This script allows you to show, export, and edit the information of a database in a easy and interactive way and with several configuration options. You only need to write a few lines of code and you'll have a wonderful display of the data in a table. You'll have a table with options to do searchs, change the number of rows to be shown, sort the data according to a column, export the information and XML, CSV, Excel and PDF files, edit the info inline, etc.
In this directory you'll find three folders
Documentation and Demo:
You can see the documentation, and the demo files. For consult this documentation you have
to copy this folder in your website documents root. For see the demos working you need to have
enabled the sqlite php extension enabled.
Demo Simple:
Here you'll see a simple demo where you can see the app working
This is the folder that you need to copy in your app for use it this script
Any question or freelance work feel free to email me to enri_pin@yahoo.com