* This file is part of the PHP Video Toolkit v2 package.
* @author Oliver Lillie (aka buggedcom) <publicmail@buggedcom.co.uk>
* @license Dual licensed under MIT and GPLv2
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oliver Lillie <http://www.buggedcom.co.uk>
* @package PHPVideoToolkit V2
* @version 2.1.7-beta
* @uses ffmpeg http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net/
namespace PHPVideoToolkit;
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @package default
class ProgressHandlerPortable extends ProgressHandlerDefaultData
protected $_config;
protected $_callback;
protected $_total_duration;
protected $_process_id;
protected $_temp_id;
protected $_boundary;
protected $_time_started;
protected $_expected_duration;
private $_wait_on_next_probe;
public $completed;
public function __construct($process_id, Config $config=null, $callback=null)
if($callback !== null && is_callable($callback) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The progress handler callback is not callable.');
$this->_config = $config === null ? Config::getInstance() : $config;
if(empty($process_id) === true)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The process id must not be empty.');
$this->_process_id = $process_id;
list($temp_id, $boundary, $time_started, $expected_duration) = explode('.', $this->_process_id);
$this->_temp_id = $temp_id;
$this->_boundary = $boundary;
$this->_time_started = $time_started;
$this->_expected_duration = new Timecode($expected_duration);
$this->_output = $this->_config->temp_directory.'/phpvideotoolkit_'.$temp_id;
if(is_file($this->_output) === false)
throw new Exception('The process output file cannot be found. Please make sure that another process has not garbage collected the file `'.$this->_output.'`.');
$this->completed = null;
$this->_callback = $callback;
$this->_total_duration = 0;
$this->_ffmpeg_process = null;
$this->_wait_on_next_probe = false;
public function probe($probe_then_wait=false, $seconds=1)
if($this->_wait_on_next_probe === true)
if(is_int($seconds) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$seconds must be an integer.');
else if($seconds <= 0)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$seconds must be an integer greater than 0.');
$this->_wait_on_next_probe = $probe_then_wait;
return $this->_processOutputFile();
protected function _processOutputFile()
// setup the data to return.
$return_data = $this->_getDefaultData();
$return_data['process_file'] = $this->_output;
$return_data['expected_duration'] = $this->_expected_duration;
// load up the data
$completed = false;
$raw_data = $this->_getRawData();
if(empty($raw_data) === false)
// parse the raw data into the return data
$this->_parseOutputData($return_data, $raw_data);
// check to see if the process has completed
if($return_data['percentage'] >= 100)
$return_data['percentage'] = 100;
$return_data['run_time'] = filemtime($this->_output)-$this->_time_started;
// or if it has been interuptted
else if($return_data['interrupted'] === true)
$return_data['run_time'] = filemtime($this->_output)-$this->_time_started;
$return_data['run_time'] = time()-$this->_time_started;
// check for any errors encountered by the parser
$this->_checkOutputForErrorsFailureOrSuccess($raw_data, $return_data);
// has the process completed itself?
$this->completed = $return_data['finished'];
if($this->completed === true)
return $return_data;
protected function _checkOutputForErrorsFailureOrSuccess($raw_data, &$return_data)
$failure_boundary = '<f-'.$this->_boundary.'>';
$completion_boundary = '<c-'.$this->_boundary.'>';
$error_code_boundary = '<e-'.$this->_boundary.'>';
if(strpos($raw_data, $failure_boundary) !== false)
$lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $raw_data);
$return_data['error'] = true;
$error_lines = array();
$line = array_pop($lines);
if(substr($line, 0, 1) === ' ')
array_push($error_lines, $line);
if(empty($error_lines) === false)
$error_lines = array_reverse($error_lines);
$return_data['error_message'] = implode(' ', $error_lines);
$return_data['finished'] = true;
if(strpos($raw_data, $completion_boundary) !== false)
$return_data['completed'] = true;
if($return_data['status'] !== self::ENCODING_STATUS_INTERRUPTED)
$return_data['status'] = self::ENCODING_STATUS_FINISHED;
$return_data['finished'] = true;
else if($return_data['percentage'] === 100)
$return_data['completed'] = true;
$return_data['status'] = self::ENCODING_STATUS_COMPLETED;
else if($return_data['percentage'] >= 99.5)
$return_data['percentage'] = 100;
$return_data['status'] = self::ENCODING_STATUS_FINALISING;
if(strpos($raw_data, $error_code_boundary) !== false)
if(preg_match('/'.$error_code_boundary.'([0-9]+)/', $raw_data, $matches) > 0)
$return_data['error'] = $matches[1];
protected function _parseOutputData(&$return_data, $raw_data)
$return_data['status'] = self::ENCODING_STATUS_PENDING;
$return_data['started'] = true;
if(empty($raw_data) === true)
if(preg_match_all('/Input\s#[0-9]+,\s+[^\s]+,\s+from\s+(.*):/', $raw_data, $input_matches) > 0)
array_walk($input_matches[1], function(&$value)
$value = trim($value, '\'"');
$return_data['input_count'] = count($input_matches[1]);
$return_data['input_file'] = $return_data['input_count'] === 1 ? $input_matches[1][0] : $input_matches[1];
if(preg_match_all('/Output\s#[0-9]+,\s+[^\s]+,\s+to\s+(.*):/', $raw_data, $output_matches) > 0)
array_walk($output_matches[1], function(&$value)
$value = trim($value, '\'"');
$return_data['output_count'] = count($output_matches[1]);
$return_data['output_file'] = $return_data['output_count'] === 1 ? $output_matches[1][0] : $output_matches[1];
// determine how many video outs there are as that dictates the number of q= regexes to add as well as some others such as frame.
$video_stream_count = preg_match_all('/\s*Stream\s*\#([0-9]+):1s*\(und\)\s*:/i', substr($raw_data, strpos($raw_data, 'Output #0')));
$q_regex = '';
$size_regex = '';
$frame_regex = '';
$fps_regex = '';
if($video_stream_count > 0)
$frame_regex = 'frame=\s*(?<frame>[0-9]+)\s';
$fps_regex = 'fps=\s*(?<fps>[0-9\.]+)\s';
// parse out the details of the data.
// fucking non standardness in ffmpeg. I'm sure there is a reason for it but for fucks sake there has to be a better way
if($video_stream_count > 1)
$q_regex_array = array();
$q_regex = '(?<lastq>L)?q=(?<q>[0-9\.]+)\s';
for($i=0; $i<$video_stream_count; $i++)
array_push($q_regex_array, str_replace('<q>', '<q'.$i.'>', str_replace('<lastq>', '<lastq'.$i.'>', $q_regex)));
$q_regex = implode('', $q_regex_array);
$size_regex = 'size=\s*(?<size>[0-9\.bkBmg]+|N\/A)\s';
else if($video_stream_count === 1)
$q_regex = 'q=(?<q0>[0-9\.]+)\s';
$size_regex = '(?<lastsize>L)?size=\s*(?<size>[0-9\.bkBmg]+|N\/A)\s';
$size_regex = 'size=\s*(?<size>[0-9\.bkBmg]+|N\/A)\s';
// compile the regex dependant on the numebr of video streams
$regex =
// Trace::vars($regex);
// Trace::vars($raw_data);
if(preg_match_all($regex, $raw_data, $matches) > 0)
// Trace::vars($matches);
$return_data['status'] = self::ENCODING_STATUS_ENCODING;
$last_key = count($matches[0])-1;
$return_data['frame'] = isset($matches['frame']) === true ? $matches['frame'][$last_key] : null;
$return_data['fps'] = isset($matches['fps']) === true ? $matches['fps'][$last_key] : null;
$return_data['size'] = $matches['size'][$last_key];
$return_data['duration'] = new Timecode($matches['time'][$last_key], Timecode::INPUT_FORMAT_TIMECODE);
$return_data['percentage'] = ($return_data['duration']->total_seconds/$this->_expected_duration->total_seconds)*100;
$return_data['dup'] = $matches['dup'][$last_key];
$return_data['drop'] = $matches['drop'][$last_key];
$is_last = false;
if($video_stream_count > 1)
for($i=0; $i<$video_stream_count; $i++)
if(isset($matches['lastq'.$i]) === true && $matches['lastq'.$i][$last_key] === 'L')
$is_last = true;
else if(isset($matches['lastsize']) === true && $matches['lastsize'][$last_key] === 'L')
$is_last = true;
// if we have the last frame then signal that the process has finished.
if($is_last === true)
$return_data['finished'] = true;
if($return_data['percentage'] < 99.5)
$return_data['interrupted'] = true;
$return_data['status'] = self::ENCODING_STATUS_INTERRUPTED;
$return_data['percentage'] = 100;
// work out the fps average for performance reasons
if(count($matches[2]) === 1)
$return_data['fps_avg'] = $return_data['frame']/$return_data['run_time'];
$total_fps = 0;
foreach ($matches[2] as $fps)
$total_fps += $fps;
$return_data['fps_avg'] = $total_fps/($last_key+1);
else if(strpos($raw_data, 'Stream mapping:') !== false && strpos($raw_data, 'Press [q] to stop, [?] for help') !== false)
$return_data['status'] = self::ENCODING_STATUS_DECODING;
$return_data['status'] = self::ENCODING_STATUS_ERROR;
protected function _getRawData()
return file_get_contents($this->_output);