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File: raw_data.php

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File: raw_data.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: example-raw-data
Class: Array Picker
Filter arrays by key, exclude items or match rules
Author: By
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Date: 11 years ago
Size: 11,689 bytes


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<?php return array ( 'users' => array ( 0 => array ( 'id' => 1444865141, 'idstr' => '1444865141', 'class' => 1, 'screen_name' => '马伯庸', 'name' => '马伯庸', 'province' => '11', 'city' => '5', 'location' => '北京 朝阳区', 'description' => '朴实刚健,情绪多变,事少食烦,低调爱现', 'url' => '', 'profile_image_url' => '', 'cover_image' => '', 'profile_url' => 'maboyong', 'domain' => 'maboyong', 'weihao' => '', 'gender' => 'm', 'followers_count' => 1456009, 'friends_count' => 627, 'statuses_count' => 7011, 'favourites_count' => 1, 'created_at' => 'Sun Mar 14 09:31:14 +0800 2010', 'following' => false, 'allow_all_act_msg' => true, 'geo_enabled' => false, 'verified' => true, 'verified_type' => 0, 'remark' => '', 'status' => array ( 'created_at' => 'Thu Nov 14 14:18:59 +0800 2013', 'id' => 3.64454179989E+15, 'mid' => '3644541799891460', 'idstr' => '3644541799891460', 'text' => '#谁还没被泄过密# 最好的密码和技术无关。我有个同事,总说他电脑开机密码既风雅又安全。有一次他出差,我们要用他电脑,他回短信说密码是“月黑雁飞高,单于夜遁逃”的首字母。我们输入YHYFGCYYDT好几遍都不对。电话追去问他,才知道原来是YHYFGDYYDT…我们都赞叹,说但凡有点文化的黑客都猜不出来', 'source' => '<a href="" rel="nofollow">新浪微博</a>', 'favorited' => false, 'truncated' => false, 'in_reply_to_status_id' => '', 'in_reply_to_user_id' => '', 'in_reply_to_screen_name' => '', 'pic_urls' => array ( ), 'geo' => NULL, 'reposts_count' => 0, 'comments_count' => 0, 'attitudes_count' => 0, 'mlevel' => 0, 'visible' => array ( 'type' => 0, 'list_id' => 0, ), ), 'ptype' => 3, 'allow_all_comment' => true, 'avatar_large' => '', 'avatar_hd' => '', 'verified_reason' => '作家', 'follow_me' => false, 'online_status' => 0, 'bi_followers_count' => 595, 'lang' => 'zh-cn', 'star' => 0, 'mbtype' => 0, 'mbrank' => 0, 'block_word' => 0, ), 1 => array ( 'id' => 2612249974, 'idstr' => '2612249974', 'class' => 1, 'screen_name' => '广州地铁', 'name' => '广州地铁', 'province' => '44', 'city' => '1', 'location' => '广东 广州', 'description' => '广州地铁目前运营线路有1号线、2号线、3号线、4号线、5号线、8号线、广佛线和APM线,总里程236公里。欢迎拨打服务热线:020-83289999、40088-12830 …', 'url' => '', 'profile_image_url' => '', 'profile_url' => 'gzmtr', 'domain' => 'gzmtr', 'weihao' => '', 'gender' => 'm', 'followers_count' => 180446, 'friends_count' => 353, 'statuses_count' => 12179, 'favourites_count' => 4901, 'created_at' => 'Fri Dec 16 17:10:03 +0800 2011', 'following' => false, 'allow_all_act_msg' => true, 'geo_enabled' => false, 'verified' => true, 'verified_type' => 1, 'remark' => '', 'status' => array ( 'created_at' => 'Thu Nov 14 16:05:04 +0800 2013', 'id' => 3.64456850154E+15, 'mid' => '3644568501536921', 'idstr' => '3644568501536921', 'text' => '【新技术!未来手机不再需要充电器?】手机不到一天就没电了,出门必须随身带充电器,电量到50%以下就心慌……你在为手机电量烦恼吗?美国杜克大学的研究人员正在开发一种新技术,能将无线微波信号转为电能。未来,手机可能随时都可充电,再也不用充电器了!希望快点实现……', 'source' => '<a href="" rel="nofollow">专业版微博</a>', 'favorited' => false, 'truncated' => false, 'in_reply_to_status_id' => '', 'in_reply_to_user_id' => '', 'in_reply_to_screen_name' => '', 'pic_urls' => array ( 0 => array ( 'thumbnail_pic' => '', ), ), 'thumbnail_pic' => '', 'bmiddle_pic' => '', 'original_pic' => '', 'geo' => NULL, 'reposts_count' => 0, 'comments_count' => 0, 'attitudes_count' => 0, 'mlevel' => 0, 'visible' => array ( 'type' => 0, 'list_id' => 0, ), ), 'ptype' => 0, 'allow_all_comment' => true, 'avatar_large' => '', 'avatar_hd' => '', 'verified_reason' => '广州地铁官方微博', 'follow_me' => false, 'online_status' => 0, 'bi_followers_count' => 218, 'lang' => 'zh-cn', 'star' => 0, 'mbtype' => 0, 'mbrank' => 0, 'block_word' => 0, ), 2 => array ( 'id' => 1746173800, 'idstr' => '1746173800', 'class' => 1, 'screen_name' => 'InfoQ', 'name' => 'InfoQ', 'province' => '11', 'city' => '1000', 'location' => '北京', 'description' => '欢迎投稿,详情请戳:', 'url' => '', 'profile_image_url' => '', 'profile_url' => 'infoqchina', 'domain' => 'infoqchina', 'weihao' => '', 'gender' => 'm', 'followers_count' => 69783, 'friends_count' => 737, 'statuses_count' => 6724, 'favourites_count' => 83, 'created_at' => 'Mon May 24 14:04:55 +0800 2010', 'following' => true, 'allow_all_act_msg' => false, 'geo_enabled' => true, 'verified' => true, 'verified_type' => 2, 'remark' => '', 'status' => array ( 'created_at' => 'Thu Nov 14 15:50:24 +0800 2013', 'id' => 3.64456480212E+15, 'mid' => '3644564802117664', 'idstr' => '3644564802117664', 'text' => '【专访移动平台设计专家赵大羽-设计师和程序员应该相互做朋友】 设计师和程序员要多沟通,设计师要理解程序背后的原理,这样就能给自己带来的一些思考方式和思路。一个开发人员他能够结识到一个设计师的朋友的话,这个时候你收获信息量就很大。 by @唐巧_boy', 'source' => '<a href="" rel="nofollow">InfoQ</a>', 'favorited' => false, 'truncated' => false, 'in_reply_to_status_id' => '', 'in_reply_to_user_id' => '', 'in_reply_to_screen_name' => '', 'pic_urls' => array ( 0 => array ( 'thumbnail_pic' => '', ), ), 'thumbnail_pic' => '', 'bmiddle_pic' => '', 'original_pic' => '', 'geo' => NULL, 'reposts_count' => 0, 'comments_count' => 0, 'attitudes_count' => 0, 'mlevel' => 0, 'visible' => array ( 'type' => 0, 'list_id' => 0, ), ), 'ptype' => 0, 'allow_all_comment' => true, 'avatar_large' => '', 'avatar_hd' => '', 'verified_reason' => '', 'follow_me' => false, 'online_status' => 1, 'bi_followers_count' => 516, 'lang' => 'zh-cn', 'star' => 0, 'mbtype' => 0, 'mbrank' => 0, 'block_word' => 0, ), 3 => array ( 'id' => 1765760452, 'idstr' => '1765760452', 'class' => 1, 'screen_name' => 'neverlive', 'name' => 'neverlive', 'province' => '11', 'city' => '2', 'location' => '北京 西城区', 'description' => '', 'url' => '', 'profile_image_url' => '', 'profile_url' => 'neverlee', 'domain' => 'neverlee', 'weihao' => '', 'gender' => 'm', 'followers_count' => 889, 'friends_count' => 420, 'statuses_count' => 10425, 'favourites_count' => 246, 'created_at' => 'Thu Jun 24 09:44:41 +0800 2010', 'following' => false, 'allow_all_act_msg' => false, 'geo_enabled' => true, 'verified' => false, 'verified_type' => 220, 'remark' => '', 'status' => array ( 'created_at' => 'Thu Nov 14 11:47:17 +0800 2013', 'id' => 3.64450362E+15, 'mid' => '3644503619997061', 'idstr' => '3644503619997061', 'text' => '//@Frank_贾国清:转//@池建强: 转一下超过1000吧,迅雷离线已经有资源了', 'source' => '<a href="" rel="nofollow">iPhone客户端</a>', 'favorited' => false, 'truncated' => false, 'in_reply_to_status_id' => '', 'in_reply_to_user_id' => '', 'in_reply_to_screen_name' => '', 'pic_urls' => array ( ), 'geo' => NULL, 'reposts_count' => 0, 'comments_count' => 0, 'attitudes_count' => 0, 'mlevel' => 0, 'visible' => array ( 'type' => 0, 'list_id' => 0, ), ), 'ptype' => 0, 'allow_all_comment' => false, 'avatar_large' => '', 'avatar_hd' => '', 'verified_reason' => '', 'follow_me' => false, 'online_status' => 0, 'bi_followers_count' => 303, 'lang' => 'zh-cn', 'star' => 0, 'mbtype' => 0, 'mbrank' => 0, 'block_word' => 0, ), ), 'total_number' => 4, 'states' => array ( 0 => array ( 1444865141 => 2, ), 1 => array ( '2612249974' => 2, ), 2 => array ( 1746173800 => 2, ), 3 => array ( 1765760452 => 7, ), ), );