* test.php; mininimalistic class webdav_client testing script.
* This script shows the basic use of the methods implemented in the webdav_client class.
* @author Christian Juerges <[email protected]>, Xwave GmbH, Josefstr. 92, 8005 Zuerich - Switzerland.
* @copyright (C) 2003/2004, Christian Juerges
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php GNU Lesser General Public License
* @package test
$Id: test.php,v 1.4 2004/08/18 14:11:04 chris Exp $
$Author: chris $
$Date: 2004/08/18 14:11:04 $
$Revision: 1.4 $
if (!class_exists('webdav_client')) {
$wdc = new webdav_client();
$wdc->set_user('[email protected]');
// use HTTP/1.1
// enable debugging
if (!$wdc->open()) {
print 'Error: could not open server connection';
// check if server supports webdav rfc 2518
if (!$wdc->check_webdav()) {
print 'Error: server does not support webdav or user/password may be wrong';
$dir = $wdc->ls('/');
<h1>class_webdav_client Test-Suite:</h1><p>
Using method webdav_client::ls to get a listing of dir /:<br>
<table summary="ls" border="1">
<th>Filename</th><th>Size</th><th>Creationdate</th><th>Resource Type</th><th>Content Type</th><th>Activelock Depth</th><th>Activelock Owner</th><th>Activelock Token</th><th>Activelock Type</th>
foreach($dir as $e) {
$ts = $wdc->iso8601totime($e['creationdate']);
$line = sprintf('<tr><td>%s </td><td>%s </td><td>%s </td><td>%s </td><td>%s </td><td>%s </td><td>%s </td><td>%s </td><td>%s </td></tr>',
date('d.m.Y H:i:s',$ts),
print urldecode($line);
Create a new collection (Directory) using method webdav_client::mkcol...
$test_folder = '/wdc test 1 folder';
print '<br>creating collection ' . $test_folder .' ...<br>';
$http_status = $wdc->mkcol($test_folder);
print 'webdav server returns ' . $http_status . '<br>';
print 'removing collection just created using method webdav_client::delete ...<br>';
$http_status_array = $wdc->delete($test_folder);
print 'webdav server returns ' . $http_status_array['status'] . '<br>';
print 'let\'s see what\'s happening when we try to delete the same nonexistent collection again....<br>';
$http_status_array = $wdc->delete($test_folder);
print 'webdav server returns ' . $http_status_array['status'] . '<br>';
print 'let\'s see what\'s happening when we try to delete an existent locked collection....<br>';
$http_status_array = $wdc->delete('/packages.txt');
print 'webdav server returns ' . $http_status_array['status'] . '<br>';
$test_folder = '/wdc test 2 folder';
print 'let\'s create a second collection ...' . $test_folder . '<br>';
$http_status = $wdc->mkcol($test_folder);
print 'webdav server returns ' . $http_status . '<br>';
// put a file to webdav collection
$filename = './Testfiles/test_ref.rar';
print 'Let\'s put the file ' . $filename . ' using webdav::put into collection...<br>';
$handle = fopen ($filename, 'r');
$contents = fread ($handle, filesize ($filename));
fclose ($handle);
$target_path = $test_folder . '/test 123 456.rar';
$http_status = $wdc->put($target_path,$contents);
print 'webdav server returns ' . $http_status .'<br>';
// ---
$filename = './Testfiles/Chiquita.jpg';
print 'Let\'s Test second put method...<br>';
$target_path = $test_folder . '/picture.jpg';
$http_status = $wdc->put_file($target_path, $filename);
print 'webdav server returns ' . $http_status . '<br>';
// ---
print 'Let\'s get file just putted...';
$http_status = $wdc->get($test_folder . '/picture.jpg', $buffer);
print 'webdav server returns ' . $http_status . '. Buffer is filled with ' . strlen($buffer). ' Bytes.<br>';
// ---
print 'Let\'s use method webdav_client::copy to create a copy of file ' . $target_path . ' the webdav server<br>';
$new_copy_target = '/copy of picture.jpg';
$http_status = $wdc->copy_file($target_path, $new_copy_target, true);
print 'webdav server returns ' . $http_status . '<br>';
// --
print 'Let\'s use method webdav_client::copy to create a copy of collection ' . $test_folder . ' the webdav server<br>';
$new_copy_target = '/copy of wdc test 2 folder';
$http_status = $wdc->copy_coll($test_folder, $new_copy_target, true);
print 'webdav server returns ' . $http_status . '<br>';
// ---
print 'Let\'s move/rename a file in a collection<br>';
$new_target_path = $test_folder . '/picture renamed.jpg';
$http_status = $wdc->move($target_path, $new_target_path, true);
print 'webdav server returns ' . $http_status . '<br>';
// ---
print 'Let\'s move/rename a collection<br>';
$new_target_folder = '/wdc test 2 folder renamed';
$http_status = $wdc->move($test_folder, $new_target_folder, true);
print 'webdav server returns ' . $http_status . '<br>';
// ---
print 'Let\'s lock this moved collection<br>';
$http_status_array = $wdc->lock($new_target_folder);
print 'webdav server returns ' . $http_status_array['status'] . '<br>';
print 'locktocken is ' . $http_status_array[0]['locktoken']. '<br>';
print 'Owner of lock is ' . $http_status_array[0]['owner'] . '<br>';
// ---
print 'Let\'s unlock this collection with a wrong locktoken<br>';
$http_status = $wdc->unlock($new_target_folder, 'wrongtoken');
print "webdav server returns $http_status<br>";
print 'Let\'s unlock this collection with the right locktoken<br>';
$http_status = $wdc->unlock($new_target_folder, $http_status_array[0]['locktoken']);
print 'webdav server returns ' . $http_status .'<br>';
// --
print 'Let\'s remove/delete the moved collection ' . $new_target_folder . '<br>';
$http_status_array = $wdc->delete($new_target_folder);
print 'webdav server returns ' . $http_status_array['status'] . '<br>';