* A script that reads xml documents without the need of an external library
* Useful for reading configuration data or content data, that would otherwise
* have been placed in a db
* known bugs/limitations :
* + doesn't cope well with erraneous files - so be sure to validate
* + a lot of the special tags like doctype etc. aren't handled well
* + external doctype definitions are accepted though (but ignored)
* + methods and behaviour doesn't follow the W3C DOM specification correctly, although mostly.
* usage :
* <code>
* // open and read file
* $xml =& new XmlLib_xmlParser($filename);
* // parse document and return rootnode
* $doc =& $xml->getDocument();
* </code>
* disclaimer :
* this piece of code is freely usable by anyone. if it makes your life better,
* remember me in your eveningprayer. if it makes your life worse, try doing it any
* better yourself.
* @version 23. nov. 07
* @author [email protected]
* @download http://www.phpclasses.org/
* @package xmllib
if (function_exists('mb_internal_encoding')) {
define('_XMLLIB_INTERNAL_ENCODING', mb_internal_encoding());
} else {
* A generic implementation of a DOM node.
* Somehow follows the specs at w3c
* @see http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-DOM-Level-1-19981001/
* @package xmllib
class XmlLib_Node
* Holds the attributes of the node
* @var array
* @access public
var $attributes;
* Holds the children of the node
* @var array
* @access private
var $children;
* The nodeName
* @var string
* @access private
var $nodeName;
* The namespace of the node (defaults to empty)
* @var string
* @access private
var $namespace;
* The nodeType
* @var int
* @access private
var $nodeType;
* Reference to parent node
* @var reference
* @access private
var $parent;
* Internally used by the parser
* @var int
* @access private
var $_end;
* Constructor
* @param string $nodeName The name of the node to construct
* @param int $nodeType The type of the node to construct.
* @see createChild
function XmlLib_Node($nodeName='node', $nodeType=1) {
$ns = $this->_translateNS($nodeName);
$this->nodeName = $ns['name'];
$this->namespace = $ns['xmlns'];
$this->children = array();
$this->attributes = array();
$this->parent = null;
$this->nodeType = $nodeType; // 1=element
* Constructs a child node, and returns it.
* @param string $nodeName The name of the node to construct
* @param int $nodeType The type of the node to construct.
* @return XmlLib_Node
function & createChild($nodeName=null, $nodeType=1) {
// create new instance of this class
$classname = get_class($this);
if ($nodeName == null) {
$n =& new $classname();
} else {
$n =& new $classname($nodeName, $nodeType);
return $n;
* Constructs a node, and returns it.
* The created node has no parent.
* @param string $tagName The name of the node to construct
* @return XmlLib_Node
function & createElement($tagName) {
return new XmlLib_Node($tagName);
* Creates a Text node given the specified string.
* The created node has no parent.
* @param string $data The data for the node.
* @return XmlLib_Node
function & createTextNode($data="") {
$n =& new XmlLib_Node('#text', 3);
$n->data = (_XMLLIB_IS_UTF8) ? utf8_decode($data) : $data;
return $n;
* Creates a CDATASection node whose value is the specified string.
* The created node has no parent.
* @param string $data The data for the CDATASection contents.
* @return XmlLib_Node
function & createCDATASection($data="") {
$n =& new XmlLib_Node('#cdata-section', 4);
$n->data = (_XMLLIB_IS_UTF8) ? utf8_decode($data) : $data;
return $n;
* Creates a Comment node given the specified string.
* The created node has no parent.
* @param string $data The data for the node.
* @return XmlLib_Node
function & createComment($data="") {
$n =& new XmlLib_Node('#comment', 8);
$n->data = (_XMLLIB_IS_UTF8) ? utf8_decode($data) : $data;
return $n;
* @param XmlLib_Node $orphan The node to adopt
* @deprecated
* @see appendChild
* @return XmlLib_Node
function & adopt(&$orphan) {
return $this->appendChild($orphan);
* Assigns a node as child to current node
* @param XmlLib_Node $orphan The node to adopt
* @return XmlLib_Node
function & appendChild(&$orphan) {
$orphan->parent =& $this;
$this->children[] =& $orphan;
return $orphan;
* Removes the child node indicated by oldChild from the list of children, and returns it.
* @param XmlLib_Node $orphan The node to adopt
* @returns XmlLib_Node
function & removeChild(&$oldChild) {
$_children = array();
$notFound = true;
for ($i=0;$i<count($this->children);$i++) {
if ($oldChild !== $this->children[$i]) {
$_children[] =& $this->children[$i];
$notFound = false;
if ($notFound) {
trigger_error('oldChild is not a child of this node', E_USER_NOTICE);
return null;
$this->children = $_children;
$oldChild->parent = null;
return $oldChild;
* Replaces the child node oldChild with newChild in the list of children, and returns
* the oldChild node. If the newChild is already in the tree, it is first removed.
* @param XmlLib_Node $newChild The new node to put in the child list.
* @param XmlLib_Node $oldChild The node being replaced in the list.
* @returns XmlLib_Node The node replaced.
function & replaceChild(&$newChild, &$oldChild) {
$notFound = true;
for ($i=0;$i<count($this->children);$i++) {
if ($oldChild !== $this->children[$i]) {
$this->children[$i] = null;
$this->children[$i] =& $newChild;
$newChild->parent =& $this;
$notFound = false;
if ($notFound) {
trigger_error('oldChild is not a child of this node', E_USER_NOTICE);
return null;
$oldChild->parent = null;
return $oldChild;
* Fetch the last childnode, or null
* @param string $nodeName If supplied, only nodes of that nodeName will be returned
* @return XmlLib_Node
function & lastChild($nodeName=null, $nodeType=null) {
if (count($this->children)==0)
return null;
if ($nodeName == null)
return $this->children[count($this->children)-1];
for ($i=count($this->children);$i>=0;$i--) {
$c =& $this->children[$i];
if ((($nodeName == null) || ($c->nodeNameNS() == $nodeName)) && (($nodeType == null) || ($c->nodeType() == $nodeType)))
return $c;
return null;
* Fetch the first childnode, or null
* @param string $nodeName If supplied, only nodes of that nodeName will be returned
* @return XmlLib_Node
function & firstChild($nodeName=null, $nodeType=null) {
if (count($this->children)==0)
return null;
if ($nodeName == null)
return $this->children[0];
for ($i=0;$i<count($this->children);$i++) {
$c =& $this->children[$i];
if ((($nodeName == null) || ($c->nodeNameNS() == $nodeName)) && (($nodeType == null) || ($c->nodeType() == $nodeType)))
return $c;
return null;
* This is a convenience method to allow easy determination of whether a node has any children.
* @see hasChildNodes
* @return bool
function hasChildren() {
return (count($this->children)>0);
* This is a convenience method to allow easy determination of whether a node has any children.
* @see hasChildren
* @return bool
function hasChildNodes() {
return $this->hasChildren();
* Fetch array of childnodes.
* @param string $nodeName If supplied, only nodes of that nodeName will be returned
* @param string $nodeType If supplied, only nodes of that nodeType will be returned
* @see childNodes
* @return array
function children($nodeName=null, $nodeType=null) {
$ret = array();
for ($i=0;$i<count($this->children);$i++) {
$c =& $this->children[$i];
if ((($nodeName == null) || ($c->nodeNameNS() == $nodeName)) && (($nodeType == null) || ($c->nodeType() == $nodeType)))
$ret[count($ret)] =& $c;
return $ret;
* Alias for children()
* @see children
function childNodes($nodeName=null, $nodeType=null) {
return $this->children($nodeName, $nodeType);
* Iterates through the nodes children, looking for the first node with specified id.
* @return XmlLib_Node
function & getElementById($id) {
if (isset($this->attributes['id']) && $this->attributes['id'] == $id)
return $this;
for ($i=0;$i<count($this->children);$i++) {
$node =& $this->children[$i]->getElementById($id);
if (is_object($node))
return $node;
return null;
* Finds the greatest used id + 1 (next free id)
* @return int
function getCardinality() {
$cardinal = 0;
if (isset($this->attributes['id']))
$cardinal = $this->attributes['id'] + 1;
for ($i=0;$i<count($this->children);$i++) {
$tmp = $this->children[$i]->getCardinality();
if ($tmp > $cardinal)
$cardinal = $tmp;
return $cardinal;
* @returns array
function getElementsByNamespace($namespace) {
$resultSet = Array();
for ($i=0,$l=count($this->children);$i<$l;++$i) {
if ($this->children[$i]->namespace() == $namespace) {
$resultSet[] =& $this->children[$i];
if ($this->children[$i]->hasChildren()) {
$resultSet = array_merge($resultSet, $this->children[$i]->getElementsByNamespace($namespace));
return $resultSet;
* If the returned value is null, the node is the topmost (root)
* @deprecated
* @see parentNode
* @return XmlLib_Node
function & parent() {
return $this->parentNode();
* If the returned value is null, the node is the topmost (root)
* @return XmlLib_Node
function & parentNode() {
return $this->parent;
* Retrieves the name of the node
* @note In older versions of xmllib, nodeName was (wrongly) called type.
* @see nodeNameNS()
* @return string
function nodeName() {
return $this->nodeName;
* Retrieves the name of the node with namespace if any
* @see nodeName()
* @return string
function nodeNameNS() {
if ($this->namespace == "") {
return $this->nodeName;
return $this->namespace . ':' . $this->nodeName;
* Retrieves the type of the node
* @note In older versions of xmllib, nodeName was called type.
* @return int
function nodeType() {
return $this->nodeType;
* Retrieves the namespace of the node
* @return string
function namespace() {
return $this->namespace;
* Retrieves the named attribute.
* @note It's legal to accees $this->attributes directly, but this presents a more clean way of accomplishing it.
* @param string $name Name of the attribute to retrieve.
* @return string
function getAttribute($name) {
return (isset($this->attributes[$name])) ? $this->attributes[$name] : null;
* Sets the value of the named attribute.
* @param string $name Name of the attribute to retrieve.
* @param string $value Value to assign to the node. Only scalar values are allowed.
* @return bool
function setAttribute($name, $value) {
if (!is_scalar($value)) {
trigger_error("Only scalar values are allowed as attribute values.", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
$this->attributes[$name] = $value;
return true;
* Removes a named attribute
* @param string $name Name of the attribute to retrieve.
function removeAttribute($name) {
$_attributes = array();
for ($i=0, $keys=array_keys($this->attributes); $i < count($keys); $i++) {
if ($keys[$i] != $name)
$_attributes[] = $this->attributes[$keys[$i]];
$this->attributes =& $_attributes;
* Fetch the value of this node, depending on its type.
* @return string
function nodeValue() {
if (array_key_exists('value', $this->attributes)) {
return $this->attributes['value'];
if (count($this->children(null, 4)) == 1) {
$n = $this->firstChild(null, 4);
return $n->data;
if (count($this->children(null, 3)) == 1) {
$n = $this->firstChild(null, 3);
return $n->data;
if (count($this->children(null, 8)) == 1) {
$n = $this->firstChild(null, 8);
return $n->data;
return null;
function setNodeValue($value) {
if (array_key_exists('value', $this->attributes)) {
$this->attributes['value'] = (_XMLLIB_IS_UTF8) ? utf8_decode($value) : $value;
return true;
if (count($this->children(null, 4)) == 1) {
$n =& $this->firstChild(null, 4);
$n->data = (_XMLLIB_IS_UTF8) ? utf8_decode($value) : $value;
return true;
if (count($this->children(null, 3)) == 1) {
$n =& $this->firstChild(null, 3);
$n->data = (_XMLLIB_IS_UTF8) ? utf8_decode($value) : $value;
return true;
if (count($this->children(null, 8)) == 1) {
$n =& $this->firstChild(null, 8);
$n->data = (_XMLLIB_IS_UTF8) ? utf8_decode($value) : $value;
return true;
return false;
* Escape html-entities for flash
* For some reason flash doesn't seem to recognize the htmlentities
* for singlequote, lesser than and greater than
* @param string $str String to escape
* @return string
function flash_escape($str) {
$translation_table = array();
$translation_table['&'] = '&';
$translation_table['"'] = '"';
$translation_table["'"] = ''';
$translation_table['<'] = '<';
$translation_table['>'] = '>';
return strtr($str, $translation_table);
* Escapes string with different protocols
* Allowed values for translation param are :
* + htmlentities
* + htmlspecialchars
* + addslashes
* + flash_escape
* @param string $str String to escape
* @param string $translation The mode to translate the string by
* @return string
function escape($str, $translation) {
switch ($translation) {
case 'flash_escape' : return XmlLib_Node::flash_escape($str);
case 'addslashes' : return addslashes($str);
case 'htmlspecialchars' : return htmlspecialchars($str);
case 'htmlentities' : return htmlentities($str);
trigger_error("unknown translation : ".$translation, E_USER_WARNING);
return $str;
* decodes c-style slashes and html-entities (unicode ones too)
* @param string $str Encoded string
* @return string
function unescape($str) {
$translation_table = array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES));
$ret = strtr(stripslashes($str), $translation_table);
return preg_replace('/&#(\d+);/me', "chr('\\1')",$ret);
* Recursively transforms node into string
* @see escape
* @param bool $add_formatting If true, blocks get indented
* @param string $att_escape Translation to use.
* @param string $str String to escape
* @return string
function toString($add_formatting=false, $att_escape='addslashes') {
$indent = "";
$toadd = "";
$indent_minus_one = "";
if ($add_formatting) {
$toadd = "\n";
for ($p = $this->parent(); $p != null; $p = $p->parent()) {
if ($indent != "")
$indent_minus_one .= "\t";
$indent .= "\t";
if ($this->nodeType() == 3) {
return XmlLib_Node::escape($this->data, $att_escape);
} else if ($this->nodeType() == 4) {
if (strpos($this->data, '<![CDATA[') !== false) {
trigger_error("illegal content. cdata-section can't contain the string : <![CDATA[", E_USER_WARNING);
if (strpos($this->data, ']]>') !== false) {
trigger_error("illegal content. cdata-section can't contain the string : ]]>", E_USER_WARNING);
return $toadd.$indent."<![CDATA[".$this->data."]]>".$toadd.$indent_minus_one;
} else if ($this->nodeType() == 8) {
return $toadd.$indent."<!--".$this->data."-->".$toadd.$indent_minus_one;
} else if ($this->nodeType() != 1) {
trigger_error("unsupported nodetype : ".$this->nodeType(), E_USER_WARNING);
$a = "";
foreach ($this->attributes as $name => $value) {
$value = XmlLib_Node::escape($value, $att_escape);
$a .= " ".$name."=\"".$value."\"";
if ((count($this->children) == 0)) {
return $indent."<".$this->nodeNameNS().$a." />";
$ret = $indent."<".$this->nodeNameNS().$a.">";
if ((count($this->children(null,1)) == 0)) {
// only text/cdata nodes contained
foreach ($this->children as $child) {
$ret .= $child->toString($add_formatting, $att_escape);
$ret .= "</".$this->nodeNameNS().">";
} else {
$ret .= $toadd;
foreach ($this->children as $child) {
$ret .= $child->toString($add_formatting, $att_escape);
$ret .= $toadd;
$ret .= $indent."</".$this->nodeNameNS().">";
return $ret;
* Outputs document to browser, complete with header
* Param encoding works with :
* + UTF-8
* + ISO-8859-1
* but may work with other encodings too.
* @param string $encoding The document encoding.
* @param boolean $sendHeaders If TRUE, the correct Content-Type header will be send. (default)
function dump($encoding='UTF-8', $sendHeaders=TRUE) {
if ($sendHeaders) {
header("Content-Type: application/xml");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"".$encoding."\" ?>\n";
if ($encoding == 'UTF-8') {
echo utf8_encode($this->toString(true, 'flash_escape'));
} else {
echo $this->toString(true, 'flash_escape');
* Writes document to file
* @param string $filename The filename to write to
* @param string $encoding The document encoding.
function toFile($filename, $encoding='UTF-8') {
$content = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"".$encoding."\" ?>\n";
if ($encoding == 'UTF-8') {
$content .= utf8_encode($this->toString(true, 'flash_escape'));
} else {
$content .= $this->toString(true, 'flash_escape');
$fp = fopen($filename,'wb');
fwrite($fp, $content);
* Makes a html decorated version of the document. Usefull for debugging.
* @see toString
* @return string Document as html-formatted string
function toHtml() {
return nl2br(str_replace('<', '<strong><', str_replace('>', '></strong>', str_replace("\t",' ',htmlentities($this->toString(true, 'htmlentities'))))));
* Translates the document into an associative array.
* @param XmlLib_Node $node From where to start the recursion. You shouldn't use this.
* @return array
function toArray($node=null) {
if (is_null($node)) {
$node = $this;
if ((isset($node->attributes['type']) && ($node->attributes['type'] == 'array') || $node->nodeName() == 'array')) {
$a = array();
$c =& $node->children();
for ($i=0; $i < count($c); $i++) {
if (in_array($c[$i]->nodeType(), array(1,3,4))) {
array_push($a, XmlLib_Node::toArray($c[$i]));
return $a;
if (!$node->hasChildren()) {
if (count($node->attributes) > 0) {
return $node->attributes;
return $node->nodeValue();
$a = array();
$c =& $node->children();
for ($i=0; $i < count($c); $i++) {
if (in_array($c[$i]->nodeType(), array(1,3,4))) {
$v = $c[$i]->nodeValue();
if (!is_null($v)) {
$a[$c[$i]->nodeName()] = $v;
} else {
$a[$c[$i]->nodeName()] = XmlLib_Node::toArray($c[$i]);
return $a;
* @access private
* @return array
function _translateNS($nodeName) {
if (strpos($nodeName, ':') === false) {
return array(
'name' => $nodeName,
'xmlns' => ''
$split = split(':', $nodeName);
return array(
'name' => $split[1],
'xmlns' => $split[0]
* The xml-parser. Used to parse a document into a tree of nodes.
* @access public
* @package xmllib
class XmlLib_xmlParser
* @access private
var $parseStack;
* @access private
var $data;
* @access private
var $encoding;
* @access private
var $casefolding;
* Constructor
* @param string $filename If a filename is given, the document will be loaded and prepared
* @param boolean $casefolding If true, uppercase nodenames and attributenames are converted to lowercase
function XmlLib_xmlParser($filename=null, $casefolding=false) {
$this->casefolding = $casefolding;
if (is_string($filename)) {
* Loads and prepares a file
* @param string $filename name of the file
function loadFromFile($filename) {
if (!function_exists('file_get_contents')) {
$fp = fopen($filename,'rb');
$size = filesize($filename);
$contents = fread($fp,$size);
} else {
$contents = file_get_contents($filename);
* Loads a xml-document and prepares the parsing
* @param string $contents the document
function loadFromString($contents) {
$this->parseStack = array();
// find xml opening tag
$pos1 = strpos($contents, "<?xml");
if ($pos1 === false) {
trigger_error ("not xml", E_USER_ERROR);
return null;
// find xml opening tag terminator
$pos2 = strpos($contents, "?>");
if ($pos2 === false) {
trigger_error ("not xml", E_USER_ERROR);
return null;
// find the encoding
$xml_att = substr($contents, $pos1, $pos2);
$pos3 = strpos($xml_att, "encoding=\"");
if ($pos3 === false) {
$this->encoding = "UTF-8";
} else {
$xml_att_enc = substr($xml_att, $pos3+10, $pos2);
$pos4 = strpos($xml_att_enc, "\"");
if ($pos3 === false) {
} else {
$this->encoding = strtoupper(substr($xml_att_enc, 0, $pos4));
// if ($this->encoding == "UTF-8") {
// $contents = utf8_decode($contents);
// $pos2 = strpos($contents, "?".">");
// }
// strip xml opening tag
// this is done after utf8_decode, because the stringlength will change
$this->data = substr($contents, $pos2+2);
// find doctype tag if any
$pos = strpos($this->data, "<!DOCTYPE");
if ($pos !== false) {
// find doctype tag terminator
$pos = strpos($this->data, ">");
if ($pos === false) {
trigger_error ("xml parse error", E_USER_ERROR);
return null;
$this->data = substr($this->data, $pos+1);
// patch for some unidentified bug in the main parser.
// this is bound to slow the parsing down considerably, so it would be better to locate the actual error and fix that
// replace short tag by long tags
// i.e <tag attr1="klslk"/> will become
// <tag attr1="klslk"></tag>
// sometimes there is a bug of the parser
// for short tags
$res = $this->data;
while (($i = strpos($res, '/>')) !== false) {
$start = substr($res, 0, $i);
$end = substr($res, $i + 2);
$start_tag = strrpos($start, '<');
$tag = substr($start, $start_tag);
$start_space = strpos($tag, ' ');
if ($start_space === false) {
$start_space = strlen($tag);
$tag_name = substr($tag,1, $start_space-1);
$res = $start . '></'.$tag_name.'>'.$end;
$this->data = $res;
* Parses the loaded document
* @returns XmlLib_Node The rootnode of the document
function getDocument() {
$tags = $this->parseTags();
return $this->parseTree($tags);
* @access private
function stackPush($nodeName, $pos, $a_begin) {
$nodeName = strtolower($nodeName);
if (!isset($this->parseStack[$nodeName]) || ($this->parseStack[$nodeName] == null))
$this->parseStack[$nodeName] = array();
$t = new XmlLib_Tag($nodeName);
$t->begin = $pos;
$t->a_begin = $a_begin;
array_push($this->parseStack[$nodeName], $t);
* @access private
function stackPop($nodeName, $pos) {
$nodeName = strtolower($nodeName);
if (($this->parseStack[$nodeName] == null) || (count($this->parseStack[$nodeName])==0)) {
trigger_error("xml_malformed unmatched closing tag [tag=".$nodeName." pos=".$pos."]", E_USER_ERROR);
return null;
$t = array_pop($this->parseStack[$nodeName]);
$t->end = $pos;
return $t;
* @access private
function cmp($a, $b) {
if ($a->begin == $b->begin) {
if ($a->end == $b->end) {
return 0;
return ($a->end > $b->end) ? 1 : -1;
return ($a->begin > $b->begin) ? 1 : -1;
* eh .. a hack really ... but it works, so who cares
* @access private
function addTextnode($textnode_begin, $textnode_end) {
$t = new XmlLib_Tag('#text');
$t->nodeType = 3;
$t->begin = $textnode_begin;
$t->end = $textnode_end;
if ($this->encoding == 'UTF-8') {
$t->data = XmlLib_Node::unescape(utf8_decode(substr($this->data, $textnode_begin, $textnode_end - $textnode_begin)));
} else {
$t->data = XmlLib_Node::unescape(substr($this->data, $textnode_begin, $textnode_end - $textnode_begin));
return $t;
* @access private
function parseTags() {
$utf8 = $this->encoding == 'UTF-8';
$valid = array( 'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','-','_',':',
$parseTags = array();
$len = strlen($this->data);
$textnode_begin = -1;
for ($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) {
$n = $i+1;
if (substr($this->data, $i, 9) == '<![CDATA[') {
if ($textnode_begin > -1) {
array_push($parseTags, $this->addTextnode($textnode_begin, $i));
$textnode_begin = -1;
$t = new XmlLib_Tag('#cdata-section');
$t->nodeType = 4;
$t->begin = $i+9;
for ($i=$t->begin;substr($this->data, $i, 3) != ']]>';$i++) ;
$t->end = $i;
if ($utf8) {
$t->data = utf8_decode(substr($this->data, $t->begin, $t->end - $t->begin));
} else {
$t->data = substr($this->data, $t->begin, $t->end - $t->begin);
array_push($parseTags, $t);
} else if (substr($this->data, $i, 4) == '<!--') {
if ($textnode_begin > -1) {
array_push($parseTags, $this->addTextnode($textnode_begin, $i));
$textnode_begin = -1;
$t = new XmlLib_Tag('#comment');
$t->nodeType = 8;
$t->begin = $i+4;
for ($i=$t->begin;substr($this->data, $i, 3) != '-->';$i++) ;
$t->end = $i;
if ($utf8) {
$t->data = utf8_decode(substr($this->data, $t->begin, $t->end - $t->begin));
} else {
$t->data = substr($this->data, $t->begin, $t->end - $t->begin);
array_push($parseTags, $t);
} else if (($this->data{$i} == '<') && ($n<$len) && ($this->data{$n} == '/')) {
if ($textnode_begin > -1) {
array_push($parseTags, $this->addTextnode($textnode_begin, $i));
$textnode_begin = -1;
// closing tag
for ($c=$this->data{$n++},$nodeName=''; in_array($c, $valid); $c=$this->data{$n++}) $nodeName .= $c;
array_push($parseTags, $this->stackPop($nodeName, $i-1));
$i = $n-1;
} else if ($this->data{$i} == '<') {
if ($textnode_begin > -1) {
array_push($parseTags, $this->addTextnode($textnode_begin, $i));
$textnode_begin = -1;
// opening tag
for ($c=$this->data{$n++},$nodeName=''; in_array($c, $valid); $c=$this->data{$n++}) $nodeName .= $c;
for ($a=$n--;($this->data{$n}!='>') && !(($this->data{$n-1}=='/') && ($this->data{$n}=='>')); $n++) { ; } // this part holds the attributes
if ($this->casefolding) $nodeName = strtolower($nodeName);
if ($this->data{$n-1} == '/') {
// single-style closing
$t = new XmlLib_Tag($nodeName);
$t->begin = $n+1;
$t->end = $n+1;
$t->a_begin = $a;
array_push($parseTags, $t);
} else {
$this->stackPush($nodeName, $n+1, $a);
$i = $n;
} else if ($textnode_begin == -1 && (ord($this->data{$i}) > 32)) {
$textnode_begin = $i;
usort($parseTags, array('XmlLib_xmlParser', 'cmp'));
return $parseTags;
* @access private
function loadAttributes(&$node, $data) {
if ($node->nodeType != 1) {
return ;
$valid = array( 'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','-','_',':',
$len = strlen($data);
$name = null;
$value = null;
for ($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) {
if (is_null($value)) { // reading name
if ($data{$i} == '=') { // end of name
$value = '';
$escapes = 0;
$i++; // skip opening quote
} else if (in_array($data{$i}, $valid)){ // add to name
if (is_null($name)) {
$name = $data{$i};
} else {
$name .= $data{$i};
} else { // reading value
if ($data{$i} == "\\")
if ($data{$i} == "\"" && ($escapes == 0)) { // closing quote
if ($this->casefolding) $name = strtolower($name);
$node->attributes[$name] = XmlLib_Node::unescape($value);
$name = null;
$value = null;
} else { // add to value
$value .= $data{$i};
if ($data{$i-1} == "\\")
* @access private
function parseTree($tags) {
for ($r=null, $i=0; $i<count($tags); $i++) {
if (is_null($r)) {
$r = $tags[$i]->toNode();
$r->_end = strlen($this->data);
if ($tags[$i]->a_begin != $tags[$i]->begin) {
$this->loadAttributes($r, substr($this->data, $tags[$i]->a_begin, ($tags[$i]->begin - $tags[$i]->a_begin)-1));
$p =& $r;
} else {
$n = $tags[$i]->toNode();
if ($tags[$i]->a_begin != $tags[$i]->begin) {
$this->loadAttributes($n, substr($this->data, $tags[$i]->a_begin, ($tags[$i]->begin - $tags[$i]->a_begin)-1));
while ($p->_end < $tags[$i]->begin) {
$p =& $p->parent;
$n->parent =& $p;
array_push($p->children, $n);
$p =& $p->lastChild();
return $r;
* Used by the parser, as an intermediate before becomming a node
* @access private
* @package xmllib
class XmlLib_Tag
var $nodeName;
var $begin;
var $end;
var $a_begin;
function XmlLib_Tag($nodeName) {
$this->nodeName = $nodeName;
$this->nodeType = 1;
$this->data = null;
function & toNode() {
$n =& new XmlLib_Node($this->nodeName);
$n->nodeType = $this->nodeType;
$n->_end = $this->end;
$n->data = $this->data;
return $n;