current() -- return current buffer instance
enter($name) -- activate named buffer, if it does not exist:
create and append to current buffer
leave() -- leave current buffer, activate previous active buffer
out($data) -- write data (string or buffer) to current active buffer
find($name) -- find named buffer within root buffer
undo() -- remove last created buffer
note: the find() method is mostly redundant, you can use enter() and/or current()
to fetch any buffer instance, or you can fetch them from $bm->buffers[$name]
However, it is possible to output a buffer with the out() method, without
registering it in the buffer_manager using enter(). In those cases, find()
can be used to find the buffer.
TODO: make tests for undo()
include '../buffer_manager.class.php';
$bm = new buffer_manager('document');
$bm->enter('head'); # create buffer 'head'
$bm->enter('title'); # create buffer 'title' as a sub-buffer within the 'head' buffer
$bm->out('Page title');
$bm->leave(); # leave 'title'
$bm->enter('style'); # create buffer 'style'
$bm->leave(); # leave 'style'
$bm->leave(); # leave 'head'
$bm->enter('body'); # create buffer 'body'
$bm->out('<h1>Hello world</h1>');
$bm->leave(); # leave 'body'
$doc = $bm->current(); # fetch current buffer
echo ((($doc===$bm->buffers['document']) and
($doc===$bm->find('document'))) ?
'document buffer found' :
'document buffer NOT found!').'<br />';
$body = $bm->enter('body'); # activate buffer 'body', fetch buffer in variable
$bm->out('<p>Body text</p>');
echo ((($body===$bm->buffers['body']) and
($body===$bm->current()) and
($body===$bm->find('body'))) ?
'body buffer found' :
'body buffer NOT found').'<br />';
$bm->enter('style'); # activate buffer 'style'
$bm->out('p {color:green}');
$bm->leave(); # leave 'style', activate 'body' (previous active buffer)
'<p>','More body text','</p>')); # write array
$bm->leave(); # leave 'body'
echo htmlspecialchars($doc).'<br />';
$title = $bm->current(); # fetch current buffer instance ('title')
$title->replace('New page title'); # replace() is defined in buffer.class.php
echo ((($title===$bm->find('title')) and
($title===$bm->buffers['title'])) ?
'title buffer found' :
'title buffer NOT found').'<br />';
echo htmlspecialchars($doc).'<br />';
$style = $bm->find('style'); # find named buffer
$style->append('h1 {color:red}'); # append() is defined in buffer.class.php
echo htmlspecialchars($doc).'<br />';