## InjectionMode
Default installatin mode move your implementation file to replace old calculateAttack.
However, in this way, your project has 2 same files and expecially each time OPBE lib is updated you need to copy that implementation.
Instead, using injectionMode the only used OPBE's implementation stay inside OPBE.
## Installation
1. Download and upload all [OPBE files](https://github.com/jstar88/opbe/archive/master.zip) where you prefer.
For example,if you upload to *ROOT_PATH/includes/libs/*, you should see something like *ROOT_PATH/includes/libs/opbe/index.php*.
(Remember to rename opbe-master to opbe)
Alternatively, you can open a terminal and do:
cd ROOT_PATH/includes/libs/
sudo git clone https://github.com/jstar88/opbe.git
2. Replace all code inside *ROOT_PATH/includes/classes/missions/calculateAttack.php* with:
require_once( ROOT_PATH . 'includes'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'libs'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'opbe'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'implementations'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'2Moons'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'1_6_1_injectionmode'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'calculateAttack.php' );
3. Updating:
You can use filezilla to upload opbe lib.
Alternatively, you can open a terminal and do:
cd ROOT_PATH/includes/libs/opbe
sudo git pull