberOfResults(); $docs = $client->getResults(); foreach ($docs as $doc) { print_r($doc); } Update require_once("SolrClient.php"); $client = new SolrClient("localhost", "8983"); $client->setUriPath("/solr/collection1/"); $dataToUpdate = array( array( "id" => "1", "name" => "John", "surname" => "Smith", ), array( "id" => "2", "name" => "Mary", "surname" => "White", ) ); try { $client->doUpdate($dataToUpdate); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Caught Exception: " . $e->getMessage(); } PHP Solr Client =============== Please have a look at the Solr documentation for further functuonalities: <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> Class Methods: ============== SolrClient: ----------- Constructor: new SolrClient($host, $port); setUriPath($uri); Path where Solr is located (ex. /solr/) Default: none setRequestHandler($handler); Solr Request Handler Default: select setUpdateHandler($handler); Solr Update Handler Default: update setOutputType($type); Set the Query output types {json, xml, csv, python, ruby, php} Default: json setQueryParser($qp); Set the query parser {dismax, edismax} Default: none setRows($rows); Set the returning documents rows Default: 10 setStart($start); Set the query start Default: 0 addParameter($param, $value); Add a query parameter ex: addParameter("q", "title:test"); addParameter("q", "title:test"); addParameter("fq", "features:Documentary"); addParameter("fl", "category keywords"); addParameter("sort", "category desc, keywords asc"); addCustomParameter($param, $value) Add a custom parameter, mainly used for compatibility with different Solr versions getRawResponse(); returns the Raw Solr server response getSolrCallsLog(); returns a list of all the calls made to solr so far setHighlight(true|false); Set the highlight setSpatial(true|false); Set the spatial setSpellCheck(true|false); Set the spellcheck setFacets(object SolrFacetsHandler); Set the query facets doQuery(); Performs the query to Solr doUpdate($data); Performs the update. $data can be a json in the native solr update format or can be an object the object must be a list of records, multiple values fields must be defined as lists too. ex: $dataToUpdate = array( array( "id" => "1", "name" => "John Smith", "comments" => array("comment1", "comment2"), ), array( "id" => "2", "name" => "Mary White", "comments" => array("comment1", "comment2"), ) ); getResults(); gets the list of results getNumberOfResults(); gets the number of results found SolrFacetHandler: ----------------- Constructor: new SolrFacetHandler(); addFacetField($field); Adds a facet field, the parameter can be the field name or an object that identifies the field with its faceting options ex: addFacetField("category"); addFacetField( array("field" => "category", "sort" => "index", "mincount" => "4") ); addFacetField($fields); Adds all the facet fields at once, the parameter can be the field name or an object that identifies the field with its faceting options ex: addFacetFields(array("category", "name")); addFacetFields( array ( array("field" => "category", "sort" => "index", "mincount" => "4"), array("field" => "name", "sort" => "index", "mincount" => "4") ) ); addFacetQuery($query); Adds a facet query: ex: addFacetQuery('name:"john"'); addFacetQueries($queries); Add all the facet queries at once: ex: addFacetQueries(array('author:"john"', 'author:"mary"')); setFacetPrefix($prefix); Sets the facet prefix setFacetSort($sort); Sets the facet sort mode {count, index} setFacetLimit($limit); Sets the return facet limits setFacetOffset($offset); Sets the facet offset setFacetMincount($mincount); Sets the facet mincount setFacetMissing($missing) Sets the facet missing setFacetMethod($method); Sets the facet methods addFacetPivot($pivot); Adds the facet pivots ex: addFacetPivot("cat,popularity,inStock"); addFacetDate($date); Adds a facet date field, or an object with the fields and its options ex: addFacetDate("last_update"); addFacetDate(array("field" => "last_modified", "start" => "NOW/DAY-20DAYS", "end" => "NOW", "gap" => "+1DAY")); possible array keys: - field - start - end - gap - hardend - include - other addFacetDates($dates); Adds all the facet dates at once, the parameter must be a list of date fields or a list of objects which identifies the fields and their properties ex: addFacetDates(array("last_update", "first_update")); addFacetDates(array(array("field" => "last_modified", "start" => "NOW/DAY-20DAYS", "end" => "NOW", "gap" => "+1DAY")); , array("field" => "first_update", "start" => "NOW/DAY-20DAYS", "end" => "NOW", "gap" => "+1DAY")); )); possible array keys: - field - start - end - gap - hardend - include - other setFacetDateStart($start); Sets the facet date start setFacetDateEnd($end); Sets the facet date end setFacetDateGap($gap); Sets the facet date gap setFacetDateHardend($hardend); Sets the facet date hardend setFacetDateOther($other); Sets the date other setFacetDateInclude($include); Sets the facet date include addFacetRange($range); Adds a facet Range field, or an object with the fields and its options ex: addFacetRange($range); addFacetRange(array("field" => "price", "start" => "1", "end" => "100", "gap" => "2")); possible array keys: - field - start - end - gap - hardend - include - other addFacetRanges($ranges); Adds all the facet Ranges at once, the parameter must be a list of Range fields or a list of objects which identifies the fields and their properties ex: addFacetRanges(array("price", "metacritic")); addFacetRanges(array(array("field" => "price", "start" => "1", "end" => "100", "gap" => "2")); , array("field" => "metacritic", "start" => "1", "end" => "5", "gap" => "0.5")); )); possible array keys: - field - start - end - gap - hardend - include - other setFacetRangeStart($start); Sets the facet Range start setFacetRangeEnd($end); Sets the facet Range end setFacetRangeGap($gap); Sets the facet Range gap setFacetRangeHardend($hardend); Sets the facet Range hardend setFacetRangeOther($other); Sets the Range other setFacetRangeInclude($include); Sets the facet Range include getFacetResponse(); Gets all the facet response getFacetResponseQueries(); Gets the facet response query getFacetResponseFields(); Gets the facet response fields getFacetResponseRanges(); Gets the facet response ranges getFacetResponseDates(); Gets the facet response dates getFacetResponsePivots(); Gets the facets response pivots getRawFacetResponse(); Gets the facet raw response