* This file is part of the PHP Video Toolkit v2 package.
* @author Oliver Lillie (aka buggedcom) <publicmail@buggedcom.co.uk>
* @license Dual licensed under MIT and GPLv2
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oliver Lillie <http://www.buggedcom.co.uk>
* @package PHPVideoToolkit V2
* @version 2.1.7-beta
* @uses ffmpeg http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net/
namespace PHPVideoToolkit;
* If tbe ffmpeg process can be used in conjunction with a process handler, then this class is used to extend
* the FfmpegProcess object.
* @author Oliver Lillie
class FfmpegProcessProgressable extends FfmpegProcess
* [$_output_renamed description]
* @var [type]
* @access private
private $_output_renamed;
* [$_output_renamed description]
* @var [type]
* @access private
private $_final_output;
* [$_output_renamed description]
* @var [type]
* @access private
private $_progress_callbacks;
* Constructor
* @access public
* @author: Oliver Lillie
* @param string $program The programme to call. Note this is not the path. If you wish to call ffmpeg/aconv you should jsut
* supply 'ffmpeg' and then set the aconv path as the ffmpeg configuration option in Config.
* @param Config $config The config object.
public function __construct($programme, Config $config=null)
parent::__construct($programme, $config);
$this->_progress_callbacks = array();
$this->_output_renamed = null;
$this->_final_output = null;
* Sets a command on ffmpeg that sets a timelimit for the process. If this timelimit is exceeded then ffmpeg bails.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param integer $timelimit_in_seconds The timelimit to impose in seconds.
* @return FfmpegProcess Returns the current object.
* @throws FfmpegProcessCommandUnavailableException If the timelimit command is not available on the configured ffmpeg.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the timelimit is not an integer.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the timelimit is less than or equal to 0.
public function setProcessTimelimit($timelimit_in_seconds)
$parser = new FfmpegParser($this->_config);
$commands = $parser->getCommands();
if(isset($commands['timelimit']) === false)
throw new FfmpegProcessCommandUnavailableException('The -timelimit command is not supported by your version of FFmpeg.');
if(is_int($timelimit_in_seconds) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The timelimit in seconds argument must be an integer.');
else if($timelimit_in_seconds <= 0)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The timelimit must be greater than 0 seconds.');
$this->addCommand('-timelimit', $timelimit_in_seconds);
return $this;
* Attaches a progress handler to the ffmpeg progress.
* The progress handler is executed during the ffmpeg process.
* Attaching a handler can cause a blocking process depending on the progress handler object or function used.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param mixed $callback Can be a callable callback, or an object that extends PHPVideoToolkit\ProgressHandlerAbstract
* @return FfmpegProcess Returns the current object.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the callback is an object and is not a subclass of PHPVideoToolkit\ProgressHandlerAbstract
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the callback is not callable if not an object.
public function attachProgressHandler($callback)
if(is_object($callback) === true)
if(is_subclass_of($callback, 'PHPVideoToolkit\ProgressHandlerAbstract') === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('If supplying an object to attach as a progress handler, that object must inherit from ProgressHandlerAbstract.');
$callback->attachFfmpegProcess($this, $this->_config);
else if(is_callable($callback) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The progress handler must either be a class that extends from ProgressHandlerAbstract or a callable function.');
array_push($this->_progress_callbacks, $callback);
return $this;
* This function is used to execute the callback handlers when present.
* IMPORTANT! This is a protected function, however due to the nature of the
* callbacks, it must be public in order to be callable.
* @access protected
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @return void
public function _executionCallbackRunner()
foreach($this->_progress_callbacks as $callback)
if(is_object($callback) === true)
call_user_func($callback, $this);
* Executes the ffmpeg process and can be supplied with an optional progress callback.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param mixed $callback If given it must be a valid function that is callable.
* @return FfmpegProcess Returns the current object.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the callback is not callable.
public function execute($callback=null)
if($callback !== null)
if(is_callable($callback) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Callback is not callable.');
if(empty($this->_progress_callbacks) === false)
$callback = array($this, '_executionCallbackRunner');
return $this;
* Returns the output of the process if the process has completed.
* @access public
* @author: Oliver Lillie
* @param mixed $post_process_callback
* @return array Returns an array of output if more than 1 output file is expected, otherwise returns a string.
public function getOutput($post_process_callback=null)
// get the output of the process
return $this->completeProcess($post_process_callback);
* Once the process has been completed this function can be called to return the output
* of the process. Depending on what the process is outputting depends on what is returned.
* If a single video or audio is being outputted then the related PHPVideoToolkit media object
* will be returned. However if multiple files are being outputed then an array of the associated
* objects are returned. Typically speaking an array will be returned when %index or %timecode
* are within the output path.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param mixed $post_process_callback
* @return mixed
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If a callback is supplied but is not callable.
* @throws PHPVideoToolkit\FfmpegProcessOutputException If the function is called but the process has not completed
* yet.
* @throws PHPVideoToolkit\FfmpegProcessOutputException If the process was aborted.
* @throws PHPVideoToolkit\FfmpegProcessOutputException If the process completed with a termination signal.
* @throws PHPVideoToolkit\FfmpegProcessOutputException If the process completed with an error.
* @throws PHPVideoToolkit\FfmpegProcessOutputException If returned output is empty.
* @throws PHPVideoToolkit\FfmpegProcessOutputException If returned output files does not exist.
* @throws PHPVideoToolkit\FfmpegProcessOutputException If returned output files does exist but is a 0 byte file.
public function completeProcess($post_process_callback=null)
if($this->_final_output !== null)
return $this->_final_output;
if($post_process_callback !== null)
if(is_callable($post_process_callback) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The supplied post process callback is not callable.');
if($this->isCompleted() === false)
throw new FfmpegProcessOutputException('Encoding has not yet started.');
// check for an error.
if($this->hasError() === true)
// check for specific recieved signal errors.
$last_split = $this->getLastSplit();
if(preg_match('/Received signal ([0-9]+): terminating\./', $last_split, $matches) > 0)
$kill_signals = array(
1 => 'Hang up detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process.',
2 => 'User sent an interrupt signal.',
3 => 'User sent a quit signal.',
4 => 'Illegal instruction.',
6 => 'Abort signal from abort(3).',
8 => 'Floating point exception.',
9 => 'Kill signal sent.',
11 => 'Invalid memory reference',
13 => 'Broken pipe: write to pipe with no readers',
14 => 'Timer signal from alarm(2)',
15 => 'Termination signal sent.',
24 => 'Imposed time limit ({length} seconds) exceeded.',
// TODO add more signals.
$kill_int = (int) $matches[1];
if(isset($kill_signals[$kill_int]) === true)
$message = $kill_signals[$kill_int];
if($kill_int == 24)
$length = $this->getCommand('-timelimit');
$length = !$length ? 'unknown' : $length;
$message = str_replace('{length}', $length, $message);
throw new FfmpegProcessOutputException('Process was aborted. '.$message);
throw new FfmpegProcessOutputException('Termination signal received and the process aborted. Signal was '.$matches[1]);
throw new FfmpegProcessOutputException('Encoding failed and an error was returned from ffmpeg. Error code '.$this->getErrorCode().' was returned the message (if any) was: '.$last_split);
$output_path = $this->_renameMultiOutput();
$output = array();
foreach ($output_path as $key=>$path)
if(is_string($path) === true)
// check for a none multiple file existence
if(empty($path) === true)
throw new FfmpegProcessOutputException('Unable to find output for the process as it was not set.');
else if(is_file($path) === false)
throw new FfmpegProcessOutputException('The output "'.$path.'", of the Ffmpeg process does not exist.');
else if(filesize($path) <= 0)
throw new FfmpegProcessOutputException('The output "'.$path.'", of the Ffmpeg process is a 0 byte file. Something must have gone wrong however it wasn\'t reported as an error by FFmpeg.');
$output[$key] = $this->_convertPathToMediaObject($path);
else if(is_array($path) === true && empty($path) === false)
$path_output = array();
foreach ($path as $file_path)
array_push($path_output, $this->_convertPathToMediaObject($file_path));
$output[$key] = $path_output;
if(count($output) === 1)
$output = $output[0];
// do any post processing callbacks
if($post_process_callback !== null)
$output = call_user_func($post_process_callback, $output, $this);
return $this->_final_output = $output;
* Checks to see if the ffmpeg output is a %d format and if so performs the rename of the output.
* @access protected
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @return mixed If %d output is expected then an array of path names is returned, otherwise a string path is returned.
protected function _renameMultiOutput()
// check to see if the output has already been renamed somewhere
if($this->_output_renamed !== null)
return $this->_output_renamed;
// get the output of the process
$paths = array();
$output_count = $this->getOutputCount();
for($i=0; $i<$output_count; $i++)
$path = $this->getOutputPath($i);
// we have the output path but we now need to treat differently dependant on if we have multiple file output.
if(preg_match('/\.(\%([0-9]*)d)\.([0-9\.]+_[0-9\.]+\.)?_(i|t)\./', $path) > 0)
$path = $this->_renamePercentDOutput($path);
array_push($paths, $path);
return $paths;
* Returns a Media object based class for the given file path.
* @access protected
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $output_path The file path to convert.
* @return object Either "Media", "Video", "Audio" or "Image" PHPVideoToolkit objects.
protected function _convertPathToMediaObject($output_path)
// get the media class from the output.
// create the object from the class name and return the new object.
$media_class = $this->_findMediaClass($output_path);
return new $media_class($output_path, $this->_config, null, false);
* Renames any output from ffmpeg that would have been outputted in a sequence, ie using %d. Typically used with imagery.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $output_path The string notation for the output path.
* @return array Returns an array of modified file paths.
protected function _renamePercentDOutput($output_path)
$output = array();
// we have the output path but we now need to treat differently dependant on if we have multiple file output.
if(preg_match('/\.(\%([0-9]*)d)\.([0-9\.]+_[0-9\.]+\.)?_(i|t)\./', $output_path, $matches) > 0)
// determine what we have to rename all the files to.
$convert_back_to = $matches[4] === 't' ? 'timecode' : (int) $matches[2];
// get the glob path and then find all the files from this output
$output_glob_path = str_replace($matches[0], '.*.'.$matches[3].'_'.$matches[4].'.', $output_path);
$outputted_files = glob($output_glob_path);
// sort the output naturally so that if there is no index padding that we get the frames in the correct order.
// loop to rename the file and then create each output object.
$timecode = null;
foreach ($outputted_files as $path)
if($convert_back_to === 'timecode')
// if the start timecode has not been generated then find the required from the path string.
if($timecode === null)
$matches[3] = rtrim($matches[3], '.');
$matches[3] = explode('_', $matches[3]);
$timecode = new Timecode((int) $matches[3][1], Timecode::INPUT_FORMAT_SECONDS, (float) $matches[3][0]);
$timecode->frame += 1;
$actual_path = preg_replace('/\.[0-9]{12}\.[0-9\.]+_[0-9\.]+\._t\./', $timecode->getTimecode('%hh_%mm_%ss_%ms', false), $path);
$actual_path = preg_replace('/\.([0-9]+)\._i\./', '$1', $path);
$actual_path = preg_replace('/\._u\.[0-9]{5}_[a-z0-9]{5}_[0-9]+\.u_\./', '.', $actual_path);
rename($path, $actual_path);
array_push($output, $actual_path);
// TODO create the multiple image output
return $output;
* Attempts to read the data about the file given by $path and then returns the class
* name of the related media object.
* @access protected
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $path The file pathe of the file to find the media class for.
* @return string Returns the class name of the PHPVideoToolkit class related to the given $path argument.
protected function _findMediaClass($path)
// read the output to determine what it is so it can be post processed.
$data = getimagesize($path);
$media_parser = new MediaParser($this->_config);
$type = $media_parser->getFileType($path);
else if(strpos($data['mime'], 'image/') !== false)
$type = 'image';
$type = 'video';
// now we have the information switch between the types and create the return object.
$class = 'Media';
case 'audio' :
case 'video' :
case 'image' :
$class = '\\PHPVideoToolkit\\'.ucfirst(strtolower($type));
return $class;