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File: lib/CustomTags/CustomTags.php

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File: lib/CustomTags/CustomTags.php
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Class: PHP Custom Tags
Template engine based on tags similar to HTML
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Date: 11 months ago
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<?php /** * @author Oliver Lillie (aka buggedcom) <> * * @license BSD * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Oliver Lillie <> * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, * modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software * is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * @package CustomTags * @version 1.0.0 */ namespace CustomTags; class CustomTags { public $version = '0.2.5'; private static $_instance = 0; /** * Holds the options array * @access private * @var array */ private $_options = array( // parse_on_shutdown; boolean; If 'use_buffer' is enabled and this option is also enalbed it will create a // register_shutdown_function that will process the buffered output at the end of the script without any hassle. 'parse_on_shutdown' => false, // use_buffer; boolean; You can optionally use output buffering instead of providing the html for compacting. 'use_buffer' => false, // echo_output; boolean; If after processing you want to output the content set this to true, otherwise it // will be up to you to echo out the compacted html. 'echo_output' => false, // tag_name; string; The custom tag prefix 'tag_name' => 'ct', 'tag_callback_prefix' => 'ct_', // tag_global_callback if this is set ALL callbacks will go through this function, it will be given 3 arguments // the first is the name of the function to be called, the second is the tag data and the third is the buffer. Note // YOU MUST make sure this callback is available to be called, otherwise custom tags will fail without error. 'tag_global_callback' => false, // tag_directory; The directory of the custom tags. 'tag_directory' => false, // template_directory; The directory of the custom tags. 'template_directory' => false, // missing_tags_error_mode; The error mode for outputting errors. // CustomTags::ERROR_EXCEPTION throws and exception for catching. // CustomTags::ERROR_SILENT returns empty data if a tag or error occurs. // CustomTags::ERROR_ECHO returns an error string. 'missing_tags_error_mode' => CustomTags::ERROR_EXCEPTION, // sniff_for_buried_tags; Checks the parsed tag content for buried tags. If you know it's not needed then // you should not enable the sniffing for code optimisation 'sniff_for_buried_tags' => false, // cache_tags; You can optionaly cache the tag output for improved performance. If enabled you will also // need to set the cache_directory option, alternativley you can use your own cache class. 'cache_tags' => false, // cache_directory; The diretory to save the tag cache in. 'cache_directory' => false, // custom_cache_tag_class; A custom cache class for your own manipulation of the tag cache // using the custom_cache_tag_class, the class should have two functions one for checking the cache // "getCache" and one for saving the cache "cache". 'custom_cache_tag_class' => false, // hash_tags; A boolean value that dictates if tags with inner content should have hash tags #{varname} // matched for values and put into the array returned to the callback function 'hash_tags' => false, ); const ERROR_EXCEPTION = 'THROW_EXCEPTION'; const ERROR_SILENT = 'ERROR_SILENT'; const ERROR_ECHO = 'ERROR_ECHO'; public static $name = 'CustomTags'; public static $nocache_tags = array(); private static $_required = array(); private static $_tags_to_collect = array(); private $_collections = array(); private $_registered = array(); private $_buffer_in_use = false; public static $tag_collections = array(); private static $_tag_order = array(); public static $tag_directory_base = false; public static $template_directory_base = false; public static $error_mode = false; // The custom tag open string public static $tag_open = '<'; // The custom tag close string public static $tag_close = '>'; function __construct($options=array()) { $this->setOption($options); if($this->_options['parse_on_shutdown']) { $this->setOption(array( 'use_buffer' => true, 'echo_output' => true )); } if($this->_options['template_directory'] === false) { $this->setOption('template_directory', isset($this->_options['tag_directory']) === false ? dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'tags'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : $this->_options['tag_directory']); } if($this->_options['tag_directory'] === false) { $this->setOption('tag_directory', dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'tags'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } if($this->_options['missing_tags_error_mode'] === false) { $this->setOption('missing_tags_error_mode', self::ERROR_EXCEPTION); } if($this->_options['cache_tags']) { if($this->_options['custom_cache_tag_class'] === false) { if($this->_options['cache_directory'] === false) { $this->setOption('cache_directory', dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'cache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } else { if(is_dir($this->_options['cache_directory']) || !is_writable($this->_options['cache_directory']) === false) { $this->_options['cache_tags'] = false; } } } else { if(class_exists($this->_options['custom_cache_tag_class']) === false) { $this->_options['cache_tags'] = false; } } } if($this->_options['use_buffer'] === true) { ob_start(); } if($this->_options['parse_on_shutdown'] === true) { register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, 'parse')); } } /** * Sets an option in the option array(); * * @access public * @param mixed $varname Can take the form of an array of options to set a string of an option name. * @param mixed $varvalue The value of the option you are setting. **/ public function setOption($varname, $varvalue=null) { $keys = array_keys($this->_options); if(gettype($varname) === 'array') { foreach($varname as $name=>$value) { $this->setOption($name, $value); } } else { if(in_array($varname, $keys) === true) { $this->_options[$varname] = $varvalue; } switch($varname) { case 'template_directory' : self::$template_directory_base = $varvalue; break; case 'tag_directory' : self::$tag_directory_base = $varvalue; break; case 'missing_tags_error_mode' : self::$error_mode = $varvalue; break; case 'custom_cache_tag_class' : if(class_exists($varvalue) === false) { $this->_options['cache_tags'] = false; } break; case 'cache_directory' : if(is_dir($varvalue) === false || is_writable($varvalue) === false) { $this->_options['cache_tags'] = false; } break; } } } /** * Registers a parsed tag. Each tag callback must register the parsed tag so * deep buried tags can be correctly replaced. * * @access public * @param array $tag * @return void */ public static function registerParsedTag($tag) { self::$registered[$tag['source_marker']] = $tag; } /** * Parses the source for any custom tags. * @access public * @param mixed|boolean|string $source If false then it will capture the output buffer, otherwise if a string * it will use this value to search for custom tags. * @param boolean $parse_collections If true then any collected tags will be parsed after the tags are parsed. * @return string The parsed $source value. */ public function parse($source=false, $parse_collections=false, $_internal_loop=false) { // increment the parse count so it has unique identifiers self::$_instance += 1; // capture the source from the buffer if($source === false) { $source = ob_get_clean(); $this->_buffer_in_use = true; $parse_collections = true; } // collect the tags for processing $tags = $this->collectTags($source); if(count($tags) > 0) { // there are tags so process them $output = $this->_parseTags($tags); if($output && $parse_collections === true) { // parse any collected tags if required $output = $this->_processCollectedTags($output); } if($this->_options['echo_output'] === true) { echo $output; } return $output; } return $source; } /** * Processes a tag by loading * @access private * @param array $tag The tag to parse. * @return string The content of the tag. */ private function _parseTag($tag) { // return nothing if the tag is disabled if(isset($tag['attributes']->disabled) === true && $tag['attributes']->disabled === 'true') { return ''; } $tag_data = false; $caching_tag = isset($tag['attributes']->cache) && $tag['attributes']->cache === 'false' ? false : true; if($this->_options['cache_tags'] === true && $caching_tag === true) { if($this->_options['custom_cache_tag_class'] !== false) { $tag_data = call_user_func_array(array($this->_options['custom_cache_tag_class'], 'getCache'), array($tag)); } else { $cache_file = $this->_options['cache_directory'].md5(serialize($tag)); if(is_file($cache_file) === true) { $tag_data = file_get_contents($cache_file); } } if($tag_data) { $tag['cached'] = true; return $tag_data; } } // look for and load tag function file $tag_func_name = ucwords(str_replace(array('_', '-'), ' ', $tag['name'])); $tag_func_name = strtolower(substr($tag_func_name, 0, 1)).substr($tag_func_name, 1); $func_name = str_replace(' ', '', $this->_options['tag_callback_prefix'].$tag_func_name); $tag_data = ''; $collect_tag = false; $tag_order = false; if(function_exists($func_name) === false) { $has_resource = false; if(is_array($this->_options['tag_directory']) === false) { $this->_options['tag_directory'] = array($this->_options['tag_directory']); } foreach ($this->_options['tag_directory'] as $directory) { $tag_file = rtrim($directory, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$tag['name'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'tag.php'; if(is_file($tag_file) === true) { if(isset(self::$_required[$tag['name']]) === false) { self::$_required[$tag['name']] = true; $collect = false; if(function_exists($func_name) === false) { include_once $tag_file; } self::$_tags_to_collect[$tag['name']] = $collect; if(function_exists($func_name) === false) { return self::throwError($tag['name'], 'tag resource "'.$directory.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'tag.php" found but callback "'.$func_name.'" wasn\'t.'); } $has_resource = true; } } } if($has_resource === false) { return self::throwError($tag['name'], 'tag resource not found.'); } } // do we have to collect this tag for parsing at a later point if(self::$_tags_to_collect[$tag['name']] !== false) { if(isset(self::$tag_collections[$tag['name']]) === false) { self::$tag_collections[$tag['name']] = array(); } $tag['collected'] = true; $index = array_push(self::$tag_collections[$tag['name']], $tag)-1; if($tag_order !== false) { if(isset(self::$_tag_order[$block['name']]) === false) { self::$_tag_order[$block['name']] = array(); } self::$_tag_order[$block['name']] = $tag_order; } return self::$tag_collections[$tag['name']][$index]['tag'] = '------@@%'.self::$_instance.'-'.$tag['name'].'-'.$index.'-'.uniqid(time().'-').'%@@------'; } // excecute the tag callback if($this->_options['tag_global_callback'] !== false) { $tag_data = trim(call_user_func($this->_options['tag_global_callback'], 'tag', $func_name, $tag)); } else { $tag_data = trim(call_user_func($func_name, $tag)); } // this is where we sniff for buried tags within the returned content if(empty($tag_data) === false) { if($this->_options['sniff_for_buried_tags'] === true && strpos($tag_data, self::$tag_open.$this->_options['tag_name'].':') !== false) { // we have the possibility of buried tags so lets parse // but first make sure the output isn't echoed out $old_echo_value = $this->_options['echo_output']; $this->_options['echo_output'] = false; // parse the tag_data $tag_data = $this->parse($tag_data, false, true); // restore the echo_output value back to what it was originally $this->_options['echo_output'] = $old_echo_value; } if($this->_options['cache_tags'] === true && $caching_tag === true) { if($this->_options['custom_cache_tag_class'] !== false) { call_user_func_array(array($this->_options['custom_cache_tag_class'], 'cache'), array($tag, $tag_data)); } else { file_put_contents($this->_options['cache_directory'].md5(serialize($tag)), $tag_data, LOCK_EX); } } } return $tag_data; } /** * Produces an error. * @access public * @param string $tag The name of the tag producing an error. * @param string $message The message of the error. * @return mixed|error|string Either a string or thrown error is returned dependent * on the 'missing_tags_error_mode' option. */ public static function throwError($tag, $message) { if(self::$error_mode === self::ERROR_EXCEPTION && !$this->_buffer_in_use) { throw new CustomTagsException('<strong>'.$tag.'</strong> '.$message.'.'); } else if(self::$error_mode !== self::ERROR_SILENT) { return '<strong>['.self::$name.' Error]</strong>: '.ucfirst($tag).' Tag - '.$message.'<br />'; } return ''; } /** * Loops and parses the found custom tags. * @access private * @param array $tags An array of found custom tag data. * @return mixed|string|boolean Returns false if there are no tags, string otherwise. */ private function _parseTags($tags) { if(count($tags) > 0) { // loop through the tags foreach($tags as $key=>$tag) { // if a tag is delayed, it is rendered after everything else and it's has to be re parsed. if(isset($tag['attributes']) === true && isset($tag['attributes']->delayed) === true && $tag['attributes']->delayed === 'true') { continue; } // check for buried preserved tags, so they can be replaced. // NOTE: this only works with no collected tags. Collected tags are a massive pain in the rectum. if(($has_buried = preg_match_all('!------@@%([0-9\-]+)%@@------!', $tag['content'], $info)) > 0) { $containers = $info[0]; $indexs = $info[1]; $replacements = array(); foreach ($indexs as $key2=>$index) { $index_parts = explode('-', $index); $tag_index = array_pop($index_parts); if(isset($tags[$tag_index]['parsed']) === true) { $replacements[$key2] = $tags[$tag_index]['parsed']; } else { if(isset($tags[$tag_index]['block']) === true) { $block = preg_replace('/ delayed="true"/', '', $tags[$tag_index]['block'], 1); if(isset($tag['block']) === true) { $tag['block'] = str_replace($containers[$key2], $block, $tag['block']); } $tag['content'] = str_replace($containers[$key2], $block, $tag['content']); } } } $tags[$key]['buried_source_markers'] = $tag['buried_source_markers'] = $containers; } // if the tag is a nocahe tag then the block must be replaced as is for later processing if($tag['name'] === 'nocache') { array_push(self::$nocache_tags, $tag); $tags[$key]['parsed'] = $tag['source_marker']; // $tags[$key]['parsed'] = $tag['block']; } // if the tag is just plain text then just shove the content back into the parsed as it doesn't require processing else if($tag['name'] === '___text') { $tags[$key]['parsed'] = $tag['content']; } // otherwise we have a tag and must post process else { $tags[$key]['parsed'] = $this->_parseTag($tag); } // update any buried tags within the parsed content $tags[$key]['parsed'] = $has_buried > 0 ? str_replace($containers, $replacements, $tags[$key]['parsed']) : $tags[$key]['parsed']; } // // if there are items within the nocache elements, parse the contents to pull them out // $tagname = $this->_options['tag_name']; // if(substr_count($tags[$key]['parsed'], self::$tag_open.$tagname.':') > substr_count($tags[$key]['parsed'], self::$tag_open.$tagname.':nocache')) // { // $tags[$key]['parsed'] = $this->parse($tags[$key]['parsed'], true, true); // // $tags[$key]['parsed'] = $this->_processTags($tags[$key]['parsed'], true); // } // Debug::info($tags[$key]); return $tags[$key]['parsed']; } return false; } /** * Process collected blocks. These are different types of block that are required to be processed as a group. * Usual reasons for doing this are to reduce resources and sql queries. * * @param string $source The source of the output. * @return string */ function _processCollectedTags($source) { $to_replace = array(); $ordered = array(); foreach(self::$tag_collections as $tag_name=>$tags) { // if this block has a collection order use it if(isset(self::$_tag_order[$tag_name]) === true) { $pos = self::$_tag_order[$tag_name]; $ordered[$pos] = $tags; continue; } // the source should be modified by the collection script $tag_func_name = ucwords(str_replace(array('_', '-'), ' ', $tag_name)); $tag_func_name = strtolower(substr($tag_func_name, 0, 1)).substr($tag_func_name, 1); $tag_func_name = str_replace(' ', '', $this->_options['tag_callback_prefix'].$tag_func_name); if($this->_options['tag_global_callback'] !== false) { $tags = call_user_func($this->_options['tag_global_callback'], 'collection', $tag_func_name, $tags, $source); } else { $tags = call_user_func($tag_func_name, $tags, $source); } if($tags === -1) { $source = self::throwError($tag_name, 'tag collection parsed however callback "'.$tag_func_name.'" returned -1.'); } else if(is_array($tags) === false) { $source = self::throwError($tag_name, 'tag collection parsed however callback "'.$tag_func_name.'" did not return the array of process tags.'); } else if(count($tags) > 0) { // input the parsed tags back into the source or store for re-intergration foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) { if(strpos($source, $tag['tag']) !== false) { $source = str_replace($tag['tag'], $tag['parsed'], $source); } else { // do a reverse tag lookup here as the tag was not found in the source, thus it must be buried and un processed array_push($to_replace, $tag); } } } } foreach($ordered as $key=>$tags) { // the source should be modified by the collection script $tag_func_name = ucwords(str_replace(array('_', '-'), ' ', $tag_name)); $tag_func_name = strtolower(substr($tag_func_name, 0, 1)).substr($tag_func_name, 1); $tag_func_name = str_replace(' ', '', $this->_options['tag_callback_prefix'].$tag_func_name); $tags = call_user_func($tag_func_name, $tags); if($tags === -1) { $source = self::throwError($tag['name'], 'tag collection parsed however callback "'.$tag_func_name.'" returned -1.'); } } return $this->_doBuriedReplacements($to_replace, $source); } private function _doBuriedReplacements($replacements, $source) { if(count($replacements) > 0) { $to_replace = array(); foreach ($replacements as $key => $tag) { if(strpos($source, $tag['source_marker']) !== false) { $source = str_replace($tag['source_marker'], $tag['parsed'], $source); } else { array_push($to_replace, $tag); } } if(count($to_replace) > 0) { $source = $this->_doBuriedReplacements($to_replace, $source); } } return $source; } /** * Searches and parses a source for custom tags. * @access public * @param string $source The source to search for custom tags in. * @param mixed|boolean|string $tag_name If false then the default option 'tag_name' is used * when searching for custom tags, if not and $tag_name is a string then a custom tag beginning * with that prefix will be looked for. * @return array An array of found tags. */ public function collectTags($source, $tag_name=false) { $tagname = $tag_name === false ? $this->_options['tag_name'] : $tag_name; $tags = $tag_names = array(); $tag_count = 0; $inner_tag_open_pos = $source_len = strlen($source); $opener = self::$tag_open.$tagname.':'; $opener_len = strlen($opener); $closer = self::$tag_open.'/'.$tagname.':'; $closer_len = strlen($closer); $closer_end = self::$tag_close; while ($inner_tag_open_pos !== false) { // start getting the last found opener tag $open_tag_look_source = substr($source, 0, $inner_tag_open_pos); $open_tag_look_len = strlen($open_tag_look_source); $inner_tag_open_pos = strrpos($open_tag_look_source, $opener); // if there is no last tag then the rest is the final text if($inner_tag_open_pos === false) { array_push($tags, array('content'=>$source, 'name'=>'___text')); break; } else { // get the source from the start of that last tag $tag_look_source = substr($source, $inner_tag_open_pos); $open_bracket_pos = strpos($tag_look_source, self::$tag_open, 1); $short_tag_close_pos = strpos($tag_look_source, '/'.self::$tag_close); if($short_tag_close_pos !== false && $short_tag_close_pos < $open_bracket_pos) { $inner_tag_close_pos = $short_tag_close_pos + 2; } else { $inner_tag_close_pos_begin = strpos($tag_look_source, $closer); $inner_tag_close_pos = strpos($tag_look_source, $closer_end, $inner_tag_close_pos_begin)+1; } // get the content of the block $tag_source = substr($tag_look_source, 0, $inner_tag_close_pos); $tag = $this->_buildTag($tag_source, $tagname); $index = count($tags); $tag['source_marker'] = '------@@%'.self::$_instance.'-'.$index.'%@@------'; array_push($tags, $tag); // modify the source so it doesn't get repeated $source = substr($source, 0, $inner_tag_open_pos).$tag['source_marker'].substr($source, $inner_tag_open_pos+$inner_tag_close_pos); // $source = str_replace($tag_source, '------@@%'.$index.'%@@------', $source); } } return $tags; } /** * Parses a tag for the tag attributes and inner content. * @access private * @param string $str The tag string to be parsed. * @param string $tagname The prefix of the custom tag being parsed. * @return array The tag */ private function _buildTag($str, $tagname) { // $tagname = $this->_options['tag_name']; $tag = array( 'block' => $str, 'content' => '', 'name' => '', 'attributes' => array() ); $begin_len = strlen(self::$tag_open.$tagname.':'); // echo substr($str, 0, $begin_len)."\r\n"; if(substr($str, 0, $begin_len) !== self::$tag_open.$tagname.':') { // closing tag $tag['name'] = '___text'; return $tag; } else if(substr($str, 1, 1) === '/') { // closing tag $tag['name'] = '---ERROR---'; return $tag; } else { // opening tag $matches = array(); // check to see if this is a full tag or an openclose tag $has_closing_tag = substr($tag['block'], -2) !== '/'.self::$tag_close; // perform data matches if($has_closing_tag === true) { $preg = '!(\\'.self::$tag_open.$tagname.':([_\-A-Za-z0-9]*)[^\\'.self::$tag_close.']*\\'.self::$tag_close.'| \/\\'.self::$tag_close.').*\\'.self::$tag_open.'\/'.$tagname.':[_\-A-Za-z0-9]*\\'.self::$tag_close.'!is'; // $preg = '!(\<'.$tagname.':([_\-A-Za-z0-9]*)[^\>]*\>| \/\>).*\<\/'.$tagname.':[_\-A-Za-z0-9]*\>!is'; } else { $preg = '!(\\'.self::$tag_open.$tagname.':([_\-A-Za-z0-9]*)([^\\'.self::$tag_close.']*))!is'; // $preg = '!(\<'.$tagname.':([_\-A-Za-z0-9]*)([^\/\>]*))!is'; } if(preg_match_all($preg, $tag['block'], $matches) > 0) { // get the tag type $tag['name'] = $matches[2][0]; // get the tag inner content $tag['content'] = ''; $tag['vars'] = false; $attribute_string = $matches[1][0]; if($has_closing_tag === true) { $begin_len = strlen($matches[1][0]); $end_len = $has_closing_tag ? strlen(self::$tag_open.'/'.$tagname.':'.$tag['name'].self::$tag_close) : 0; $tag['content'] = substr($str, $begin_len, strlen($matches[0][0])-$begin_len-$end_len); // get hash tags vars? if($this->_options['hash_tags'] === true && preg_match_all('/#{([^}]+)?}/i', $tag['content'], $vars) > 0) { $variables = array(); foreach ($vars[0] as $key => $var) { $variables[$var] = $vars[1][$key]; } $tag['vars'] = $variables; } } else { $attribute_string = rtrim($attribute_string, '/ '); } // get the attributes $attributes = array(); // preg_match_all("/([_\-A-Za-z0-9]*)((=\"|='))([\w\W\s]*)(\"|')/", $opener, $attributes); // preg_match_all("/([_\-A-Za-z0-9]*)((=\"|='))([_\-A-Za-z0-9]*)(\"|')/", $opener, $atts); // $result = preg_match_all("!([_\-A-Za-z0-9]*)(=\"|=')([\#\s\:\.\?\&\=\%\+\,\@\_\-A-Za-z0-9]*)(\"|')!is", $matches[1][0], $attributes); if(preg_match_all("!([_\-A-Za-z0-9]*)(=\")([^\"]*)(\")!is", $attribute_string, $attributes) > 0) { foreach($attributes[0] as $key=>$row) { $tag['attributes'][$attributes[1][$key]] = $attributes[3][$key]; } if(isset($tag['attributes']['template']) === true) { $template = $this->_options['template_directory'].$tag['name'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$tag['attributes']['template'].'.html'; if(is_file($template) === false) { // $tag['attributes']['template'] = false; $tag['attributes']['_template'] = $template; } else { $tag['attributes']['template'] = $template; } } } } $tag['attributes'] = (object) $tag['attributes']; return $tag; } } } /** * The Custom Tags exception. */ class CustomTagsException extends \Exception { } /** * The Custom Tags Helper class, It can help in making small custom tags, * however it is best to use your own template system or way of doing things. */ class CustomTagsHelper { /** * Returns the content of a template. * @access public * @param array $tag The tag array. * @param boolean $produce_error If there is an error with the template and this is set to true then an error is produced. */ public static function getTemplate($tag, $produce_error=true) { // get the template $template_name = isset($tag['attributes']['template']) === true ? $tag['attributes']['template'] : 'default'; if(is_array(CustomTags::$tag_directory_base) === false) { CustomTags::$tag_directory_base = array(CustomTags::$tag_directory_base); } foreach (CustomTags::$tag_directory_base as $directory) { $template = rtrim($directory, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR).$tag['name'].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'templates'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template_name.'.html'; if(is_file($template) === true) { return file_get_contents($template); } } // template doesn't exist so produce error if required if($produce_error === true) { CustomTags::throwError($tag['name'], 'tag template resource not found.'); } return false; } /** * A simple templater, replaces %VARNAME% with the value. * @access public * @param array $tag The tag array. * @param array $replacements The array of search and replace values. */ public static function parseTemplate($tag, $replacements) { // get template $template = self::getTemplate($tag); $search = $replace = array(); // compile search and replace values for replacement foreach ($replacements as $varname => $varvalue) { array_push($search, '%'.strtolower($varname).'%'); array_push($replace, $varvalue); } return str_replace($search, $replace, $template); } }