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  Classes of AlexanderC   AOPHP   Download  
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: AOPHP
Alter the behavior of classes with AOP
Author: By
Last change: Update of
Date: 11 months ago
Size: 1,596 bytes


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AOPHP ===== AOPHP- AOP for PHP Requirements ------------ PHP 5.4< Main Sugar ---------- - Annotations are used as main config provider: @AOP/before(Class.Method) @AOP/after(Class.Method) - Use PHP magic to provide a natural way to do the things: $class->method('something') // instead of $AOPHP->advice($class, 'method', ['something']); - Tolerant parser: @AOP / BeFOrE ( Class . Method) @aoP / AFTeR ( Class . Method) - Flexible PointCut: @AOP/before(Class . *) @AOP/after(* . Method) - No dependencies - Fast due to built in cache with a couple of ready to use drivers - Automated cache invalidation Examples -------- For detailed examples see tests/bootstrap.php ```php <?php /** * @author AlexanderC <> * @date 10/28/13 * @time 8:24 PM */ require __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php'; $AOPHP = \AOPHP\AOPHP::crete(); // see DocBlockTest to understand lib usage $object = new DocBlockTest(); // add target object (methods called on this) //$AOPHP->addTarget($AOPHP->createTarget($object)); // add aspect object (advices would be applied before and after calling a target) //$AOPHP->addAspect($AOPHP->createAspect(clone $object)); // call target method //$AOPHP->advice($object, 'doThings', ['"Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet"']); // call another target method //$AOPHP->advice($object, 'doAnotherThings', ['"Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet"']); $object->doThings("Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet"); ``` License ------- GNU GPLv2. Copyright (c) 2013 AlexanderC <>