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File: src/unreal4u/rutverifier.php

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  Classes of Camilo Sperberg   PHP Valida RUT   src/unreal4u/rutverifier.php   Download  
File: src/unreal4u/rutverifier.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: PHP Valida RUT
Validate RUT Chilean numbers
Author: By
Last change: Version 2.2.1 release
JavaScript is now loaded from another repository

Also updated composer.json with this new repository
Code cleanup
Better documentation and version update

PHP now gets the file from the minified javascript version of the
Further code simplification

Enabled strict mode on PHPUnit
Added a test case
Small corrections to improve codebase in general
Version 2.0.0

- Removed c_javascript function
- Standarized data type on return for all functions, no more mixed types
- Updated PHPUnit dependency to latest stable version
- Will now test PHP 5.3 in Travis-CI as well
- Class will now sprintf into the error array in preparation for later
i18n implementation
Date: 10 years ago
Size: 8,468 bytes


Class file image Download
 * Main class that defines the rutverifier class
 * @author unreal4u
 * @link

namespace unreal4u;

 * Chilean RUT or RUN verifier
 * <p>A chilean RUT/RUN is any number between 1.000.000 and 99.999.999, where the first 50 million are reserved for
 * normal persons (RUN - Rol único nacional), and the last 50 millions are reserved for enterprise usage (RUT - Rol
 * único tributario). This number has also a basic verifier that is the last digit in the following secuence:<br />
 * 12.345.678-9<br />
 * So, the above example corresponds to a natural person, with run number 12.345.678 and verifier 9.</p>
 * <p>This class can be used to check whether a RUT or RUN is a valid one, filtering some common invalid RUTs/RUNs out
 * and with the option to add more to this blacklist. Additionally, it is also capable of delivering a basic JavaScript
 * version which will return true or false depending on the RUT/RUN being valid or not. However, this JavaScript version
 * does not check blacklist and other more advanced stuff.</p>
 * @author Camilo Sperberg
 * @copyright 2010 - 2013 Camilo Sperberg
 * @version 2.2.1
 * @license BSD License
 * @package rutverifier
class rutverifier extends javascriptLoader {

     * The version of this class
     * @var string
private $classVersion = '2.2.1';

     * Stores errors of the class
     * @var array
public $errors = array();

     * Indicates whether we have errors or not
     * @var boolean
private $error = false;

     * Blacklist of all those invalid RUTs
     * @var array
private $blacklist = array(

     * Prints version information of this class
     * @return string
public function __toString() {
basename(__FILE__).' v'.$this->classVersion.' by Camilo Sperberg -';

     * This function logs all errors the object generates
     * @param int $type Type of error
     * @param string $msg Error message
     * @return boolean Returns always true
private function _logError($type, $msg='') {
        if (!empty(
$type)) {
$typeString = '';
            switch (
$type) {
$typeString = 'ERR';
$this->error = true;
$typeString = 'WAR';

$this->errors[] = array(
'type' => $typeString,
'msg' => $msg,


     * Allows to add some RUT/RUNs to the blacklist in runtime
     * @param mixed $add List of blacklisted RUT, as an array or a string
     * @return int Returns the number of entries in the blacklist
public function addToBlacklist($add) {
        if (!empty(
$add)) {
            if (!
is_array($add)) {
$add = array($add);
            foreach (
$add AS $a) {
$this->blacklist[] = $a;


     * Returns the RUT type: whether it is a person or a juridic entity (companies)
     * This class will return the information in spanish: "empresa" means company, "natural" means regular person. These
     * names are the correct ones to refer to in Chili.
     * Important: This function doesn't verify that the RUT/RUN is valid! For that, check $this->isValidRUT
     * @see $this->isValidRUT()
     * @param string $rut The RUT for which we want to know
     * @return array Returns empty array in case of invalid RUT, filled in array with data otherwise
public function RUTType($rut='') {
$output = array();
        if (!empty(
$rut) && is_string($rut)) {
$rut = $this->formatRUT($rut);
            if (!empty(
$rut)) {
$rut = substr($rut, 0, -1);
$output = array(
                if (
$rut < 100000000 && $rut > 50000000) {
$output = array(


     * Applies a filter to the RUT/RUN and formats it for internal class usage
     * @param string $rut The RUT/RUN we want to format
     * @param boolean $withVerifier Whether we want to print the verifier also. Defaults to true
     * @return string Returns empty string when RUT/RUN is invalid or a non-empty string with the RUT/RUN otherwise
public function formatRUT($rut='', $withVerifier=true) {
$output = '';
        if (!empty(
$rut)) {
$tmpRUT = preg_replace('/[^0-9K]/i', '', $rut);

            if (
strlen($tmpRUT) > 7) {
$output = str_pad(str_replace('k', 'K', $tmpRUT), 9, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);

            if (
strlen($output) !== 9) {
$this->_logError(1, sprintf('RUT/RUN doesn\'t have the required size'));
            } elseif (
$withVerifier === false) {
$output = substr($output, 0, -1);


     * Calculates the verifier for a given RUT/RUN which must be provided without verifier
     * @param string $rut RUT/RUN without verifier
     * @return string Returns empty string RUT/RUN is empty, or the verifier otherwise
public function getVerifier($rut='') {
$return = '';
        if (!empty(
$rut) && is_string($rut)) {
$multi = 2;
$sum = 0;
$strlenRut = strlen($rut);
            for (
$i = $strlenRut - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$sum += ($rut[$i] * $multi);
                if (
$multi == $strlenRut) {
$multi = 2;

$return = (string)(11 - ($sum % 11));
            if (
$sum % 11 < 2) {
$return = str_replace(array(0, 1), array('0', 'K'), $sum % 11);


     * This function will check whether the RUT/RUN is effectively valid or not
     * @param string $rut RUT/RUN that will be checked
     * @param boolean $extensiveCheck Whether to also check on blacklist. Defaults to true
     * @param boolean $returnBoolean Whether to return true or false or array with data
     * @return mixed Returns boolean true if RUT/RUN is valid, false otherwise. Returns array with data if selected so
public function isValidRUT($rut, $extensiveCheck=true, $returnBoolean=true) {
$isValid = false;
$output = false;

        if (!empty(
$rut)) {
$rut = $this->formatRUT($rut, true);
$sep = array(
'rut' => substr($rut, 0, -1),
'dv' => substr($rut, -1),
$rutType = $this->RUTType($rut);

            if (
$rutType !== array()) {
$isValid = true;
                if (
$this->getVerifier($sep['rut']) != $sep['dv']) {
$this->_logError(2, sprintf('RUT/RUN (%s) and verifier (%s) don\'t match', $sep['rut'], $sep['dv']));
$isValid = false;

                if (
$isValid === true && $extensiveCheck === true) {
                    if (
in_array($sep['rut'] . $sep['dv'], $this->blacklist)) {
$isValid = false;
$this->_logError(2, sprintf('The entered RUT/RUN "%s%s" is in blacklist', $sep['rut'], $sep['dv']));
            } else {
$this->_logError(2, sprintf('RUT/RUN isn\'t within range of natural person or enterprise'));

$output[$rut] = array(
'isValid' => $isValid,
'rut' => $sep['rut'],
'verifier' => $sep['dv'],
'type' => $rutType,

        if (
$returnBoolean === true) {