* This file is part of the PHP Video Toolkit v2 package.
* @author Oliver Lillie (aka buggedcom) <publicmail@buggedcom.co.uk>
* @license Dual licensed under MIT and GPLv2
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oliver Lillie <http://www.buggedcom.co.uk>
* @package PHPVideoToolkit V2
* @version 2.1.7-beta
* @uses ffmpeg http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net/
namespace PHPVideoToolkit;
* Abstract class based upon Parser to server as a base class for creating FFmpeg parser classes from differing sources.
* @author Oliver Lillie
abstract class FfmpegParserAbstract extends Parser
* Returns the raw codec data.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param boolean $read_from_cache If true and the data exists within a cache then that data is used. If false
* then the data is re-read from ffmpeg.
* @return string Returns the raw buffer data from ffmpeg.
abstract function getRawCodecData($read_from_cache=true);
* Returns the raw filters data.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param boolean $read_from_cache If true and the data exists within a cache then that data is used. If false
* then the data is re-read from ffmpeg.
* @return string Returns the raw buffer data from ffmpeg.
abstract function getRawBitstreamFiltersData($read_from_cache=true);
* Returns the raw filters data.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param boolean $read_from_cache If true and the data exists within a cache then that data is used. If false
* then the data is re-read from ffmpeg.
* @return string Returns the raw buffer data from ffmpeg.
abstract function getRawFiltersData($read_from_cache=true);
* Returns the raw protocols data.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param boolean $read_from_cache If true and the data exists within a cache then that data is used. If false
* then the data is re-read from ffmpeg.
* @return string Returns the raw buffer data from ffmpeg.
abstract function getRawProtocolsData($read_from_cache=true);
* Returns the raw data returned from ffmpeg about the available supported pixel formats.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param boolean $read_from_cache If true and the data exists within a cache then that data is used. If false
* then the data is re-read from ffmpeg.
* @return string Returns the raw buffer data from ffmpeg.
* @throws PHPVideoToolkit\FfmpegProcessException If the call to ffmpeg encounters an error.
public function getRawPixelFormatsData($read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'ffmpeg_parser/raw_pixel_formats_data';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key)))
return $data;
$exec = new FfmpegProcess('ffmpeg', $this->_config);
$data = $exec->addCommand('-pix_fmt', 'list')
// check the process for any errors.
if($exec->hasError() === true)
throw new FfmpegProcessException('An error was encountered when attempting to read the pixel format data. FFmpeg reported: '.$exec->getLastLine(), null, $exec);
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
* Returns the raw data returned from ffmpeg help command.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param boolean $read_from_cache If true and the data exists within a cache then that data is used. If false
* then the data is re-read from ffmpeg.
* @return string Returns the raw buffer data from ffmpeg.
* @throws PHPVideoToolkit\FfmpegProcessException If the call to ffmpeg encounters an error.
public function getRawCommandsData($read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'ffmpeg_parser/raw_commands_data';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key)))
return $data;
$exec = new FfmpegProcess('ffmpeg', $this->_config);
$data = $exec->addCommand('-h', 'long')
// check the process for any errors.
if($exec->hasError() === true)
throw new FfmpegProcessException('An error was encountered when attempting to read FFmpegs\' available commands. FFmpeg reported: '.$exec->getLastLine(), null, $exec);
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
* Returns the available filters in their processed easy to use format.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param boolean $read_from_cache If true and the data exists within a cache then that data is used. If false
* then the data is re-read from ffmpeg.
* @return array Returns an array of data about the current ffmpeg binary.
public function getFfmpegData($read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'ffmpeg_parser/ffmpeg_data';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key)))
return $data;
// get the raw format information
$raw_data = $this->getRawFfmpegData($read_from_cache);
// then match out the relevant data, clean and process.
$data = array(
'from-cache' => true,
'read-at' => time(),
'binary' => array(
'configuration' => array(),
'vhook-support' => false,
'compiler' => array(
'gcc' => null,
'build_date' => null,
if(preg_match_all('/--[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+/', $raw_data, $config_flags) > 0)
$data['binary']['configuration'] = $config_flags[0];
$data['binary']['vhook-support'] = in_array('--enable-vhook', $config_flags[0]) === true || in_array('--disable-vhook', $config_flags[0]) === false;
if(preg_match('/built on (.*)(?:, gcc:| with) (.*)/', $raw_data, $conf) > 0) //
$data['compiler']['gcc'] = $conf[2];
//$data['compiler']['build_date'] = $conf[1];
$data['compiler']['build_date'] = strtotime($conf[1]);
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
$data['from-cache'] = false;
return $data;
* Returns the version of ffmpeg if it is found and available.
* @access public
* @author Jorrit Schippers
* @param boolean $read_from_cache If true and the data exists within a cache then that data is used. If false
* then the data is re-read from ffmpeg.
* @return array Returns an array with the following keys; build, version. Note, depending on your version of ffmpeg
* either one or both of these keys will container values.
* @throws PHPVideoToolkit\FfmpegProcessException If a version is not found in the basic information then we call ffmpeg -version
* to get the version information. If that call encounters an error this exception is thrown.
public function getVersion($read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'ffmpeg_parser/ffmpeg_version';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key)))
return $data;
$version = null;
$build = null;
$raw_data = $this->getRawFfmpegData($read_from_cache);
// Search for SVN string
// FFmpeg version SVN-r20438, Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
if($build === null && preg_match('/(?:ffmpeg|avconv) version SVN-r([0-9.]*)/i', $raw_data, $matches) > 0)
$build = $matches[1];
// // Some OSX versions are built from a very early CVS
// // I do not know what to do with this version- using 1 for now
// if(preg_match('/(?:ffmpeg|avconv) version(.*)CVS.*Mac OSX universal/msUi', $raw_data, $matches) > 0)
// {
// $build = $matches[1];
// }
// Search for git string
// FFmpeg version git-N-29240-gefb5fa7, Copyright (c) 2000-2011 the FFmpeg developers.
// ffmpeg version N-31145-g59bd0fe, Copyright (c) 2000-2011 the FFmpeg developers
if($build === null && preg_match('/(?:ffmpeg|avconv) version.*N-([0-9.]*)/i', $raw_data, $matches) > 0)
// Versions above this seem to be ok
if($matches[1] >= 29240)
$build = $matches[1];
// Do we have a release?
// ffmpeg version 0.4.9-pre1, build 4736, Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Fabrice Bellard
if($build === null && preg_match('/(?:ffmpeg|avconv) version ([^,]+) build ([0-9]+),/i', $raw_data, $matches) > 0)
$version = $matches[1];
$build = $matches[2];
// Do we have a build version?
// ffmpeg version 0.4.9-pre1, build 4736, Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Fabrice Bellard
if($build === null && preg_match('/(?:ffmpeg|avconv) version.*, build ([0-9]*)/i', $raw_data, $matches) > 0)
$build = $matches[1];
// ffmpeg version 1.1.2 Copyright (c) 2000-2013 the FFmpeg developers
if($version === null && preg_match('/ffmpeg version ([^\s]+) Copyright/i', $raw_data, $matches) > 0)
$version = $matches[1];
// avconv version 0.8.9-4:0.8.9-0ubuntu0.12.04.1, Copyright (c) 2000-2013 the Libav developers built on Nov 9 2013 19:08:00 with gcc 4.6.3
if($version === null && preg_match('/avconv version\s+([^:]+):/msUi', $raw_data, $matches) > 0)
$version = $matches[1];
// get the version from -version
if($version === null)
$exec = new FfmpegProcess('ffmpeg', $this->_config);
$data = $exec->addCommand('-version')
// check the process for any errors.
if($exec->hasError() === true)
throw new FfmpegProcessException('An error was encountered when attempting to read FFmpegs\' version. FFmpeg reported: '.$exec->getLastLine(), null, $exec);
if(preg_match('/FFmpeg version ([0-9\.]+)/i', $data, $matches) > 0)
$version = $matches[1];
else if(preg_match('/FFmpeg ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/i', $data, $matches) > 0)
$version = $matches[1];
// if both version and build are not available throw a new exception to get the user to provide their ffmpeg data to github so we can start building up different formats of ffmpeg output.
if($version === null && $build === null)
throw new FfmpegProcessException('Unable to determine your FFmpeg version or build. Please create an issue at the github repository for PHPVideoToolkit 2; https://github.com/buggedcom/phpvideotoolkit-v2/issues. Please add the following data to the ticket:<br />
<br />
$data = array(
'build' => $build,
'version' => $version,
'from-cache' => true,
'read-at' => time(),
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
$data['from-cache'] = false;
return $data;
* Returns the information about ffmpeg itself.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param boolean $read_from_cache If true and the data exists within a cache then that data is used. If false
* then the data is re-read from ffmpeg.
* @return array Returns all the information available about ffmpeg in a single array.
public function getInformation($read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'ffmpeg_parser/parsed_information';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key)))
return $data;
$data = $this->getFfmpegData($read_from_cache);
$data['version'] = $this->getVersion($read_from_cache);
$data['has-ffmpeg-php-support'] = $this->hasFfmpegPhpSupport($read_from_cache);
$data['formats'] = $this->getFormats($read_from_cache);
$data['codecs'] = $this->getCodecs(null, $read_from_cache);
$data['protocols'] = $this->getProtocols($read_from_cache);
$data['pixel_formats'] = $this->getPixelFormats($read_from_cache);
//$data['commands'] = $this->getCommands();
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
* Determines if we are able to utilise FFmpeg-PHP either through a loaded
* module or one of our emulators.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param boolean $read_from_cache
* @return mixed Returns false (boolean) on failure otherwise returns module or emulated.
public function hasFfmpegPhpSupport($read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'ffmpeg_parser/ffmpeg_php_available';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key, -1)) !== -1)
return $data;
// check to see if the module is loaded.
if(extension_loaded('ffmpeg') === true)
$data = 'module';
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
// check to see if an adapter exists
$base_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
if( is_file($base_dir.'/emulators/ffmpeg-php/ffmpeg_movie.php') === true
&& is_file($base_dir.'/emulators/ffmpeg-php/ffmpeg_frame.php') === true
&& is_file($base_dir.'/emulators/ffmpeg-php/ffmpeg_animated_gif.php') === true)
$data = 'emulated';
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
$data = false;
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
* Returns the available formats in a processed easy to use format.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param boolean $read_from_cache If true and the data exists within a cache then that data is used. If false
* then the data is re-read from ffmpeg.
* @return array Returns an array of formats and related information about each format.
public function getFormats($read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'ffmpeg_parser/parsed_formats';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key)))
return $data;
// get the raw format information
$raw_data = $this->getRawFormatData();
// then match out the relevant data, clean and process.
$data = array();
if(preg_match_all('/ (DE|D|E) (.*) {1,} (.*)/', $raw_data, $format_matches) > 0)
foreach($format_matches[0] as $key=>$match)
$format_code = strtolower(trim($format_matches[2][$key]));
$mux_and_demux = $format_matches[1][$key] === 'DE';
$data[$format_code] = array(
'mux' => $mux_and_demux === true || $format_matches[1][$key] === 'E',
'demux' => $mux_and_demux === true || $format_matches[1][$key] === 'D',
'fullname' => $format_matches[3][$key],
'extensions'=> Formats::toExtensions($format_code),
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
* Returns the available codecs in their processed easy to use format.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param mixed $component If not set or set to null then all the audio, video and subtitle codecs
* are returned, otherwise if set to 'audio', 'video', or 'subtitle' then just the related data
* is returned.
* @param boolean $read_from_cache If true and the data exists within a cache then that data is used. If false
* then the data is re-read from ffmpeg.
* @return array Returns an array of formats and related information about each codec.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the $component argument is invalid.
public function getCodecs($component=null, $read_from_cache=true)
if(in_array($component, array('video', 'audio', 'subtitle', null)) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unrecognised codec component specified.');
$cache_key = 'ffmpeg_parser/parsed_codecs';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key)))
return $component === null ? $data : (isset($data[$component]) === true ? $data[$component] : false);
// get the raw format information
$raw_data = $this->getRawCodecData();
// then match out the relevant data, clean and process.
$data = array(
'video' => array(),
'audio' => array(),
'subtitle' => array()
if(preg_match_all('/ ((?:[DEVAST ]{6})|(?:[DEVASTFB ]{8})|(?:[DEVASIL\.]{6})) ([A-Za-z0-9\_]+) (.+)/', $raw_data, $codec_matches) > 0)
// FFMPEG 0.12+
// D..... = Decoding supported
// .E.... = Encoding supported
// ..V... = Video codec
// ..A... = Audio codec
// ..S... = Subtitle codec
// ...I.. = Intra frame-only codec
// ....L. = Lossy compression
// .....S = Lossless compression
// D..... = Decoding supported
// .E.... = Encoding supported
// ..V... = Video codec
// ..A... = Audio codec
// ..S... = Subtitle codec
// ...S.. = Supports draw_horiz_band
// ....D. = Supports direct rendering method 1
// .....T = Supports weird frame truncation
// TODO, seperate out into distinct functions
foreach ($codec_matches[3] as $key => $fullname)
$options = preg_split('//', $codec_matches[1][$key], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if(empty($options) === false)
$id = trim($codec_matches[2][$key]);
$type = $options[2] === 'V' ? 'video' : ($options[2] === 'A' ? 'audio' : 'subtitle');
switch ($options[2])
// video
case 'V' :
$data[$type][$id] = array(
'encode' => isset($options[1]) === true && $options[1] === 'E',
'decode' => isset($options[0]) === true && $options[0] === 'D',
'draw_horizontal_band' => isset($options[3]) === true && $options[3] === 'S',
'direct_rendering_method_1' => isset($options[4]) === true && $options[4] === 'D',
'weird_frame_truncation' => isset($options[5]) === true && $options[5] === 'T',
'fullname' => trim($fullname),
// audio and subtitles.
case 'A' :
case 'S' :
$data[$type][$id] = array(
'encode' => isset($options[1]) === true && $options[1] === 'E',
'decode' => isset($options[0]) === true && $options[0] === 'D',
'fullname' => trim($fullname),
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
// are we to only return a specific component of the data?
if($component !== null)
return $data[$component];
return $data;
* Returns the available bitstream filters in their processed easy to use format.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param boolean $read_from_cache If true and the data exists within a cache then that data is used. If false
* then the data is re-read from ffmpeg.
* @return array Returns an array of bitstream filter strings.
public function getBitstreamFilters($read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'ffmpeg_parser/parsed_bitstream_filters';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key)))
return $data;
// get the raw format information
$raw_data = $this->getRawBitstreamFiltersData();
// then match out the relevant data, clean and process.
$data = array();
$locate = 'Bitstream filters:';
if(empty($raw_data) === false && ($pos = strpos($raw_data, $locate)) !== false)
$raw_data = trim(substr($raw_data, $pos + strlen($locate)));
$data = explode("\n", $raw_data);
array_walk($data, function(&$filter, $key)
$filter = trim($filter);
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
* Returns the available filters in their processed easy to use format.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param boolean $just_filter_names If true then just the list of available filters will be returned.
* otherwise all the available data will be returned.
* @param boolean $read_from_cache If true and the data exists within a cache then that data is used. If false
* then the data is re-read from ffmpeg.
* @return array Returns an array of available filters. If $just_filter_names is true, then just the filter names
* are returned, otherwise the array is returned with the filter names as the key and the value as another array containing
* information about the filter.
public function getFilters($just_filter_names=true, $read_from_cache=true)
$component = $just_filter_names === true ? 'filters' : 'verbose';
$cache_key = 'ffmpeg_parser/parsed_filters';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key)))
return $component === 'verbose' ? $data : array_keys($data);
// get the raw format information
$raw_data = $this->getRawFiltersData();
// then match out the relevant data, clean and process.
$data = array();
$locate = 'Filters:';
if(empty($raw_data) === false && ($pos = strpos($raw_data, $locate)) !== false)
$raw_data = trim(substr($raw_data, $pos + strlen($locate)));
if(preg_match_all('/([a-z]+)\s+([\|VA]{1,2})\->([\|VA]{1,2})\s+(.*)/i', $raw_data, $matches) > 0)
foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $filter)
$from = $matches[2][$key];
$from_name = $from === 'V' ? 'video1' : ($from === 'VV' ? 'video2' : ($from === 'A' ? 'audio1' : ($from === 'AA' ? 'audio2' : ($from === '|' ? 'pipe' : null))));
$to = $matches[2][$key];
$to_name = $to === 'V' ? 'video1' : ($to === 'VV' ? 'video2' : ($to === 'A' ? 'audio1' : ($to === 'AA' ? 'audio2' : ($to === '|' ? 'pipe' : null))));
$data[$filter] = array(
'filter' => $filter,
'description' => $matches[4][$key],
'from' => $from_name,
'to' => $to_name,
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $component === 'verbose' ? $data : array_keys($data);
* Returns the available filters in their processed easy to use format.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param boolean $read_from_cache If true and the data exists within a cache then that data is used. If false
* then the data is re-read from ffmpeg.
* @return array Returns an array of available protocols and whether or not they are input or ouput protocols.
public function getProtocols($read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'ffmpeg_parser/parsed_protocols';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key)))
return $data;
// get the raw format information
$raw_data = $this->getRawProtocolsData();
// then match out the relevant data, clean and process.
$data = array();
if(empty($raw_data) === false)
// check to see if we have input and output settings.
$input_locate = 'Input:';
if(($input_pos = strpos($raw_data, $input_locate)) !== false)
// seperate out input and output protocols
$input_locate_length = strlen($input_locate);
$raw_data = substr($raw_data, $input_pos+$input_locate_length);
$raw_data = explode('Output:', $raw_data);
// process the input
$input = trim($raw_data[0]);
$input = explode("\n", $input);
if(empty($input) === false)
foreach($input as $protocol)
$data[$protocol] = array(
'input' => true,
'output' => false,
// if the output protocols are found, process them by augmenting the existing data
// or creating a new record in the data.
if(isset($raw_data[1]) === true && empty($raw_data[1]) === false)
$output = trim($raw_data[1]);
$output = explode("\n", $output);
foreach($output as $protocol)
if(isset($data[$protocol]) === true)
$data[$protocol]['output'] = true;
$data[$protocol] = array(
'input' => false,
'output' => true,
// this is the older version of the protocol format.
$locate = 'Supported file protocols:';
if(($pos = strpos($raw_data, $locate)) !== false)
$raw_data = trim(substr($raw_data, $pos + strlen($locate)));
$raw_data = explode("\n", $raw_data);
array_walk($raw_data, function(&$protocol, $key)
// both input and output is assumed to be true
$data[$protocol] = array(
'input' => true,
'output' => true,
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
* Returns the available filters in their processed easy to use format.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param boolean $read_from_cache If true and the data exists within a cache then that data is used. If false
* then the data is re-read from ffmpeg.
* @return array Returns an array of information about the available pixel formats.
public function getPixelFormats($read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'ffmpeg_parser/parsed_pixel_formats';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key)))
return $data;
// get the raw format information
$raw_data = $this->getRawPixelFormatsData();
// then match out the relevant data, clean and process.
$data = array();
if(strpos($raw_data, 'Pixel formats') === false)
// Format:
// name nb_channels depth is_alpha
// yuv420p 3 8 n
// yuyv422 1 8 n
if(preg_match_all('/(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(y|n)/', $raw_data, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER) > 0)
foreach($matches as $match)
// we have to assume both encode and decode are true.
$data[$match[1]] = array(
'encode' => true,
'decode' => true,
'components' => (int) $match[2],
'bpp' => (int) $match[3],
'hardware_accelerated' => null,
'paletted_format' => null,
'bitstream_format' => null,
'alpha' => $match[4] === 'y',
// Format:
// Pixel formats:
// I.... = Supported Input format for conversion
// .O... = Supported Output format for conversion
// ..H.. = Hardware accelerated format
// ...P. = Paletted format
// ....B = Bitstream format
// -----
// IO... yuv420p 3 12
if(preg_match_all('/(I|\.)(O|\.)(H|\.)(P|\.)(B|\.)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/', $raw_data, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER) > 0)
foreach ($matches as $match)
$data[$match[6]] = array(
'encode' => $match[1] === 'I',
'decode' => $match[2] === 'O',
'components' => (int) $match[7],
'bpp' => (int) $match[8],
'hardware_accelerated' => $match[3] === 'H',
'paletted_format' => $match[4] === 'P',
'bitstream_format' => $match[5] === 'B',
'alpha' => null,
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;
* Returns the available filters in their processed easy to use format.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param boolean $read_from_cache If true and the data exists within a cache then that data is used. If false
* then the data is re-read from ffmpeg.
* @return array Returns the list of commands the ffmpeg can support.
public function getCommands($read_from_cache=true)
$cache_key = 'ffmpeg_parser/parsed_commands';
if($read_from_cache === true && ($data = $this->_cacheGet($cache_key)))
return $data;
// get the raw format information
$raw_data = $this->getRawCommandsData();
// then match out the relevant data, clean and process.
$data = array();
if(preg_match_all('/\n-(\w+)(.*) (.*)/', $raw_data, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER) > 0)
foreach ($matches as $key=>$match)
$data_type = null;
if(preg_match_all('/(?:\s+<(int|string|binary|flags|int64|float|rational)>)/', $match[2], $data_type_matches) > 0)
$data_type = trim($data_type_matches[1][0]);
$args = trim($match[2]);
$args = empty($args) === true ? array() : explode(' ', $args);
$deprecated = strpos($match[3], 'deprecated') !== false;
$removed = strpos($match[3], 'Removed') !== false;
$data[$match[1]] = array(
'datatype' => $data_type,
'description' => $match[3],
'arguments' => $args,
'status' => $deprecated === true ? 'deprecated' : ($removed === true ? 'removed' : null),
$this->_cacheSet($cache_key, $data);
return $data;