require '../FirstOrderLogicProp.inc.php';
class FOLP_HTML extends FOLPChecker { function FOLP_HTML ($formula=NULL,$expand=FALSE) { parent::FirstOrderLogicProp($formula,$expand); } function printValuesTable ($border=1, $attrs='') { $formula = parent::toString(); $table = parent::valuesTable(); $vars = $table['vars']; $vals = $table['values']; echo '<table border="'.$border.'" '.$attrs.'>'; echo '<tr>'; foreach ($vars as $var) echo '<td align="center"><b style="color:darkblue">'.htmlentities($var).'</b></td>'; echo '<td align="center"><b style="color:darkred">'.htmlentities($formula).'</b></td></tr>'; foreach ($vals as $v) { echo '<tr>'; foreach ($vars as $var) echo '<td align="center"><span style="color:darkblue">'.htmlentities($v['values'][$var]).'</span></td>'; echo '<td align="center"><b style="color:darkred">'.$v['result'].'</b></td></tr>'; } echo '</table>'; } }
function check ( $p )
echo 'checking <b>'.htmlentities($p->toString()).'</b>...<br>';
if ($p->theorem) {
echo 'This is a theorem !';
else {
echo 'This is not a theorem. Here is a counterexample:<br>';
echo 'If you affect ';
foreach ($p->counterexample as $aff) {
$var = $aff[0];
$val = $aff[1]->toString();
echo $val.' to "'.$var.'", ';
echo 'then the proposition becomes false.';
$default = '(a <!> c) & (b -> c)'; $formula = isset($_POST['formula']) ? $_POST['formula'] : $default; $p = new FOLP_HTML;//($formula); $p->addSyntaxFile('syntax.litteral'); $p->parse($formula) or $formula = $default; $p->printValuesTable();
if (isset($_POST['cunj'])) { $q = &$p->clone(); $q->conjunctiveForm(); echo 'Forme conjonctive: <b>'.htmlentities($q->toString()).'</b><br>'; $q->destroy(); unset($q); }
if (isset($_POST['disj'])) { $q = &$p->clone(); $q->disjunctiveForm(); echo 'Forme disjonctive: <b>'.htmlentities($q->toString()).'</b><br>'; $q->destroy(); unset($q); }
if (isset($_POST['check'])) check($p);
$p->destroy(); unset($p);
<form method="post"> <input type="text" value="<?php echo $formula; ?>" name="formula"> <input type="submit" value="Envoyer"><br> <input type="checkbox" name="cunj">Afficher la forme conjonctive<sup style="color:red">*</sup><br> <input type="checkbox" name="disj">Afficher la forme disjonctive<sup style="color:green">*</sup><br> <input type="checkbox" name="check">Exécuter le prouveur sur la proposition<sup style="color:green">*</sup><br> </form> <sup style="color:green">*</sup> <small>le temps de calcul peut être important</small><br> <sup style="color:red">*</sup> <small>ATTENTION le temps de calcul peut être TRES important</small><br> <hr> <b>Syntaxes:</b><br> <ul> <li>TRUE: "TRUE" ou "1" <li>FALSE: "FALSE" ou "0" <li>NOT: "NOT" ou "!" <li>AND: "AND" ou "&" <li>NAND: "NAND" ou "!&" <li>OR: "OR" ou "|" <li>NOR: "NOR" ou "!|" <li>XOR: "XOR" ou "<!>" <li>IMPLIES: "IMPLIES" ou "->" <li>NOT_IMPLIES: "NOT_IMPLIES" ou "-!>" <li>IMPLIED: "IMPLIED_BY" ou "<-" <li>NOT_IMPLIED: "NOT_IMPLIED_BY" ou "<!-" <li>IFF: "IF_ONLY_IF" ou "<->" </ul>