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  Classes of Nicola Covolo   Decorate   Download  
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Class: Decorate
Alter functions running code before and after
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Decorate ======== A PHP class usefull to decorate functions ## Introduction This class represent the beginning of functional programming in PHP. The decorator patter can easly make your application modular while functions transform it in to an event-driven application. The goal of this class is to decorate functions, taking advantage of objects to make a queue-like structure and store in it partial results and functions. Note that with the other my class it can show you a full dynamic decorated system usefull, for example, for a plugin system or to build a modular application. ## Usage Usage it's pretty easy: require the main class ```php require "Decorate.php"; ``` and then you can use its 2 methods: ### onBefore ```php $function = Decorate::onBefore($function, $newFunction); ``` Where * ```$function``` is the callable function to intercept * ```$newFunction``` is the callable function that will be called before the other one.Note that the arguments of this function are the same of ```$function```, in this way you have all the things usefull to build your interceptor-logic * the method return a ```FunctionEmulator``` class ### onAfter ```php $function = Decorate::onAfter($function, $newFunction); ``` Where * ```$function``` is the callable function * ```$newFunction``` is the callable function that will be called after the other one.Note that the argument of this function is just the return of the other function * the method return a ```FunctionEmulator``` class ### the return: FunctionEmulator This object is really a function emulator and you can use it as a standard function, but you also call its method! Expecially you can use this object to decorate him again like a callable function. Not only,it's a object where inside are stored the original function and the new one. You can use these methods: * ```getPreReturn()```: this function can be called with how many arguments you want and they are the same arguments of your main function to call. It will return the original function return. * ```getParent()```: this function will return the original function or older FunctionEmulator. In this way you can iterate on the history and find all the result of aggregated functions. ## Advanced usage If have you noticed that functions aggregations can be represented and easily manipulated by a LinkedList, then you got it! I provide two implementations of LikedList: * ```OnAfterDecorativeLinkedList``` * ```OnBeforeDecorativeLinkedList``` These classes extends the standard PHP ```SplDoublyLinkedList``` so you can add,replace,move etc functions as API say. Also ,implementing the ```FunctionEmulable``` interface they can be called as functions. An example: ```php require '../../Decorate.php'; $a = new OnAfterDecorativeLinkedList(); $a->push(function(){ echo 1;}); $a->push(function(){ echo 2;}); $a->push(function(){ echo 3;}); $a(); // print 123 echo '<br>'; $a = new OnBeforeDecorativeLinkedList(); $a->push(function(){ echo 1;}); $a->push(function(){ echo 2;}); $a->push(function(){ echo 3;}); $a(); // print 321 ```