* This file is part of the PHP Video Toolkit v2 package.
* @author Oliver Lillie (aka buggedcom) <publicmail@buggedcom.co.uk>
* @license Dual licensed under MIT and GPLv2
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oliver Lillie <http://www.buggedcom.co.uk>
* @package PHPVideoToolkit V2
* @version 2.1.7-beta
* @uses ffmpeg http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net/
namespace PHPVideoToolkit;
* This class provides generic data parsing for the output from FFmpeg from specific
* media files. Parts of the code borrow heavily from Jorrit Schippers version of
* PHPVideoToolkit v 0.1.9.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @author Jorrit Schippers
* @package default
class Video extends Media
protected $_extracting_frames;
protected $_extracting_frame;
protected $_extracting_audio;
public function __construct($video_file_path, Config $config=null, VideoFormat $video_input_format=null, $ensure_video_file=true)
parent::__construct($video_file_path, $config, $video_input_format);
// validate this media file is a video file
if($ensure_video_file === true && $this->_validateMedia('video') === false)
throw new \LogicException('You cannot use an instance of '.get_class($this).' for "'.$video_file_path.'" as the file is not a video file. It is reported to be a '.$this->readType());
$this->_extracting_frames = false;
$this->_extracting_frame = false;
$this->_extracting_audio = false;
public function getDefaultFormatClassName()
return 'VideoFormat';
public function extractAudio()
$this->_extracting_audio = true;
return $this;
public function extractFrame(Timecode $timecode)
if($this->_extracting_frames === true)
throw new \LogicException('You cannot extract multiple frames and then extract a single frame in the same execution chain.');
$this->extractSegment($timecode, $timecode);
$this->_extracting_frame = true;
return $this;
public function extractFrames(Timecode $from_timecode=null, Timecode $to_timecode=null, $force_frame_rate=null)
if($this->_extracting_frame === true)
throw new \LogicException('You cannot a single frame and then extract multiple frames in the same execution chain.');
if($force_frame_rate !== null && is_int($force_frame_rate) === false && is_float($force_frame_rate) === false && (is_string($force_frame_rate) === true && preg_match('/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+/', $force_frame_rate) === 0))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('If setting a forced frame rate please make sure it is either an integer, a float or a string in the "1/xxx" format (i.e. 1/60 = 1 frame every 60 seconds).');
if($from_timecode !== null || $to_timecode !== null)
$this->extractSegment($from_timecode, $to_timecode);
$this->_extracting_frames = $force_frame_rate === null ? true : $force_frame_rate;
return $this;
protected function _savePreProcess(Format &$output_format=null, &$save_path, $overwrite, ProgressHandlerAbstract &$progress_handler=null)
parent::_savePreProcess($output_format, $save_path, $overwrite, $progress_handler);
// if we are splitting the output
if(empty($this->_split_options) === false)
$options = $output_format->getFormatOptions();
// if we are splitting we need to add certain commands to make it work.
// for video, we need to ensure that both audio and video codecs are set.
if($this->readHasAudio() === true && empty($options['audio_codec']) === true)
$data = $this->readAudioComponent();
// TODO checks for empty name
// TODO check for encode availability
$this->_process->addCommand('-acodec', $data['codec']['name']);
if(empty($options['video_codec']) === true)
$data = $this->readVideoComponent();
// TODO checks for empty name
// TODO check for encode availability
$this->_process->addCommand('-vcodec', $data['codec']['name']);
* Process the output format just before the it is compiled into commands.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param Format &$output_format
* @return void
protected function _processOutputFormat(Format &$output_format=null, &$save_path, $overwrite)
parent::_processOutputFormat($output_format, $save_path, $overwrite);
// turn off the related options.
if($this->_extracting_audio === true)
if($this->_extracting_frames !== false || $this->_extracting_frame === true)
// check for conflictions with having both audio and video disabled.
$options = $output_format->getFormatOptions();
if($options['disable_audio'] === true && $options['disable_video'] === true)
throw new \LogicException('Unable to process output format to send to ffmpeg as both audio and video are disabled.');
// process the frame extraction options onto the video output format.
if($this->_extracting_frame === true)
// check for conflictions with a single frame extraction and a setting of the video frame rate output format
if($options['video_frame_rate'] !== null && $options['video_frame_rate'] !== 1)
// TODO change to log a warning instead
throw new \LogicException('You are attempting to extract a frame, however you have also specified a frame rate in the video output format. When extracting a frame you cannot set the frame rate of the output format. If you wish to extract multiple frames please use the extractFrames function instead.');
// check for conflictions with a max frames setting
else if($options['video_frame_rate'] !== null && $options['video_frame_rate'] !== 1)
// TODO change to log a warning instead
throw new \LogicException('You are attempting to extract a frame, however you have also specified a max frame limit in the video output format. When extracting a frame you cannot set the max frame limit of the output format. If you wish to extract multiple frames please use the extractFrames function instead.');
// check to see if we are extracting multiple frames. if so check save path and set related options.
else if($this->_extracting_frames !== false)
// if the extracting frames value is not true, then it is a forced frame rate.
if($this->_extracting_frames !== true)
// check for conflictions with a an output format frame raete being set.
if($options['video_frame_rate'] !== null)
// TODO change to log a warning instead
throw new \LogicException('You are attempting to extract multiple frames and force a frame rate, however you have also specified a frame rate in the video output format. When extracting multiple frames whilst specifying a forced frame rate you cannot set the frame rate of the output format.');
// check to see if an aspect ratio is set, if it is correct the width and heights to reflect that aspect ratio.
// This isn't strictly needed it is purely for informational purposes that this is done, because if the width is not
// inline with what is should be according to the aspect ratio ffmpeg will report the wrong final width and height
// when using it to lookup information about the file.
$aspect_ratio = $options['video_aspect_ratio'];
if(empty($aspect_ratio) === false)
$dimensions = $options['video_dimensions'];
if(empty($dimensions) === true)
$dimensions = $this->readDimensions();
if(empty($dimensions) === false)
$dimensions['auto_adjust_dimensions'] = $aspect_ratio['auto_adjust_dimensions'];
$dimensions['force_aspect'] = true;
$options['video_dimensions'] = $dimensions;
if(empty($dimensions) === false)
if(strpos($aspect_ratio['ratio'], ':') !== false)
$ratio = explode(':', $aspect_ratio['ratio']);
$ratio = $ratio[0] / $ratio[1];
$new_width = round($dimensions['height'] * $ratio);
// make sure new width is an even number
$ceiled = ceil($new_width);
$new_width = $ceiled % 2 !== 0 ? floor($new_width) : $ceiled;
if($new_width !== $dimensions['width'])
$output_format->setVideoDimensions($new_width, $dimensions['height'], $dimensions['auto_adjust_dimensions'], $dimensions['force_aspect']);
$options = $output_format->getFormatOptions();
else if(strpos($aspect_ratio['ratio'], '.') !== false)
$ratio = floatval($aspect_ratio['ratio']);
$new_width = $dimensions['height'] * $ratio;
// make sure new width is an even number
$ceiled = ceil($new_width);
$new_width = $ceiled % 2 !== 0 ? floor($new_width) : $ceiled;
if($new_width !== $dimensions['width'])
$output_format->setVideoDimensions($new_width, $dimensions['height'], $dimensions['auto_adjust_dimensions'], $dimensions['force_aspect']);
$options = $output_format->getFormatOptions();
// check the video dimensions to see if we need to post process the dimensions
$dimensions = $options['video_dimensions'];
if(empty($dimensions) === false && $dimensions['auto_adjust_dimensions'] === true)
// get the optimal dimensions for this video based on the aspect ratio
$optimal_dimensions = $this->getOptimalDimensions($dimensions['width'], $dimensions['height'], $dimensions['force_aspect']);
if($dimensions['width'] !== $optimal_dimensions['padded_width'] || $dimensions['height'] !== $optimal_dimensions['padded_height'])
$output_format->setVideoDimensions($optimal_dimensions['padded_width'], $optimal_dimensions['padded_height']);
// check to see if we have to apply any padding.
if($optimal_dimensions['pad_top'] > 0 || $optimal_dimensions['pad_right'] > 0 || $optimal_dimensions['pad_bottom'] > 0 || $optimal_dimensions['pad_left'] > 0)
$output_format->setVideoPadding($optimal_dimensions['pad_top'], $optimal_dimensions['pad_right'], $optimal_dimensions['pad_bottom'], $optimal_dimensions['pad_left'], $optimal_dimensions['padded_width'], $optimal_dimensions['padded_height']);
* Takes in a set of video dimensions - original and target - and returns the optimal conversion
* dimensions. It will always return the smaller of the original or target dimensions.
* For example: original dimensions of 320x240 and target dimensions of 640x480.
* The result will be 320x240 because converting to 640x480 would be a waste of disk
* space, processing, and bandwidth (assuming these videos are to be downloaded).
* @param $target_width: The width of the video file which we will be converting to.
* @param $target_height: The height of the video file which we will be converting to.
* @param $force_aspect: Boolean value of whether or not to force conversion to the target's
* aspect ratio using padding (so the video isn't stretched). If false, the
* conversion dimensions will retain the aspect ratio of the original.
* Optional parameter. Defaults to true.
* @return: An array containing the size and padding information to be used for conversion.
* Format:
* Array
* (
* [width] => int
* [height] => int
* [pad_top] => int // top padding (if applicable)
* [pad_bottom] => int // bottom padding (if applicable)
* [pad_left] => int // left padding (if applicable)
* [pad_right] => int // right padding (if applicable)
* )
* @access public
* @author Herr K
* @link http://stackoverflow.com/q/3988011/194480
* @return void
public function getOptimalDimensions($target_width, $target_height, $force_aspect=true)
$dimensions = $this->readDimensions();
if(empty($dimensions) === true)
throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to read the videos dimensions.');
$original_width = $dimensions['width'];
$original_height = $dimensions['height'];
// Array to be returned by this function
$target = array(
'padded_width' => $original_width,
'padded_height' => $original_height,
'video_width' => $original_width,
'video_height' => $original_height,
'pad_top' => 0,
'pad_right' => 0,
'pad_bottom' => 0,
'pad_left' => 0,
// Target aspect ratio (width / height)
$aspect = $target_width / $target_height;
// Target reciprocal aspect ratio (height / width)
$raspect = $target_height / $target_width;
// Aspect ratio is different
if($original_width/$original_height !== $aspect)
// Width is the greater of the two dimensions relative to the target dimensions
if($original_width/$original_height > $aspect)
// Original video is smaller. Scale down dimensions for conversion
if($original_width < $target_width)
$target_width = $original_width;
$target_height = round($raspect * $target_width);
// Calculate height from width
$original_height = round($original_height / $original_width * $target_width);
$original_width = $target_width;
if($force_aspect === true)
// Pad top and bottom
$dif = round(($target_height - $original_height) / 2);
$target['pad_top'] = $dif;
$target['pad_bottom'] = $dif;
// Height is the greater of the two dimensions relative to the target dimensions
if($original_height < $target_height)
// Original video is smaller. Scale down dimensions for conversion
$target_height = $original_height;
$target_width = round($aspect * $target_height);
// Calculate width from height
$original_width = round($original_width / $original_height * $target_height);
$original_height = $target_height;
if($force_aspect === true)
// Pad left and right
$dif = round(($target_width - $original_width) / 2);
$target['pad_left'] = $dif;
$target['pad_right'] = $dif;
// The aspect ratio is the same
if($original_width !== $target_width)
// The original video is smaller. Use its resolution for conversion
if($original_width < $target_width)
$target_width = $original_width;
$target_height = $original_height;
// The original video is larger, Use the target dimensions for conversion
$original_width = $target_width;
$original_height = $target_height;
// Use the target_ vars because they contain dimensions relative to the target aspect ratio
if($force_aspect === true)
$target['padded_width'] = $target_width;
$target['padded_height'] = $target_height;
$target['padded_width'] = $original_width;
$target['padded_height'] = $original_height;
return $target;
* Returns any video information about the file if available.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param boolean $read_from_cache
* @return mixed Returns an array of found data, otherwise returns null.
public function readDimensions($read_from_cache=true)
$video_data = parent::readVideoComponent($read_from_cache);
return $video_data['dimensions'];
* Returns any video information about the file if available.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param boolean $read_from_cache
* @return mixed Returns an array of found data, otherwise returns null.
public function getFrameRate($read_from_cache=true)
$video_data = parent::readVideoComponent($read_from_cache);
return $video_data['frames']['rate'];