* This file is part of the PHP Video Toolkit v2 package.
* @author Oliver Lillie (aka buggedcom) <publicmail@buggedcom.co.uk>
* @license Dual licensed under MIT and GPLv2
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Oliver Lillie <http://www.buggedcom.co.uk>
* @package PHPVideoToolkit V2
* @version 2.1.7-beta
* @uses ffmpeg http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net/
namespace PHPVideoToolkit;
* This class provides a wrapper class to create animated gif from differing transcoders engines.
* @author Oliver Lillie
class AnimatedGif
* The constant to determine that unlimited loops are required when calling setLoopCount.
* @var string
* A variable holder for the animated gif transcoder object.
* @var PHPVideoTookit\AnimatedGifTranscoderAbstract
* @access protected
protected $_transcoder;
* A variable holder for the path to the animated gif.
* @var string
protected $_file_path;
* A variable holder for the config object.
* @var PHPVideoTookit\Config
* @access protected
protected $_config;
* Constructor
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param mixed $gif_path If a gif is given then the string path, otherwise if a gif is to be generated, null.
* @param Config $config The PHPVideoToolkit\Config object
* @throws \RuntimeException If the gif path is set but doesn't exist.
* @throws \RuntimeException If the gif is not readable.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the image supplied is not an image.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the image supplied is not a gif image.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the gif transcoder engine supplied to the Config object is not recognised.
* @throws \LogicException If the chosen gif transcoder engine is not available on the current system.
* @throws \LogicException If none of the transcoder engines are available on your system.
public function __construct($gif_path=null, Config $config=null)
$this->_config = $config === null ? Config::getInstance() : $config;
// if we have a file, check that it exists, is readable, is an image and is a gif.
if($gif_path !== null)
$real_file_path = realpath($gif_path);
if($real_file_path === false || is_file($real_file_path) === false)
throw new \RuntimeException('The file does not exist.');
else if(is_readable($real_file_path) === false)
throw new \RuntimeException('The file is not readable.');
else if(($image_info = getimagesize($real_file_path)) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The file is not an image.');
else if($image_info[2] !== IMAGETYPE_GIF)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The file is not a gif.');
$gif_path = $real_file_path;
$this->_file_path = $gif_path;
// validate the transcoder engine if set
if(in_array($this->_config->gif_transcoder, array('gifsicle', 'convert', 'php', null)) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unrecognised transcoder engine.');
// auto detect a transcoder based on order of preference.
$transcoder_engine = null;
if($this->_config->gif_transcoder === null)
$transcoder_preference = array('gifsicle', 'convert', 'php');
foreach ($transcoder_preference as $transcoder)
$transcoder_class = '\\PHPVideoToolkit\\AnimatedGifTranscoder'.ucfirst($transcoder);
if(call_user_func(array($transcoder_class, 'available'), $this->_config) === true)
$transcoder_engine = $transcoder_class;
// create the transcoder and check it's available
$transcoder_class = '\\PHPVideoToolkit\\AnimatedGifTranscoder'.ucfirst($this->_config->gif_transcoder);
if(call_user_func(array($transcoder_class, 'available'), $this->_config) === false)
throw new \LogicException('The transcoder engine "'.$this->_config->gif_transcoder.'" is not available on your system.');
$transcoder_engine = $transcoder_class;
if($transcoder_engine === null)
throw new \LogicException('There are no available transcoders on your system.');
$this->_transcoder = new $transcoder_engine($this->_config);
* Returns the current gif file path, if set.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @return string The path of the current gif if set.
public function getFilePath()
return $this->_file_path;
* Calls any method in the contained $_transcoder class.
* @access public
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param string $name
* @param array $arguments
* @return mixed
* @throws \BadMethodCallException if the function called does not exist or is not callable.
public function __call($name, $arguments)
if(method_exists($this->_transcoder, $name) === true && is_callable(array($this->_transcoder, $name)) === true)
return call_user_func_array(array($this->_transcoder, $name), $arguments);
throw new \BadMethodCallException('`'.$name.'` is not a valid animated gif transcoder function.');
* Creates a new animated gif object from a selection of files.
* @access public
* @static
* @author Oliver Lillie
* @param array $image_object_array An array of PHPVideoToolkit\Image objects to use to create the animated gif.
* @param mixed $frame_delay An integer or float value to determine the delay between gif frames.
* @param integer $loop_count The number of times the animated gif should loop. Specify -1 for an endless loop.
* @param Config $config The PHPVideoToolkit\Config object.
* @return AnimatedGif Returns a PHPVideoToolkit\AnimatedGif object.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the $image_object_array is empty.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the $frame_delay is less than 0 or not an integer or float.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If any of the values within $image_object_array is not an instance of PHPVideoToolkit\Image.
public static function createFrom(array $image_object_array, $frame_delay, $loop_count=self::UNLIMITED_LOOPS, Config $config=null)
if(empty($image_object_array) === true)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('At least one file path must be specified when creating an animated gif from AnimatedGif::createFrom.');
if($frame_delay <= 0)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The frame delay must be greater than 0.');
else if(is_int($frame_delay) === false && is_float($frame_delay) === false)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The frame delay must be either an integer or float value.');
// create a new gif and add all the frames.
$gif = new self(null, $config);
foreach ($image_object_array as $key=>$image)
if(is_object($image) === false || get_class($image) !== 'PHPVideoToolkit\\Image')
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The image at key '.$key.' is not an \\PHPVideoToolkit\\Image object. Each frame must be an Image object.');
$gif->addFrame($image, $frame_delay);
// set the loop count
return $gif;
* Expands an animated gif into a list of files.
* @todo
* @access public
* @static
* @author Oliver Lillie
public static function expand()
trigger_error('PHPVideoToolkit\Animatedgif::expand() has not yet been implemented.', E_USER_NOTICE);