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File: src/PHPVideoToolkit/ProgressHandlerPortable.php

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  Classes of Oliver Lillie   PHP Video Toolkit   src/PHPVideoToolkit/ProgressHandlerPortable.php   Download  
File: src/PHPVideoToolkit/ProgressHandlerPortable.php
Role: Class source
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Class: PHP Video Toolkit
Manipulate and convert videos with ffmpeg program
Author: By
Last change: updated exception types thrown

Signed-off-by: Oliver Lillie <>
add output file to exception in order to aid debugging

Signed-off-by: Oliver Lillie <>
fixed issues with portable progress handler
error suppressed unlinks
fixed potential bugs in progress handler completed value where if ffmpeg has finished encoding but the process has not completed errors could occur from trying to get the output of the process. Added progress handler status constants for checking statuses
Merge branch 'refs/heads/multiple-output'

fixed small issue of whitespace
updated version in source
fixed bug where process file for portable progress handler would be prematurely deleted. added completion callbacks so the buffer complete event can be hooked into.
fixed two regex bugs when using progress handlers Output and Portable to track image frame output
bug fix for only encoding and parsing multiple audio output. ref #21
bug fix for parsing multiple output when processing audio and video
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 13,913 bytes


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<?php /** * This file is part of the PHP Video Toolkit v2 package. * * @author Oliver Lillie (aka buggedcom) <> * @license Dual licensed under MIT and GPLv2 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oliver Lillie <> * @package PHPVideoToolkit V2 * @version 2.1.7-beta * @uses ffmpeg */ namespace PHPVideoToolkit; /** * @access public * @author Oliver Lillie * @package default */ class ProgressHandlerPortable extends ProgressHandlerDefaultData { protected $_config; protected $_callback; protected $_total_duration; protected $_process_id; protected $_temp_id; protected $_boundary; protected $_time_started; protected $_expected_duration; private $_wait_on_next_probe; public $completed; public function __construct($process_id, Config $config=null, $callback=null) { if($callback !== null && is_callable($callback) === false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The progress handler callback is not callable.'); } $this->_config = $config === null ? Config::getInstance() : $config; if(empty($process_id) === true) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The process id must not be empty.'); } $this->_process_id = $process_id; list($temp_id, $boundary, $time_started, $expected_duration) = explode('.', $this->_process_id); $this->_temp_id = $temp_id; $this->_boundary = $boundary; $this->_time_started = $time_started; $this->_expected_duration = new Timecode($expected_duration); $this->_output = $this->_config->temp_directory.'/phpvideotoolkit_'.$temp_id; if(is_file($this->_output) === false) { throw new Exception('The process output file cannot be found. Please make sure that another process has not garbage collected the file `'.$this->_output.'`.'); } $this->completed = null; $this->_callback = $callback; $this->_total_duration = 0; $this->_ffmpeg_process = null; $this->_wait_on_next_probe = false; } public function probe($probe_then_wait=false, $seconds=1) { if($this->_wait_on_next_probe === true) { if(is_int($seconds) === false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$seconds must be an integer.'); } else if($seconds <= 0) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$seconds must be an integer greater than 0.'); } usleep($seconds*100000); } $this->_wait_on_next_probe = $probe_then_wait; return $this->_processOutputFile(); } protected function _processOutputFile() { // setup the data to return. $return_data = $this->_getDefaultData(); $return_data['process_file'] = $this->_output; $return_data['expected_duration'] = $this->_expected_duration; // load up the data $completed = false; $raw_data = $this->_getRawData(); if(empty($raw_data) === false) { // parse the raw data into the return data $this->_parseOutputData($return_data, $raw_data); // check to see if the process has completed if($return_data['percentage'] >= 100) { $return_data['percentage'] = 100; $return_data['run_time'] = filemtime($this->_output)-$this->_time_started; } // or if it has been interuptted else if($return_data['interrupted'] === true) { $return_data['run_time'] = filemtime($this->_output)-$this->_time_started; } else { $return_data['run_time'] = time()-$this->_time_started; } } // check for any errors encountered by the parser $this->_checkOutputForErrorsFailureOrSuccess($raw_data, $return_data); // has the process completed itself? $this->completed = $return_data['finished']; if($this->completed === true) { @unlink($this->_output); } return $return_data; } protected function _checkOutputForErrorsFailureOrSuccess($raw_data, &$return_data) { $failure_boundary = '<f-'.$this->_boundary.'>'; $completion_boundary = '<c-'.$this->_boundary.'>'; $error_code_boundary = '<e-'.$this->_boundary.'>'; if(strpos($raw_data, $failure_boundary) !== false) { $lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $raw_data); $return_data['error'] = true; $error_lines = array(); while(true) { $line = array_pop($lines); if(substr($line, 0, 1) === ' ') { break; } array_push($error_lines, $line); } if(empty($error_lines) === false) { $error_lines = array_reverse($error_lines); $return_data['error_message'] = implode(' ', $error_lines); } $return_data['finished'] = true; } if(strpos($raw_data, $completion_boundary) !== false) { $return_data['completed'] = true; if($return_data['status'] !== self::ENCODING_STATUS_INTERRUPTED) { $return_data['status'] = self::ENCODING_STATUS_FINISHED; } $return_data['finished'] = true; } else if($return_data['percentage'] === 100) { $return_data['completed'] = true; $return_data['status'] = self::ENCODING_STATUS_COMPLETED; } else if($return_data['percentage'] >= 99.5) { $return_data['percentage'] = 100; $return_data['status'] = self::ENCODING_STATUS_FINALISING; } if(strpos($raw_data, $error_code_boundary) !== false) { if(preg_match('/'.$error_code_boundary.'([0-9]+)/', $raw_data, $matches) > 0) { $return_data['error'] = $matches[1]; } } } protected function _parseOutputData(&$return_data, $raw_data) { $return_data['status'] = self::ENCODING_STATUS_PENDING; $return_data['started'] = true; if(empty($raw_data) === true) { return; } if(preg_match_all('/Input\s#[0-9]+,\s+[^\s]+,\s+from\s+(.*):/', $raw_data, $input_matches) > 0) { array_walk($input_matches[1], function(&$value) { $value = trim($value, '\'"'); }); $return_data['input_count'] = count($input_matches[1]); $return_data['input_file'] = $return_data['input_count'] === 1 ? $input_matches[1][0] : $input_matches[1]; } if(preg_match_all('/Output\s#[0-9]+,\s+[^\s]+,\s+to\s+(.*):/', $raw_data, $output_matches) > 0) { array_walk($output_matches[1], function(&$value) { $value = trim($value, '\'"'); }); $return_data['output_count'] = count($output_matches[1]); $return_data['output_file'] = $return_data['output_count'] === 1 ? $output_matches[1][0] : $output_matches[1]; } // determine how many video outs there are as that dictates the number of q= regexes to add as well as some others such as frame. $video_stream_count = preg_match_all('/\s*Stream\s*\#([0-9]+):1s*\(und\)\s*:/i', substr($raw_data, strpos($raw_data, 'Output #0'))); $q_regex = ''; $size_regex = ''; $frame_regex = ''; $fps_regex = ''; if($video_stream_count > 0) { $frame_regex = 'frame=\s*(?<frame>[0-9]+)\s'; $fps_regex = 'fps=\s*(?<fps>[0-9\.]+)\s'; } // parse out the details of the data. // fucking non standardness in ffmpeg. I'm sure there is a reason for it but for fucks sake there has to be a better way if($video_stream_count > 1) { $q_regex_array = array(); $q_regex = '(?<lastq>L)?q=(?<q>[0-9\.]+)\s'; for($i=0; $i<$video_stream_count; $i++) { array_push($q_regex_array, str_replace('<q>', '<q'.$i.'>', str_replace('<lastq>', '<lastq'.$i.'>', $q_regex))); } $q_regex = implode('', $q_regex_array); $size_regex = 'size=\s*(?<size>[0-9\.bkBmg]+|N\/A)\s'; } else if($video_stream_count === 1) { $q_regex = 'q=(?<q0>[0-9\.]+)\s'; $size_regex = '(?<lastsize>L)?size=\s*(?<size>[0-9\.bkBmg]+|N\/A)\s'; } else { $size_regex = 'size=\s*(?<size>[0-9\.bkBmg]+|N\/A)\s'; } // compile the regex dependant on the numebr of video streams $regex = '/'. $frame_regex. $fps_regex. $q_regex. $size_regex. 'time=\s*(?<time>[0-9]{2,}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.[0-9]+)\s'. 'bitrate=\s*(?<bitrate>[0-9\.]+\s?[bkitsBmg\/s]+|N\/A)'. '(\sdup=\s*(?<dup>[0-9]+))?'. '(\sdrop=\s*(?<drop>[0-9]+))?'. '/'; // Trace::vars($regex); // Trace::vars($raw_data); if(preg_match_all($regex, $raw_data, $matches) > 0) { // Trace::vars($matches); $return_data['status'] = self::ENCODING_STATUS_ENCODING; $last_key = count($matches[0])-1; $return_data['frame'] = isset($matches['frame']) === true ? $matches['frame'][$last_key] : null; $return_data['fps'] = isset($matches['fps']) === true ? $matches['fps'][$last_key] : null; $return_data['size'] = $matches['size'][$last_key]; $return_data['duration'] = new Timecode($matches['time'][$last_key], Timecode::INPUT_FORMAT_TIMECODE); $return_data['percentage'] = ($return_data['duration']->total_seconds/$this->_expected_duration->total_seconds)*100; $return_data['dup'] = $matches['dup'][$last_key]; $return_data['drop'] = $matches['drop'][$last_key]; $is_last = false; if($video_stream_count > 1) { for($i=0; $i<$video_stream_count; $i++) { if(isset($matches['lastq'.$i]) === true && $matches['lastq'.$i][$last_key] === 'L') { $is_last = true; break; } } } else if(isset($matches['lastsize']) === true && $matches['lastsize'][$last_key] === 'L') { $is_last = true; } // if we have the last frame then signal that the process has finished. if($is_last === true) { $return_data['finished'] = true; if($return_data['percentage'] < 99.5) { $return_data['interrupted'] = true; $return_data['status'] = self::ENCODING_STATUS_INTERRUPTED; } else { $return_data['percentage'] = 100; } } // work out the fps average for performance reasons if(count($matches[2]) === 1) { $return_data['fps_avg'] = $return_data['frame']/$return_data['run_time']; } else { $total_fps = 0; foreach ($matches[2] as $fps) { $total_fps += $fps; } $return_data['fps_avg'] = $total_fps/($last_key+1); } } else if(strpos($raw_data, 'Stream mapping:') !== false && strpos($raw_data, 'Press [q] to stop, [?] for help') !== false) { $return_data['status'] = self::ENCODING_STATUS_DECODING; } else { $return_data['status'] = self::ENCODING_STATUS_ERROR; } } protected function _getRawData() { return file_get_contents($this->_output); } }