require '../Class.Currency.php';
class CurrencyTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
* @var Currency
protected $object;
* Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
* This method is called before a test is executed.
protected function setUp() {
$this -> object = new Currency;
* Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection.
* This method is called after a test is executed.
protected function tearDown() {
unset($this -> object);
* @dataProvider EGprovider
public function testEg($param, $expected) {
$this -> assertEquals($expected, trim($this -> object ->Eg($param)));
public function EGprovider() {
$val1 = "ثلاثة آلاف و خمسة مائة جنيها فقط لاغير";
$val2 = "خمسة مائة وتسعون جنيها و ستون قرشا فقط لاغير ";
return array( array(3500, trim($val1)), array(590.60, trim($val2)), );
* @dataProvider SAprovider
public function testSa($param, $expected) {
$this->assertEquals($expected, trim($this->object ->Sa($param)));
public function SAprovider() {
$val1 = " ثلاثة آلاف و خمسة مائة ريال فقط لاغير ";
$val2 = " خمسة مائة وتسعون ريال و ستون هللة فقط لاغير";
return array( array(3500, trim($val1)), array(590.60, trim($val2)), );