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  Classes of Andras Toth   PHP Fast IP Address Locator   Download  
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Fast IP Address Locator
Get the location of an IP using IPLocation files
Author: By
Last change: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'

Version 1.0.0

- Very simple usage
- Working with all ip2Location database CSV version
- Parsing time close to mysql selection time
- IPV4 Or IPV6
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 1,998 bytes


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FastSpeedIpLocator ================== Fast ip parsing from local file, using ip2Location CSV database. - Very simple usage - Working with all ip2Location database CSV version - Parsing time close to mysql selection time - IPV4 Or IPV6 [FastSpeedIpLocator] - Online Demo <img src = "capture.jpg" width="640" height="360"/> Version ---- 1.0.0 Requirements ---- - PHP Web server 5.5 or above Installation ---- - Copy whole folder (iplocator) to your web server. - Download csv database from [ip2location], Lite is free! - install blocks at first, -> index.php index.php - example -------------- ```sh <?php require_once ('IpLocator.php'); if (isset($_POST['look']) && (isset($_POST['inp']) || $_POST['inp'] != '')) { $curTime = microtime(true); $loc = IpLocator::getInstance(); $res = $loc->LocateIp($_POST['inp']); $elp = (round(microtime(true) - $curTime, 3) * 1000); echo '<br>'; foreach ($res as $key => $value) { echo $key . ' => ' . $value . '<br>'; } echo '<br>'; echo 'Elpassed time: ' . $elp . ' Us'; } $filename = 'update/*.[zZ][iI][pP]'; if (isset($_POST['install']) && count(glob($filename)) > 0) { ini_set('max_execution_time', 300); $loc = IpLocator::getInst //InstallBlocks(true for optimize best performance OR rows per indexed file, true for delete temp files);15.6965 $loc->InstallBlocks(glob($filename) [0], true, true); unset($loc); exit; } else if (isset($_POST['install']) && count(glob($filename)) === 0) { echo 'Data file (update/*.ZIP) is not exist!<br>'; echo 'Register to <a href = ""></a><br>'; echo 'Download IP Location Database CSV in Zip format and copy to update folder.'; } ?> ``` License ---- MIT Author: Tóth András --- 2015-05-27 [FastSpeedIpLocator]: [ip2location]: