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File: datamanage/php_inc/myclass.php

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File: datamanage/php_inc/myclass.php
Role: Class source
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Description: class1
Class: Data Manager
Retrieve and store MySQL records using Web forms
Author: By
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Date: 11 years ago
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<?php class myclass { var $DBASE = "datbase"; // Set name of database to use var $USER = "root"; // Set database username var $PASS = "password"; // Set darabase R/W password var $SERVER = "localhost"; // Set server name var $CONN=""; var $HOST = ""; function __construct() { $user = $this->USER; $pass = $this->PASS; $server = $this->SERVER; $dbase = $this->DBASE; $conn = mysql_connect($server,$user,$pass) or die("Connection attempt failed - ".mysql_error()); if(!$conn) { $this->error("Connection attempt failed"); } if(!mysql_select_db($dbase)) { $this->error("Dbase Select failed"); } $this->CONN = $conn; return true; } function close() { $conn = $this->CONN ; $close = mysql_close($conn); if(!$close) { $this->error("Connection close failed"); } return true; } function error($text) { $no = mysql_errno(); $msg = mysql_error(); exit; } function select ($sql="") { if(empty($sql)) { return false; } if(!preg_match("/^select/",$sql) && !preg_match("/^show/",$sql)) { echo "wrongquery<br>$sql<p>"; echo "<H2>Wrong function silly!</H2>\n"; return false; } if(empty($this->CONN)) { return false; } $conn = $this->CONN; $results = mysql_query($sql,$conn); if( (!$results) or (empty($results)) ) { return false; } $count = 0; $data = array(); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) { foreach($row as $key=>$value) { $row[$key] = htmlentities($row[$key]); } $data[$count] = $row; $count++; } mysql_free_result($results); return $data; } function affected($sql="") { if(empty($sql)) { return false; } if(!preg_match("/^select/",$sql)) { echo "wrongquery<br>$sql<p>"; echo "<H2>Wrong function silly!</H2>\n"; return false; } if(empty($this->CONN)) { return false; } $conn = $this->CONN; $results = mysql_query($sql,$conn); if( (!$results) or (empty($results)) ) { return false; } $tot=0; $tot=mysql_affected_rows(); return $tot; } function sql_query($sql="") { if(empty($sql)) { return false; } if(empty($this->CONN)) { return false; } $conn = $this->CONN; $results = mysql_query($sql,$conn) or die("query fail".mysql_error()); if(!$results) { $message = "Query went bad!"; $this->error($message); return false; } if(!preg_match("/^select/",$sql)){ return true; } else { $count = 0; $data = array(); while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) { foreach($row as $key=>$value) { $row[$key] = htmlentities($row[$key]); } $data[$count] = $row; $count++; } mysql_free_result($results); return $data; } } function getfields($table) { //echo $table; $fields = mysql_list_fields($this->DBASE, $table); $columns = mysql_num_fields($fields); for ($i = 0; $i < $columns; $i++) { $arr[]= mysql_field_name($fields, $i); } return $arr; } function selectBox($query,$display,$value,$selected) { $sql = $query; if($result = mysql_query($sql)) { $i=0; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result )) { $sel = ($row[$value] == $selected) ? "selected='selected'" : ""; echo "<option value='".htmlentities($row[$value])."' $sel >".htmlentities($row[$display])."</option>"; } } } //ends the class over here } //=================================================== Class for page display ===================================== //=================================================== Class for page display ===================================== class myPager extends myclass { private $pagingLink = ""; private $query = ""; private $ResultSet=""; private $PerPage=""; private $pages = ""; function __construct($query,$ResultSet=NULL,$PerPage=NULL) { $this->query = $query; $this->ResultSet = $ResultSet; $this->PerPage = $PerPage; } function __destruct() { } function countRow() { $res = mysql_query($this->query); $count = mysql_num_rows($res); return $count; } function getData() { $Result_Set = $this->ResultSet; $Per_Page = $this->PerPage; $query = $this->query; if($Per_Page>0) { if (empty($Result_Set)) { $Result_Set=0; $query.=" LIMIT $Result_Set, $Per_Page"; } else { $Result_Set=$Result_Set; $query.=" LIMIT $Result_Set, $Per_Page"; } } myclass::__construct(); $data = myclass::select($query); return $data; } function showLinks($links=NULL) { $Total=$this->countRow(); $Result_Set = $this->ResultSet; $Per_Page = $this->PerPage; $strR = ""; if ($Total>0 && $Per_Page > 0) { if ($Result_Set<$Total && $Result_Set>0) { $Res1=$Result_Set-$Per_Page; $strR .="<A HREF='?Result_Set=$Res1$links' 'class='link'>[ Previous ]</A>"; } $Pages=$Total / $Per_Page; if ($Pages>1) { for ($b=0,$c=1; $b < $Pages; $b++,$c++) { $Res1=$Per_Page * $b; $dash = " "; if($Pages == $c) { $dash = "";} if($Res1==$Result_Set) { $strR .="<A HREF='?Result_Set=$Res1$links' class='link' style='color:#000000;'>$c</A> $dash \n"; } else { $strR .="<A HREF='?Result_Set=$Res1$links' class='link'>$c $dash </A> \n"; } } } if ($Result_Set>=0 && $Result_Set<$Total) { $Res1=$Result_Set+$Per_Page; if ($Res1<$Total) { $strR .=" <A HREF='?Result_Set=$Res1$links' class='link'>[ Next ]</A>"; } } } else { return false; } return $strR; } // single number paging function showLinksOne($links=NULL) { $Total=$this->countRow(); $Result_Set = $this->ResultSet; $Per_Page = $this->PerPage; $strR = ""; if ($Total>0 && $Per_Page > 0) { $Res1=$Result_Set-$Per_Page; if($Res1 <= 0) { $Res1 = 0;} $strR .="<div style='text-align:left; float:left; width:40px;'> <A HREF='?Result_Set=$Res1$links'>[Previous]</A></div>"; $Res2=$Result_Set+$Per_Page; if($Res2 >= $Total) {$Res2 = $Total-1;} $strR .="<div style='text-align:right; float:right;width:40px;'> <A HREF='?Result_Set=$Res2$links'>[Next]</A></div>"; } else { return false; } return $strR; } // show the Pging based on each page how many numbers can be shown i.e set $inPage=20; function showLinksSet($inPage,$linkp=NULL) { $Total=$this->countRow(); $Result_Set = $this->ResultSet; $Per_Page = $this->PerPage; //$inPage = 20; $Pages = $Total / $Per_Page; $pVal = $Pages; $bstart = 0; $cstart = 1; if($Pages>$inPage) { $Pages=$inPage; $currentPage = $Result_Set/$Per_Page; } if($currentPage>=$inPage) { $x = $currentPage-($currentPage%$inPage); $Pages = $x+$inPage; if($Pages > $pVal) { $Pages = $pVal; } $cstart = $x+1; $bstart = $cstart-1; } $backVal = $Result_Set-($inPage*$Per_Page); if($backVal<=0) { $backVal = 0; } $nextVal = $Result_Set+($inPage*$Per_Page); if($nextVal>=$Total) { $nextVal = $Pages*$Per_Page; ($nextVal>=$Total)? $nextVal = 0 : $nextVal=$nextVal; } if ($Total>0) { //$strR .="&nbsp;<A HREF='?Result_Set=$backVal$linkp' class='linkp'><b><<</b></A>&nbsp;"; if ($Result_Set<$Total && $Result_Set>0) { $Res1=$Result_Set-$Per_Page; $strR .="<A HREF='?Result_Set=$Res1$linkp' class='page-no-link'>[ Previous ]</A>&nbsp;"; } if ($Pages>1) { for ($b=$bstart,$c=$cstart; $b < $Pages; $b++,$c++) { $Res1=$Per_Page * $b; if($Res1==$Result_Set) { $strR .="<A HREF='?Result_Set=$Res1$linkp' class='page-no-link'><b>$c</b></A> \n"; } else { $strR .="<A HREF='?Result_Set=$Res1$linkp' class='page-no-link'>$c</A> \n"; } } } if ($Result_Set>=0 && $Result_Set<$Total) { $Res1=$Result_Set+$Per_Page; if ($Res1<$Total) { $strR .=" <A HREF='?Result_Set=$Res1$linkp' class='page-no-link'>[ Next ]</A> &nbsp;"; } } //$strR .="<A HREF='?Result_Set=$nextVal$linkp' class='linkp'><b>>></b></A>"; } echo $strR; } // set in proxi place inc trainee display function showLinksSetAjax($inPage,$div,$file,$linkp=NULL,$fol=NULL) { $Total=$this->countRow(); $Result_Set = $this->ResultSet; $Per_Page = $this->PerPage; //$inPage = 20; $Pages = $Total / $Per_Page; $pVal = $Pages; $bstart = 0; $cstart = 1; if($Pages>$inPage) { $Pages=$inPage; $currentPage = $Result_Set/$Per_Page; } if($currentPage>=$inPage) { $x = $currentPage-($currentPage%$inPage); $Pages = $x+$inPage; if($Pages > $pVal) { $Pages = $pVal; } $cstart = $x+1; $bstart = $cstart-1; } $backVal = $Result_Set-($inPage*$Per_Page); if($backVal<=0) { $backVal = 0; } $nextVal = $Result_Set+($inPage*$Per_Page); if($nextVal>=$Total) { $nextVal = $Pages*$Per_Page; ($nextVal>=$Total)? $nextVal = 0 : $nextVal=$nextVal; } if ($Total>0) { //$strR .="&nbsp;<A HREF='?Result_Set=$backVal$linkp' class='linkp'><b><<</b></A>&nbsp;"; if ($Result_Set<$Total && $Result_Set>0) { $Res1=$Result_Set-$Per_Page; $strR .="<A HREF=\"javascript:getpaging('$div','$file','?Result_Set=$Res1$linkp','$fol')\" class='linkp'>[ Previous ]</A>&nbsp;"; } if ($Pages>1) { for ($b=$bstart,$c=$cstart; $b < $Pages; $b++,$c++) { $Res1=$Per_Page * $b; if($Res1==$Result_Set) { $strR .="<A HREF=\"javascript:getpaging('$div','$file','?Result_Set=$Res1$linkp','$fol')\" class='linkp' style='color:#000000;'>$c</A> \n"; } else { $strR .="<A HREF=\"javascript:getpaging('$div','$file','?Result_Set=$Res1$linkp','$fol')\" class='linkp'>$c</A> \n"; } } } if ($Result_Set>=0 && $Result_Set<$Total) { $Res1=$Result_Set+$Per_Page; if ($Res1<$Total) { $strR .=" <A HREF=\"javascript:getpaging('$div','$file','?Result_Set=$Res1$linkp','$fol')\" class='linkp'>[ Next ]</A> &nbsp;"; } } //$strR .="<A HREF='?Result_Set=$nextVal$linkp' class='linkp'><b>>></b></A>"; } echo $strR; } function showLinksForm($inPage,$linkp=NULL) { $Total=$this->countRow(); $Result_Set = $this->ResultSet; $Per_Page = $this->PerPage; //$inPage = 20; $Pages = $Total / $Per_Page; $pVal = $Pages; $bstart = 0; $cstart = 1; if($Pages>$inPage) { $Pages=$inPage; $currentPage = $Result_Set/$Per_Page; } if($currentPage>=$inPage) { $x = $currentPage-($currentPage%$inPage); $Pages = $x+$inPage; if($Pages > $pVal) { $Pages = $pVal; } $cstart = $x+1; $bstart = $cstart-1; } $backVal = $Result_Set-($inPage*$Per_Page); if($backVal<=0) { $backVal = 0; } $nextVal = $Result_Set+($inPage*$Per_Page); if($nextVal>=$Total) { $nextVal = $Pages*$Per_Page; ($nextVal>=$Total)? $nextVal = 0 : $nextVal=$nextVal; } if ($Total>0) { //$strR .="&nbsp;<A HREF='?Result_Set=$backVal$linkp' class='linkp'><b><<</b></A>&nbsp;"; if ($Result_Set<$Total && $Result_Set>0) { $Res1=$Result_Set-$Per_Page; $strR .="<A HREF=\"javascript:pagingSubmit('$Res1');\" class='linkp'>[ Previous ]</A>&nbsp;"; } if ($Pages>1) { for ($b=$bstart,$c=$cstart; $b < $Pages; $b++,$c++) { $Res1=$Per_Page * $b; if($Res1==$Result_Set) { $strR .="<A HREF=\"javascript:pagingSubmit('$Res1');\" class='linkp' style='color:#000000;'>$c</A> \n"; } else { $strR .="<A HREF=\"javascript:pagingSubmit('$Res1');\" class='linkp'>$c</A> \n"; } } } if ($Result_Set>=0 && $Result_Set<$Total) { $Res1=$Result_Set+$Per_Page; if ($Res1<$Total) { $strR .=" <A HREF=\"javascript:pagingSubmit('$Res1');\" class='linkp'>[ Next ]</A> &nbsp;"; } } //$strR .="<A HREF='?Result_Set=$nextVal$linkp' class='linkp'><b>>></b></A>"; } echo $strR; } } /* add, update from for same fields as table field name. $saveForm = new saveForm(table,$_POST); $saveForm->addData(); $saveForm->updateData(in where db field,in frm filed); */ // == Save form============================================ class saveForm extends myclass { private $table = ""; private $post = array(); function __construct($table,$post) { $this->table = $table; $this->post = $post; } function __destruct() { $this->table = ""; $this->post = ""; } function addData() { $tablefields = $this->getfields($this->table); $fields = implode(',',$tablefields); $value = ""; $postVal = $this->post; $lastVal = count($tablefields)-1; $val = $tablefields; for($i=0; $i<count($tablefields); $i++) { if(isset($postVal[$val[$i]])) { $value.= "'".$postVal[$val[$i]]."'"; } elseif(!isset($postVal[$val[$i]])) { $value.= "''"; } if($i < $lastVal) { $value.= ","; } } $query = "insert into " . $this->table . "($fields) values($value)"; myclass::__construct(); if(myclass::sql_query($query)) { return true; } else { return false; } } function updateData($setField,$setVal) // with field { $tablefields = $this->getfields($this->table); $fields = implode(',',$tablefields); $value = ""; $postVal = $this->post; $lastVal = count($tablefields)-1; $val = $tablefields; for($i=1; $i<count($tablefields); $i++) { if(isset($postVal[$val[$i]])) { $value.= ($value!="") ? "," : ""; $value.= $val[$i]."='".$postVal[$val[$i]]."'"; } } $query = "update " . $this->table . " set $value ,$setField=$setField where $setField='".$postVal[$setVal]."'"; myclass::__construct(); if(myclass::sql_query($query)) { return true; } else { return false; } } function updateDataMultiple($setField,$setVal) // with value { $tablefields = $this->getfields($this->table); $fields = implode(',',$tablefields); $value = ""; $postVal = $this->post; $lastVal = count($tablefields)-1; $val = $tablefields; for($i=1; $i<count($tablefields); $i++) { if(isset($postVal[$val[$i]])) { $value.= ($value!="") ? "," : ""; $value.= $val[$i]."='".$postVal[$val[$i]]."'"; } } $where = ""; for($i=0; $i<count($setField); $i++) { $where .= " and ".$setField[$i] . "='".$setVal[$i]."'"; } $query = "update " . $this->table . " set $value where 1=1 $where"; myclass::__construct(); if(myclass::sql_query($query)) { return true; } else { return false; } } } //============================================= ?>