Version 1.3 - 11 November 2013
- Fixed: Searchable for single term also for "Exact Phrase"
- Fixed: Use of the TokenFilter also in search method
- Fixed: Creating object in Lazy pattern for Analyzer and Token Filter object
- Feature: Integrated the use for English Porter Stemmer
- Feature: Integrated the use of PECL Stemmer for languages:
- danish
- dutch
- english
- finnish
- french
- german
- hungarian
- italian
- norwegian
- porter
- portuguese
- romanian
- russian
- spanish
- swedish
- turkish
Version 1.2.1 - 03 September 2013
- Feature: Added the ability to configure the "default search field"
- Feature: Added the ability to configure the limit of search results
- Feature: Added the method terms(), returns all indexed terms (only for Lucene Interface)
- Feature: Added the method getTermsForField($field) returns all indexed terms for only one field (for the Lucene Interface)
- Fixed: Changed the method GetConfig in the IFileConfig class, returns the entire structure of the configuration is not passed no specific properties
Version 1.2 - 30 July 2013
- Feature: Added the field "serchablename" of type "UnIndexed" to allow searching on the file name
- Fixed: Changed the defaults Type to "KEYWORDS" at the field: "extensionfield" to search the documents for type of extension
- Fixed: Changed the defaults Type to "BINARY" of fields: "name", "path", "filename" for saving the correct path containing special characters
- Feature: Add pdfinfo for linux and windows, for read information fron PDF files
- Feature: Added in the nella IFileQueryRegistry::setQuery(), the definition of the type of encoding for the search terms, used in the phrase search and wildcard
- Feature: Integrated the ability to define the type of the server at 32 or 64 bit for the XPDF
- Feature: Integrated the ability to recover the original configuration after editing
- Feature: Integrated the ability to overwrite the original configuration
- Feature: Integrated the ability to define a password to read PDF documents protected
- Feature: Integrated the ability to define a personal XPDF to read PDF documents
- Feature: Integrated the ability to define a personal "xpdfrc" to configured the XPDF
- Feature: Integrated in the "Report Check", the list of allowed extensions in iFile for automatic indexing
- Feature: Created the adapter to retrieve the contents of the EXIF tags of TIFF files
Version 1.1.5 - 12 September 2012
- Feature: Integrated "ANTIWORD" and libraries COM (for windows system) to retrieve the contents of the DOC files
- Feature: addDocument() method, return Zend_Search_Lucene_Document object
- Feature: Deleted use of XPDF, installed in the server. IFile 1.1.5 uses only XPDF incluse in "/adapter/helpers/binaries/" folder
Versione 1.1.4 - 05 March 2012
- Feature: New search for MySqli interface with all fields
- Feature: Added class IFileVersion
- Feature: Management of the configuration file (xpdfrc) for the pdftotext
- Feature: Added LIMIT for getAllDocument()
- Feature: Added path XPDF in message error
- Feature: Added method deleteAll() for delete all documents or index
- Feature: Added attribute "COLLATION" for interface "MySqli"
- Feature: Added "Encoding" ISO-8859-2 and ISO-8859-7
- Fixed: Deleted method eval() in IFile_Indexing_Mysqli class
Versione 1.1.3 - 16 January 2012
- Feature: Configure the fields type and encoding, used by IFile
- Feature: check if PHP is running on Server to 36bit or 64bit for management binary XPDF
Versione 1.1.2 - 03 January 2012
- Bugfix (bug item # 3468872): The require_once() path in the IFileQueryHit is not 'correct for linux systems
- Bugfix (bug item # 3468880): The adapter parses the RTF documents containing images was time-limit
- Feature: Created the adapter to retrieve the contents of XML file
- Feature: New management PHPWordLib class for parses RTF files
- Feature: Integrated control on the existence strip_tag function for parses the XML files
Versione 1.1.1 - 11 October 2011
- BugFix (bug item #3421591): In the class IFile_Indexing_Lucene the path for require StopWord or ShortWords is incorrect in LINUX.
- BugFix (bug item #3416730): New management MAX TIME-LIMIT
- Feature: Integrated in the Adapter Class to verify the presence of Function / Extensions of PHP
- Feature: New management LuceneServerCheck Class
Version 1.1 - 28 September 2011
- BugFix (bug item #3391555): NOTICE in IFile_Indexing_Abstract.php
- BugFix (bug item #3392419): Using Zend Framework 1.11 does not find classes for managing and short-word and stop-word
- BugFix (bug item #3401621): Control over the xpdf does not work on Macintosh OS
- Feature: Change class LuceneServerCheck in SINGLETON
- Feature: Integrated control over the presence of the Zend Framework use interface LUCENA
- Feature: Created the adapter to retrieve the contents of the ID3 tags of MP3 files
- Feature: Created the adapter to retrieve the contents of the RTF files
- Feature: Created the adapter to retrieve the contents of the EXIF tags of JPEG files
- Feature: Created the new "mysqli" interface to index content in MySQL DB
- Feature: Created the field "introtext" that contains a portion (approximately 200 characters) of text indexed ion the "Body" field
- Feature: Created the field "extensionfile" that contains the extension of the indexed file
Version 1.0.1 - 08 August 2011
- BugFix (bug item #3381997): Tag <analyzer> (tag optional)
- BugFix (bug item #3382019): XPDF on Linux not works
- BugFix (bug item #3382908): Error on linux for "separator directory"
- BugFix (bug item #3386275): queryBoolean not works
- BugFix (bug item #3387239): NOTICE in LuceneServerCheck.php
Version 1.0 - 28 June 2011
- Created Adapter for DOC, DOCX, HTM, HTML, ODS, ODT, PDF, PPTX, TXT, XLS, XLSX documents.
- Created Lucene interface for Zend_Search_Lucene use.
- Created IFile.