* This file is part of the PHP Video Toolkit v2 package.
* @author Oliver Lillie (aka buggedcom) <publicmail@buggedcom.co.uk>
* @license Dual licensed under MIT and GPLv2
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oliver Lillie <http://www.buggedcom.co.uk>
* @package PHPVideoToolkit V2
* @version 2.1.7-beta
* @uses ffmpeg http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net/
namespace PHPVideoToolkit;
* Provides a base for audio related input/output format manipulation.
* @author Oliver Lillie
class AudioFormat extends Format
* A container for settable restricted bitrates.
* @access protected
protected $_restricted_audio_bitrates;
* A container for settable restricted sample frequencies
* @access protected
protected $_restricted_audio_sample_frequencies;
* A container for settable restricted audio codecs.
* @access protected
protected $_restricted_audio_codecs;
* Constructor
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param constant $input_output_type Determines the input/output type of the Format. Either PHPVideoToolkit\Format::INPUT
* or PHPVideoToolkit\Format::OUTPUT
* @param PHPVideoToolkit\Config $config The config object.
public function __construct($input_output_type=Format::OUTPUT, Config $config=null)
parent::__construct($input_output_type, $config);
$this->_format = array_merge($this->_format, array(
'disable_audio' => false,
'audio_quality' => null,
'audio_codec' => null,
'audio_bitrate' => null,
'audio_sample_frequency' => null,
'audio_channels' => null,
'audio_volume' => null,
'audio_filters' => null,
$this->_format_to_command = array_merge($this->_format_to_command, array(
'disable_audio' => '-an',
'audio_quality' => '-qscale:a <setting>',
'audio_codec' => '-acodec <setting>',
'audio_bitrate' => '-ab <setting>',
'audio_sample_frequency' => '-ar <setting>',
'audio_channels' => array(
'input' => '-request_channels <setting>',
'output' => '-ac <setting>',
'audio_volume' => '-af volume=<setting>',
$this->_restricted_audio_bitrates = null;
$this->_restricted_audio_sample_frequencies = null;
$this->_restricted_audio_codecs = null;
* This is a hook function that is called when the PHPVideoToolkit\Media::_processOutputFormat function is run.
* This allows the format to update any commands in itself depending on other functions called within the Media object.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string &$save_path The save path of the output media.
* @param constant $overwrite The Media constant used to determine the overwrite status of the save. One of the
* following constants:
* PHPVideoToolkit\Media::OVERWRITE_FAIL
* @return PHPVideoToolkit\AudioFormat Returns the current object.
* @todo Implement audio filters.
public function updateFormatOptions(&$save_path, $overwrite)
parent::updateFormatOptions($save_path, $overwrite);
// TODO expand the video_filters format data
if(empty($this->_format['audio_filters']) === false)
return $this;
* Adds an audio filter to the audio filters list to be applied to the audio.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param AudioFilter $filter
* @return PHPVideoToolkit\AudioFormat Returns the current object.
* @todo Implement
public function addAudioFilter(AudioFilter $filter)
$this->_blockSetOnInputFormat('audio filter');
$this->_setFilter('audio_filters', $filter);
return $this;
* Disables the audio stream of the input media in the output media.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @return PHPVideoToolkit\AudioFormat Returns the current object.
* @throws \LogicException If the format input/output type is input.
public function disableAudio()
if($this->_type === 'input')
throw new \LogicException('Audio cannot be disabled on an input '.get_class($this).'.');
$this->_format['disable_audio'] = true;
return $this;
* Enables the audio by disabling any previously set disableAudio call.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @return PHPVideoToolkit\AudioFormat Returns the current object.
public function enableAudio()
$this->_format['disable_audio'] = false;
return $this;
* Sets the audio codec for the audio stream. The audio codec must be one of the codecs given from
* PHPVideoToolkit\FfmpegParser::getCodecs or 'copy'. There are a few audio codecs that are automagically
* corrected depending on their availability on the current system. These codecs are:
* - mp3 and libmp3lame
* - vorbis and libvorbis
* - acc and libfdk_aac
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $audio_codec
* @return PHPVideoToolkit\AudioFormat Returns the current object.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If a codec is not found.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If a codec is not available in the restricted codecs array.
public function setAudioCodec($audio_codec)
if($audio_codec === null)
$this->_format['audio_codec'] = null;
return $this;
// validate the audio codecs that are available from ffmpeg.
$codecs = array_keys($this->getCodecs('audio'));
// special case for copy as it is not included in the codec list but is valid
array_push($codecs, 'copy');
// check that the codec exists...
if(in_array($audio_codec, $codecs) === false)
// ...otherwise best guess with related codecs in order of performance.
// https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/HighQualityAudio
$codecs_in_preference_order = false;
if(in_array($audio_codec, array('mp3', 'libmp3lame', 'libshine')) === true)
$codecs_in_preference_order = array('libmp3lame', 'libshine', 'mp3');
// fix vorbis
else if(in_array($audio_codec, array('vorbis', 'libvorbis')) === true)
$codecs_in_preference_order = array('libvorbis', 'vorbis');
// fix acc
else if(in_array($audio_codec, array('libfdk_aac', 'libfaac', 'aac', 'libvo_aacenc')) === true)
$codecs_in_preference_order = array('libfdk_aac', 'libfaac', 'aac', 'libvo_aacenc');
if($codecs_in_preference_order !== false){
$audio_codec = array_shift($codecs_in_preference_order);
while(in_array($audio_codec, $codecs) === false && count($codecs_in_preference_order) > 0){
array_push($codecs, $audio_codec);
if(in_array($audio_codec, $codecs) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unrecognised audio codec "'.$audio_codec.'" set in \\PHPVideoToolkit\\'.get_class($this).'::setAudioCodec');
// now check the class settings to see if restricted pixel formats have been set and have to be obeyed
if($this->_restricted_audio_codecs !== null)
if(in_array($audio_codec, $this->_restricted_audio_codecs) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The audio codec "'.$audio_codec.'" cannot be set in \\PHPVideoToolkit\\'.get_class($this).'::setAudioCodec. Please select one of the following codecs: '.implode(', ', $this->_restricted_audio_codecs));
$this->_format['audio_codec'] = $audio_codec;
return $this;
* Sets the audio bit rate for the format.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $bitrate
* @return PHPVideoToolkit\AudioFormat Returns the current object.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the bitrate is not in one of the restricted bit rates, if any.
* @todo expand out the shorthand notations of bitrates
public function setAudioBitrate($bitrate)
$this->_blockSetOnInputFormat('audio bitrate');
if($bitrate === null)
$this->_format['audio_bitrate'] = null;
return $this;
// expand out any short hand
if(preg_match('/^[0-9]+k$/', $bitrate) > 0)
// TODO make this exapnd out the kbs values
// now check the class settings to see if restricted audio bitrates have been set and have to be obeys
if($this->_restricted_audio_bitrates !== null)
if(in_array($bitrate, $this->_restricted_audio_bitrates) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The bitrate "'.$bitrate.'" cannot be set in \\PHPVideoToolkit\\'.get_class($this).'::setAudioBitrate. Please select one of the following bitrates: '.implode(', ', $this->_restricted_audio_bitrates));
$this->_format['audio_bitrate'] = $bitrate;
return $this;
* Sets the audio sample frequency for the audio format.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $audio_sample_frequency
* @return PHPVideoToolkit\AudioFormat Returns the current object.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the sample frequency is not an integer value.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the sample frequency is less than 0
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the sample frequency is not in one of the restricted sample frequencies, if any.
public function setAudioSampleFrequency($audio_sample_frequency)
if($audio_sample_frequency === null)
$this->_format['audio_sample_frequency'] = null;
return $this;
else if(is_integer($audio_sample_frequency) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The audio sample frequency value must be an integer, '.gettype($audio_sample_frequency).' given.');
else if($audio_sample_frequency <= 0)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unrecognised audio sample frequency "'.$format.'" set in \\PHPVideoToolkit\\'.get_class($this).'::setAudioSampleFrequency');
// now check the class settings to see if restricted audio audio sample frequencies have been set and have to be obeyed
if($this->_restricted_audio_sample_frequencies !== null)
if(in_array($audio_sample_frequency, $this->_restricted_audio_sample_frequencies) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The audio sample frequency "'.$audio_sample_frequency.'" cannot be set in \\PHPVideoToolkit\\'.get_class($this).'::setAudioSampleFrequency. Please select one of the following sample frequencies: '.implode(', ', $this->_restricted_audio_sample_frequencies));
$this->_format['audio_sample_frequency'] = $audio_sample_frequency;
return $this;
* Sets the number of available audio channels.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param integer $channels One of the following integers; 0, 1, 2, 6.
* @return PHPVideoToolkit\AudioFormat Returns the current object.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If $channels value is not an integer.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If $channels value is not one of the allowed values.
public function setAudioChannels($channels)
if($channels === null)
$this->_format['audio_channels'] = null;
return $this;
if(is_int($channels) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The channels value must be an integer.');
else if(in_array($channels, array(0, 1, 2, 6)) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unrecognised audio channels "'.$channels.'" set in \\PHPVideoToolkit\\'.get_class($this).'::setAudioChannels. The channels value must be one of the following values: 0, 1, 2, or 6.');
$this->_format['audio_channels'] = $channels;
return $this;
* Sets the audio streams volumn level.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param integer $volume The level of the volumn. Must be higher than or euqal to 0.
* @return PHPVideoToolkit\AudioFormat Returns the current object.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If $volume value neither ends in 'dB' nor is an integer or float.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If $volume is less than 0.
public function setVolume($volume)
if($volume === null)
$this->_format['audio_volume'] = null;
return $this;
//Volume can also end in dB, and can be float as well as integer
if(preg_match('/db$/i', $volume) === false && is_numeric($volume) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The volume value must be an integer or float or end in "dB".');
//Make sure that volume is not less than 0 even if it ends in dB
else if(preg_replace('/db$/i',"",$volume) < 0)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unrecognised volume value "'.$volume.'" set in \\PHPVideoToolkit\\'.get_class($this).'::setVolume. The value must be higher than or equal to 0.');
$this->_format['audio_volume'] = str_replace('db', 'dB', $volume);
return $this;
* Sets the audio quality on a 0-100 scale.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param mixed $quality Integer or Float. The quality level of the audio on a 0-100 scale.
* @return PHPVideoToolkit\AudioFormat Returns the current object.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If $qaulity value is not an integer or float.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If $qaulity value does not eventually work out to be between 0-31.
public function setAudioQuality($quality)
$this->_blockSetOnInputFormat('audio quality');
if($quality === null)
$this->_format['audio_quality'] = null;
return $this;
else if (is_int($quality) === false && is_float($quality) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Audio quality value must be an integer or float value.');
// interpret quality into ffmpeg value
$quality = 32 - round(($quality * 30/99) + 1);
if($quality > 31 || $quality < 1)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unrecognised quality "'.$quality.'" set in \\PHPVideoToolkit\\'.get_class($this).'::setAudioQuality. The quality value must be between 0 and 100.');
$this->_format['audio_quality'] = $quality;
return $this;