include '../treelist.php';
$db = new PDO('sqlite::memory:');
$db->exec('CREATE TABLE testdata (id integer primary key, name string, dummy integer);');
$db->exec('INSERT INTO testdata (name,dummy) VALUES (\'alfa\', 9);');
$db->exec('INSERT INTO testdata (name,dummy) VALUES (\'bravo\', 2);');
$db->exec('INSERT INTO testdata (name,dummy) VALUES (\'charlie\', 8);');
$db->exec('INSERT INTO testdata (name,dummy) VALUES (\'delta\', 7);');
$db->exec('INSERT INTO testdata (name,dummy) VALUES (\'echo\', 2);');
$db->exec('INSERT INTO testdata (name,dummy) VALUES (\'foxtrot\', 4);');
$db->exec('INSERT INTO testdata (name,dummy) VALUES (\'golf\', 8);');
$db->exec('INSERT INTO testdata (name,dummy) VALUES (\'hotel\', 2);');
$db->exec('INSERT INTO testdata (name,dummy) VALUES (\'india\', 1);');
$db->exec('INSERT INTO testdata (name,dummy) VALUES (\'juliett\', 7);');
$db->exec('INSERT INTO testdata (name,dummy) VALUES (\'delta\', 5);');
$db->exec('INSERT INTO testdata (name,dummy) VALUES (\'golf\', 3);');
$rs = $db->query('SELECT * FROM testdata', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// Create a TreeList
$tree = new TTreeList();
// Assign the result of the database query as the data content for the tree
// Check how many records we have
echo "The treelist has ".count($tree)." nodes".PHP_EOL;
// Loop the tree as an array
foreach($tree as $node) {
echo ' '.$node["id"].' - '.$node["name"];
echo PHP_EOL;
// Add an anonymous function as a filter when building the tree
$tree->AddBuildFilter(function($node) {
if($node['name'] == 'alfa') {
return false;
if($node['name'] == 'bravo') {
return false;
return true;
// Build the tree and index it on the name field
echo "Building tree".PHP_EOL;
// Display the amount of nodes in the tree (returns 10 since we have two
// duplicates)
echo "There is ".$tree->treeCount." nodes in the tree".PHP_EOL;
// Locate a node in the tree
$node = $tree->Seek("delta");
// If we found a match then display it
if($node !== null) {
echo "Found match".PHP_EOL;
// Display the number of nodes that matches the search
echo "The match has ".$node->PayloadCount()." data nodes".PHP_EOL;
// Loop through all matches found
foreach($node->PayloadKeys() as $key) {
echo "Setting active payload to ".$key.PHP_EOL;
// Set the active payload by index
// Display the active payload
foreach($node as $nodeKey => $nodeValue) {
echo $nodeKey;
echo ' - ';
echo $nodeValue;
echo PHP_EOL;