// NNTP wrapper class
// Tony Leake Jan 2001
// tony_leake@hotmail.com
// Error handling added by Hans Westerbeek, hans@pulse.nl
// This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
// of the GNU Public License which may be found at:
// http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
// You are welcome to use/modify/this class, if you use it
// 'as is' in a project, I would appreciate an e-mail to let me know
// that it has been useful. If you modify it into something more complete
// I would appreciate a copy just for curiosity.
// This class was inspired by (and uses some ideas from) a script by Nate Parsons.
// which i found at:
// http://www.phpbuilder.com/forum/read.php3?num=1&id=107915&thread=103470
// This class simply allows you to make posts onto a news server.
// If you know the message id of a message you can also reply to it.
// It was developed to allow me to make a posting and then reply to
// my own posting (for a service status page).
// It does not implement the full NNTP protocol and error checking is
// rudimentary. If you need it to do anything except what I used it for
// you will need to modify it which hopefully will be fairly easy.
// USAGE//
// To start a new news thread
// $news=new nntp("news server address", "newsgroup name");
// $news->from ="someone@somewhere.com";
// $news->subject = $heading;
// $news->body = "$body";
// $news->domain ="mydomain.com";
// $news->id=$id //should be a unique number. you could make the class do this pretty easily.
// $news->send("new");
// to reply to a thread you must also add this line
// $news->references ="<$id@domain.com>"; where $id is the orriginal id number and
// domain.com is the original domain used for the posting
// $news->send("reply");
// hw:
// define a list of error codes
define(NNTP_POST_FAILED, 2);
define(NNTP_CANNOT_POST, 4);
class NNTPPoster
var $server;
var $group;
var $from;
var $subject;
var $body;
var $fp;
var $references;
var $id;
var $ret = 0;
var $domain;
var $currentErrorCode = false;
var $currentTextualError = "";
function NNTPPoster($server, $group)
$this->server = $server;
$this->group = $group;
function send($action)
function connect()
$this->fp=fsockopen($this->server, 119, &$error, &$description, 5);
$this->currentTextualError = "Could not connect to news server ".$this->server." ".$error.", ".$description;
$this->currentErrorCode = NNTP_COULD_NOT_CONNECT;
return false;
if (fgets($this->fp, 1024) != 200)
$this->currentTextualError = "Connection to news server ".$this->server." failed: ".$description;
$this->currentErrorCode = NNTP_SOCKET_FAILURE;
return false;
return true;
function selectGroup()
fputs($this->fp, "group $this->group\n");
$x=fgets($this->fp, 1024);
if (substr($x, 0,3) != 211)
$this->currentErrorCode = NNTP_SELECT_GROUP_FAILED;
$this->currentTextualError = "Failed to change to NewsGroup \"".$this->group."\": server reported \"".$x."\"";
return false;
return true;
function post($action)
fputs($this->fp, "post\n");
$x=fgets($this->fp, 1024);
if (substr($x, 0,3) != 340)
$this->currentTextualError = "Cannot post to newsgroup, server reported: \"".$this->group."\": server reported \"".$x."\"";
$this->currentErrorCode = NNTP_POST_FAILED;
return false;
mt_srand ((double) microtime() * 10000000 );
$int_id = "<".mt_rand(10000000,99999999)."@$this->domain>";
$Today = date("l, j M y g:i:s") . " GMT";
$id = "<".$int_id."@$this->domain>";
if ($action =="new")
$message = "Subject: $this->subject\nFrom: $this->from\nPath:London!\nNewsgroups: $this->group\nMessage-ID: <$this->id@$this->domain>\nDate: $Today\n\n$this->body\n.\n";
// format reply message
$message = "Subject: $this->subject\nFrom: $this->from\nPath:London!\nNewsgroups: $this->group\nReferences: $this->references\nMessage-ID: $int_id\nDate: $Today\n\n$this->body\n.\n";
fputs($this->fp, $message);
$x=fgets($this->fp, 1024);
if (substr($x, 0,3) != 240)
$this->currentTextualError = "Posting to newsgroup failed, server reported: ".$x;
$this->currentErrorCode = NNTP_POST_FAILED;
return false;
return true;
function messageExists()
// we are currently in post mode need to get out of it
fputs($this->fp, "\n.\n");
$x=fgets($this->fp, 1024);
// now we can test if the message really exists
fputs($this->fp, "stat $this->references\n");
$x=fgets($this->fp, 1024);
if (substr($x, 0,3) != 223)
$this->currentTextualError = "No message existed with the quoted id. It is possible that the original message was not posted to the newsgroups. The server reported ".$x;
$this->currentErrorCode = UNEXISTING_MSG;
return false;
// now we can go back into post
fputs($this->fp, "post\n");
$x=fgets($this->fp, 1024);
if (substr($x, 0,3) != 340)
$this->currentTextualError = "Posting to newsgroup failed, server reported: ".$x;
$this->currentErrorCode = NNTP_POST_FAILED;
return false;
return true;
function getTextualError()
return $this->currentTextualError;
function getErrorCode()
return $this->currentErrorCode;